PROCESS OF INDIRECT EXPORT Producer or SME will manufacture halal food product in Malaysia as first step of exporting. Anything about halal will be certified by JAKIM as main organization and the only organization that will approve any goods before allow it to be export. Followed by IHIA, this organization as an international not-for-profit organization created to uphold the integrity of the halal market concept in global trade through recognition, collaboration and membership. After approved by JAKIM, MATRADE acted as an agency that export Malaysia product to international market. MATRADE as an agent will assist and promote Malaysia product globally. MATRADE is also actively involved in assisting foreign companies to source for suppliers of Malaysian products and services, and is represented worldwide at 40 locations in major commercial cities. After that, Halal certification bodies in USA will certified outside food before approve Malaysia product to be distribute to any outlet that provide halal food in Malaysia. Main Halal certification bodies in USA that certified halal food product from Malaysia using system of JAKIM is I.S.A. – Islamic Services of America, IFANCA – Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America, HFC-USA - Halal Food Council USA. The others bodies organization such as American Halal Foundation (AHF), Authentic Halal Services (AHS), Halal Council North America (HCNA), Halal Food Council International (HFCI), Halal Transaction of Omaha, Islamic Information Center of America (IICA), Iswa Halal Certification (USA Halal Chamber of Commerce, Inc.), Muslim Consumer Group For Food Product, North American Halal Foundation (NAHF) are organizations that not involved with Malaysia system, JAKIM. Consumer will be able to get Malaysian product through supplier and distributor selected outlets. For example, company that involved with distributing and supply halal food product is NEMA, US Halal Food, A.E.S Food, Halal Food USA. Usually distributor from USA will use UPS as shipping the product.