... Internal Moderator*: Date: ------------------------------------------------- External Moderator*: Date: ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- * For completion if part, or all, of the evidence has been sampled by the Internal and/or External Moderator ------------------------------------------------- Unit 01 Evaluate learning F/503/6824 You will: Evaluate own learning to date | You can: | What you’ve done to show this | Location/Portfolio page number | IM/EM signature (if sampled) | 1.1 Identify a previous goal stating whether it was or wasn’t achieved | | | | 1.2 Identify your own transferable skills | | | | 1.3 Identify a current or future goal for yourself | | | | 1.4 Evaluate how your transferable skills may help you achieve this goal | | | | 1.5 Identify the opportunities available to you following a...
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...adding your last name to the filename (e.g. Week2_Self_Assessment_Template_Smith.docx). Be sure to proofread and spell check your work before you submit it. A grading rubric is also available at the end of this document. There are FOUR parts to the Self-Assessment. Part 1: Reflect on your results from the self-assessment exercises you’ve done from the textbook, as well as others you might have done in the past, and complete the table below. Review current or past jobs to identify your transferable skills. Develop an inventory of your most marketable career-related skills (minimum 15), instances where you have demonstrated these skills (minimum three), and the core values you want your work to reflect (minimum five). Take into consideration the traits employers are seeking, including technical and transferable skills and general abilities. (30 POINTS) SELF-ASSESSMENT EXERCISES & MY RESULTS I completed the following assessments/inventories as part of my self-assessment activities: 1. Marketing Readiness 2. Self-Awareness Checklist 3.Ability Assessment 4.Transferable Skills Checklist 5.Work Environment and Life Preferences 6.Self-Assessment Summary Sheet My most marketable career-related skills are . . . (minimum 15) (Remember to include technical and transferable skills on this list!) 1. Coordination of Benefits – Transferable 2. Claims Processing - Transferable 3. Procedural Terminology - Transferable 4. Integration and Functional Testing - Transferable 5. Business...
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...Part 1: Reflect on your results from the self-assessment exercises you’ve done from the textbook, as well as others you might have done in the past, and complete the table below. Review current or past jobs to identify your transferable skills. Develop an inventory of your most marketable career-related skills (minimum 15), instances where you have demonstrated these skills (minimum three), and the core values you want your work to reflect (minimum five). Take into consideration the traits employers are seeking, including technical and transferable skills and general abilities. (30 POINTS) SELF-ASSESSMENT EXERCISES & MY RESULTS | I completed the following assessments/inventories as part of my self-assessment activities: 1. Marketing Readiness Quiz 2. Self-Awareness Checklist 3. Ability Assessment 4. Transferable Skills Checklist 5. Work Environment and Life Preferences 6. Self-Assessment Summary Sheet | My most marketable career-related skills are . . . (minimum 15) (Remember to include technical and transferable skills on this list!) 1. Organization and planning 2. Orderliness 3. Handling details 4. Making decisions 5. Arrange functions 6. Assemble products/build 7. Audit records 8. Budget, money 9. Buy products/services 10. Calculate/manipulate numbers 11. Supervisory 12. Teaching 13. Coaching 14. Counseling 15. Check for accuracy | Examples of instances where I have demonstrated these skills include . . . ...
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...interpersonal and transferable skills Comments: Assessor's Signature: Referred Date: Late: Yes No Internal Verification: Yes No I declare that the work I am submitting for assessment contains no section in copied in whole or part from any other source, unless it is explicitly by means of quotation mark or by mean of wholly indented paragraphs. I declare that I have also acknowledged such quotations by providing detailed references in an approved format. I understand that unidentified and unreferenced copying both constitutes plagiarism which is an offence. Student Signature: ___________________ Date: ______________________________ Received: _________________ Date: _____________________ WILLIAMS COLLEGE EDEXCEL Level 5 BTEC Higher Nationals Programme: Business Management Module 13: Personal and Professional Development Scenario You as a student of HND Business Management class is about to finish your first year of qualification, have started thinking of your personal and professional development. At the end of your first year of qualification you need to assess yourself on the basis of your previous experience and other educational achievements. You need to develop a portfolio of your own personal and professional development over the time period of last 5 years. You have to sketch out how the two years course on Business Management will enhance your Personal and Professional Development in order to make you achieve your professional...
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...Summary of Self Assessment Outcomes Jessica Brown Step 1: Skills Assessment Indicate five transferable skills you have to offer to an employer. A list of transferable skills is found in our text book on pages 30-31. Feel free to search the Internet for additional lists. After listing the skill, briefly explain through example how you have put the skill to use. Transferable Skill | Explanation/Example | Providing appropriate feedback | During our peak hours when we make our drive-thru times, I congratulate on a job well done and also explain we need to do this every day to keep the business coming | Expressing ideas | Expressing on how to keep employee morale by giving out incentives so they can actually look forward to coming to work | Identifying problems | Trying to trouble on why we had less customers today then we did yesterday | Managing conflict | When a customer has a complaint whether it be about the service or the food trying to smooth them over so they will continue to be a returning customer | Meeting goals | We have weekly manager meeting to see where we are at in the company and what areas we need to improve on | Indicate five job specific skills you have to offer to an employer. In addition include a minimum of one example for each in which you can prove how you have put the skill to use. Job Specific Skill | Explanation/Example | Communication skills | Someone who can convey information and give clear directions on what to do | ...
