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Identifying Written Communication


Submitted By binatazim
Words 384
Pages 2
Syeda M Tazim
Unit 4 Assignment 1

Identifying Written Communication Style

1. What issues have you found in the written examples that violate the professional and ethical standards of communication? a. In the first example Bennie Yakos adds, “When will I be hired?” to the end of the letter. I don’t think that’s a very smart idea. Being that she is the one trying to get hired it’s never smart to be so forward and blunt with an employer. Surely the Ms. Yakos means nothing bad about it, but she shouldn’t have asked. Example 3 is just an excuse from someone. The writer wants the reader to feel sympathy for them. Using the excuse that they left their keys in the car and that’s why the writer couldn’t study. In the last example the writer is using instrumental and regulatory communication. The person is giving them directions and information on what needs to be done. 2. What were the positive aspects that you have discovered while analyzing both the project initiation email and an appreciation note? b. In the appreciation note the writer was thankful for the opportunity to be interviewed and wanted to show that by writing and an appreciation note. In hopes of maybe it helping her in the hiring decision. The fact that it’s a project initiation in a positive aspect. He is letting everyone know what they need to bring and expect at the meeting. 3. Analyze both the written axamples and identify the different writing styles used. What according to you would be a better way of writing these examples? Explain. c. In the first example I would have kept it short and sweet. Thank you for the opportunity to interview with you. I was impressed with everything. I appreciate your time to meet with me. Look forward to hearing from you soon. She didn’t need to add when will I get hired. That is just a little too demanding. Example 2 is just

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