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Identifying Strengths In Social Work

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The extensive survey administered by the University of Pennsylvania website was able to identify my strengths based on a series of questions that were answered. My top 5 strengths were 1. Leadership, 2. Gratitude, 3. Social Intelligence, 4. Citizenship, teamwork and loyalty, and lastly 5. Industry, diligence, and perseverance. I felt that a lot of the questions that were asked were slightly repetitive. But it was intriguing to see how they came about our strengths based on those questions.
During the survey, I felt that I was able to identify my strengths along that way. For example, it did not serve as a surprise and one of the strengths was teamwork. I can identify strongly with this strength as I know I can work effectively and successfully …show more content…
One of the many social work duties is to provide the client with a “safe environment” in order to build a positive rapport with the client to efficiently discuss their feelings and/or problems. Also, in engaging the client with safety and building trust, we can facilitate the purpose of the interview and facilitate effective interviewing. Never the less, it is also important to discuss confidentiality and establish boundaries with the client so they know that their privacy hold value and also the limits of what is confidential. Letting our “self” negatively to be part of the impact with our client relationships can interfere with the process and also the possibility of imposing our values and also in becoming incompetent. We can use our “self” in positive ways such as becoming self-aware of the client’s values, culture and also feelings. We can learn about who they are in order to pursue positive effects and also learn about ourselves in the …show more content…
For example, I am able to respect the client. Respecting the client comes in many different forms. For instance, I display respect by asking my client if it is okay to take notes during the intake process but also ensuring them that they are being listened to. My current internship agency as a whole demonstrates respect when they ask the clients if it is okay that an intern facilitates their therapy sessions. They are taking into consideration their opinions and preferences for treatment. My verbal and non-verbal behavior demonstrate my contribution is efforts of building trust and a positive relationship with my clients. I use active listening and eye contact to guarantee my undivided attention that they may be seeking. Another important characteristic of my “Professional Self” is boundaries. Before meeting with a client, I continuously remind myself that the session is about the client and not myself. It is important to reserve any personal opinions and value and could potentially interfere with a client’s worldview. I refrain myself from imposing my values onto the client and setting boundaries goes in hand with respecting the client in regard to their value system, culture and discipline

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