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...|Assignment brief 1 | |Unit number and title |Unit 15: Development Planning for a Career in Business | |Qualification |BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Business | |Start date |3rd March 2016 | |Deadline |24th March 2016 | |Assessor | | | |Miss Judge | | | | | |CRITERIA COVERED...
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...Learning” (executed by Tung Chee-hwa, the first Chief Executive of HKSAR). Based on the data generation, the percentage of growth rate of continuous education has increasing from 18 in 2002 to 28 in 2003 (Professor K.M. Yeung, HKU SPACE). In the literature aspects, “Lifelong Learning” is the recognition that learning may stretch out across a lifetime for anyone sustainability use and renew throughout each lifespan (Field, 2006). Based on Role of Reflection in Learning (Kolb, 1984), its operation is coordinated with 3 main items – (1) 1 Action, (2) Reflect on Experience; and (3) Conclude and Learn. For my own view, it could be comprehended with using the outcome of your lifespan to strengthen the core competence to make the continuous improvement for the future action. This dominant academic skill will be critically used in this professional project. In Hong Kong, the educational development “Lifelong Learning” is coherent with “Qualifications Framework”, a technical term that is defined as the facilitation among academic, vocational and continuing education through the establishment of a comprehensive and voluntary network...
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...Sports medicine By Irisol Lopez Mrs. Simmonds 3rd March 8, 2013 Sports medicine Thesis: In the future, because of the injury rates in sports, there will always be a demand for highly skilled sports trainers. Future World of Work Career Trends Increasing Decreasing Areas of Specialization Related Occupations Transferable Skills Sports Medicine A. Education Training Salary Working Conditions Demand Resume * IV. Interview Irisol Lopez Mrs. Simmonds 3rd March 8, 2013 Sports medicine Since there is a high rate in sport injuries, there will always be a high demand for sports trainers. Sports trainers, major in in sports medicine, or minor in it and become coaches. Trainers use their extensive knowledge of physiology and of the sport, to know how to treat the injury. The world of work is rapidly changing and evolving, unlike the environment that surrounds it. Technology, globalization, improvements in productions, consumer demands are all influencing the nature of work. Jobs are rapidly changing, as are the knowledge, skills and abilities required to preform them. High school diplomas are no longer the entryway to good paying jobs. Just because you graduate high school does not mean you have to stop learning. College helps you gain knowledge, you never imagined learning. (Miller) People wonder about the careers this is now, will they still be here in the next decade? There is many shifts in the world of work, now, due to technology changing...
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...that, it is not easy to set out on a major journey without first knowing your destination. I know goal setting will be a very powerful tool that will help me to think about my future, and also to act as motivation in turning my vision into reality. Also, by setting my personal goals for five years will be very important to me because they will help me to know precisely what I want to achieve, and where I have to concentrate my efforts. After I graduate with my masters’ degree in management information technology, I would like to obtain a challenging position which will allow me to use my information technology skills in assisting my organization's success and future growth, become a business analyst and then grow into my current job as a director of information technology. I am preparing for these goals by focusing on my studies and following through with my educational goals in achieving a master’s degree in management information technology. I will try to connect with groups and organizations in my field and also be attentive to changes in my profession. To achieve these goals, I know my work life will be greatly affected because I will have to sacrifice more time by concentrating with my studies. Being a mother and working full time might not be an easy task, but I will have to sacrifice and commit myself to achieve those goals. Competencies are a representation of the knowledge and skills that are required for performing and supporting the business processes. They...
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...section will give you guidance on the Personal Development Plan, what it is and how you can utilise it in support of your educational aspirations. 3 key questions to ask yourself…… 1. What is a Personal Development Plan(PDP)? 2. Why Should I have one? 3. How can I write one to reflect my own aspirations? The answers are straightforward…… 1. What is a Personal Development Plan(PDP)? A PDP is just another name for a plan of action, only this one refers specifically to your aspirations regarding personal development. We make plans every day, but do not always write them down; a PDP allows you to set your own personal targets and find the best way to achieve them. 2. Why Should I have one? An action plan will help you to visualise what you are doing and keep track of your achievements. To be totally effective, it must be a fluid document that is reviewed at regular intervals to ensure that it is always accurate, relevant and realistic. Furthermore, certain courses may be eligible for financial assistance, such as the SLC and ELC. In order to qualify for these allowances, you will have to prove your commitment to your studies. You must have a PDP in order to claim the ELC, in accordance with the ELC DCI. Remember, the PDP is your personal document, but with your permission it is recommended that a copy be held in your Personal Educational Folder, the F7269. Access to this will be restricted to the Learning Centre Staff only. ...
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...[pic] Assignment front sheet |Qualification |Unit number and title | |Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma |Unit 13: Personal and Professional Development | |Business |2015/16 | |Student name |Assessor name | | |Mgr. Martin Krankus | |Date issued |Completion date |Submitted on | |13.2.2016 |28.5.2016 | | | | | |Assignment title |Personal and Professional Development ...
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...professional and personal skills in order to promote future personal and career development. It also aims to develop learners’ ability to organise, manage and practise a range of approaches to improve their performance as self-directed learners in preparation for work or further career development. The unit emphasises the needs of the individual but within the context of how the development of self-management corresponds with effective team management in meeting objectives. Learners will be able to improve their own learning, be involved in teamwork and be more capable of problem solving through the use of case studies, role play and real-life activities.----Ai assignment er answer er moddhe tara kintu apnar nijer development somporke answer expect kortechen...even apni Jodi SWOT analysis koren toa apnar nijer upore...tai vul korbenna answer korar time...third person er upore likhbenna...direct apnar nijer upore likhben....such as my/I LO1 Understand how self-managed learning can enhance lifelong development 1.1 evaluate approaches to self-managed learning. P1 1.2 propose ways in which lifelong learning in personal and professional contexts could be encouraged.P2 1.3 evaluate the benefits of self-managed learning to the individual and organisation.P3 LO2 Be able to take responsibility for own personal and professional development 2.1 evaluate own current skills and competencies against professional standards and organisational objectives.P4 2.2 identify own development needs...
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...LEARNING OUTCOMES LEARNING ACHIEVED BY THE END OF A COURSE OR PROGRAM KNOWLEDGE – SKILLS – ATTITUDES By Shirley Lesch, George Brown College http://liad.gbrownc.on.ca/programs/InsAdult/currlo.htm Learning Outcomes |Definition |Guidelines for Writing LO |Practice | |Characteristics |Components of LO |Critique | |Background |LO Checklist | | What is meant by Learning Outcomes? [pic]Think for a moment about a course or training session with which you are currently involved. Identify one skill that you think would be essential to know or do by the end of this learning period. If you were able to do this, then you are beginning to construct a learning outcome. Definition of Learning Outcomes Learning outcomes are statements that describe significant and essential learning that learners have achieved, and can reliably demonstrate at the end of a course or program. In other words, learning outcomes identify what the learner will know and be able to do by the end of a course or program. Spady, (1994) , an educational researcher who spearheaded the development of outcomes based education, suggests that the ability demonstrate learning is the key point. This demonstration of learning involves a performance of some kind in order to show significant learning, or learning that matters. He claims that significant content is essential, but that content alone is insufficient...
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...Part 1: Employability skills • Skills that are useful to a wide variety of careers and are therefore transferable between jobs. • It is essential for employees to be able to work effectively in a modern workplace. • Each of these areas is important, and they include: a. Suitable qualifications b. Experience in a similar role. c. Knowledge of products and services d. Experience of specific industry. e. Effectiveness in meeting personal and team targets f. Ability to observe and raise professional standards. a. Suitable qualifications • Different jobs require different types of qualifications. • For professional careers such as accountancy, marketing and human resources, employers will often look for candidates with problem-solving and critical skills, meaning they will often need candidates with at least A levels or a BTEC National. • To be useful to an employer, it is important that you have the correct level of qualifications and in the right subjects. Completing a BTEC National in Businesses a good start towards a wide range of professional jobs and a rewarding career. b. Experience in a similar role • Experience in a similar role can make the difference when an employer is choosing a new employee. • If you can show that you have done similar work before, for another company, it should indicate that you can do it...
Words: 1030 - Pages: 5
...Developing Professional Development Plan and CV Chapter 02 Evaluation on Professional Development Plan Chapter 03 Highlighted on Interpersonal and transferable skills Chapter 04 Focus on Learning in a professional context Table of contents Executive summary 01 Table of contents 02 Chapter 01 03-09 1.1 Introduction on Personal and Professional Development 1.2 Self Assessment 1.3 Personal SWOT Analysis 1.4 Skill Audit 1.5 Personal Development Plan 1.6 Curriculum vitae Chapter 02 10 2.1 Evaluation on Personal Development Plan Chapter 03 11-13 3.1 Interpersonal and transferable skills 3.2 Time Management 3.3 Problem solving 3.4 Communication Chapter 04 14 4.1 Learning Bibliography 15 Chapter 01 1.1 Introduction on Personal and Professional Development Understanding skills, attitudes and knowledge is helpful to develop personal and professional career. According to the Guskey and Huberman (1995)Professional development is those processes and activities designed to enhance the professional knowledge, skills and attitudes of individuals in a working environment so that they might, in turn enhance the performance of the overall organization. This is an ongoing, systematic and intentional process. Knowledge, skills and attitudes enhancement will create confidence about themselves towards work on their future plan. And also it creates a better quality of our life...
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