...IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 18, NO. 3, MARCH 2000 535 Performance Analysis of the IEEE 802.11 Distributed Coordination Function Giuseppe Bianchi Abstract—Recently, the IEEE has standardized the 802.11 protocol for Wireless Local Area Networks. The primary medium access control (MAC) technique of 802.11 is called distributed coordination function (DCF). DCF is a carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) scheme with binary slotted exponential backoff. This paper provides a simple, but nevertheless extremely accurate, analytical model to compute the 802.11 DCF throughput, in the assumption of finite number of terminals and ideal channel conditions. The proposed analysis applies to both the packet transmission schemes employed by DCF, namely, the basic access and the RTS/CTS access mechanisms. In addition, it also applies to a combination of the two schemes, in which packets longer than a given threshold are transmitted according to the RTS/CTS mechanism. By means of the proposed model, in this paper we provide an extensive throughput performance evaluation of both access mechanisms of the 802.11 protocol. Index Terms—802.11, collision avoidance, CSMA, performance evaluation. I. INTRODUCTION N recent years, much interest has been involved in the design of wireless networks for local area communication [1], [2]. Study group 802.11 was formed under IEEE Project 802 to recommend an international standard for Wireless Local...
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...Research IEEE Group The IEEE 802.1 Working Group is sanctioned to fret about and improve principles and proposed follows in the accompanying territories: 802 LAN/MAN structural planning, internetworking around 802 MANs, LANs, and other wide range networks, 802 by and large network administration, 802 Security, and convention layers above the layers of LLC & MAC. The 802.1 working assembly have four animated assignment aggregations: Interworking, Security, Time Sensitive Networking and Data Center Bridging. IEEE 802.1 handles the building design, security, Metropolitan Area Networks, Wide Area Networks and Local Area Networks, institutionalized by IEEE 802. Following are the key tasks of IEEE 802.1: • Outlines and executes models that manage network administration practices • Furnishes administrations, incorporating LAN/MAN administration, media access control (MAC) connecting, information encryption/encoding and network movement administration (Hiertz, Denteneer, et al. 2010) IEEE 802.1 is contained four assemblies that keep tabs on distinctive guidelines and arrangements in the accompanying zones: • Audio/video (A/V) bridging • Internetworking • Security • Data center bridging The Internetworking assembly handles generally structural planning, connection conglomeration, convention tending to, network way identification/calculation and other specialized practices and suggestions. Need of the IEEE 802 Standard IEEE 802 alludes to a group of IEEE standards managing...
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...A New Integrated Control Algorithm for IEEE 802.11g Standards Qian Liu, Yongxin Yan International School Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Beijing, China e-mail: ee08b050@bupt.edu.cn, ee08b044@bupt.edu.cn Abstract—Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) mainly adopts IEEE 802.11g standards. And a binary exponential backoff algorithm is adopted to prevent channel collision, which also introduces reduction of the performance of the network. In this paper, an integrated control mechanism (ICM) is proposed which combines a centrally controlled approach and a distributed access mechanism to control the behavior of the system. Through this mechanism, backoff is eliminated from transmission mode, which can significantly enhance the performance of the system. Through theoretical analysis and simulation, the new mechanism can improve the throughput and reduce delay and packet loss rate. According to the results of simulation, with ICM, the throughput can have an improvement of 83.3% and the packet loss rate remains at 0 under appropriate conditions. Keywords-Wi-Fi, integrated control mechanism, centrally control, distributed access Jing Tu, Bainan Xia International School Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Beijing, China e-mail: ee08b253@bupt.edu.cn, ee08b217@bupt.edu.cn Many experts have proposed different algorithms and approaches to improve the performance of Wi-Fi. Souvik Sen, Romit Roy Choudhury and Srihari Nelakuditi transformed the contention from time...
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...* Export citation * PDF (228 K) * More options... Search Wear Volume 253, Issues 1–2, July 2002, Pages 9–16 CM2000 S.I. Wear and fatigue in rolling contact * Yoshitsugu Kimuraa, , , * Masami Sekizawab, * Akio Nitanaic * a Kagawa University, 1-1 Saiwai-cho, Takamatsu, Kagawa 760-8521, Japan * b NTN Corporation, 1578 Higashi-Kaizuka, Iwata, Shizuoka 438-8510, Japan * c Tamagawa University, 6-1-1 Tamagawa Gakuen, Machida, Tokyo 194-8610, Japan * http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0043-1648(02)00077-7, How to Cite or Link Using DOI * Permissions & Reprints Abstract Researches on wear and fatigue in rolling contact from a tribological viewpoint are introduced. Transmission of traction and accompanying microslip in the contact region play critical roles in these phenomena. First, a quantitative analysis of wear in rolling contact with microslip is introduced, and it is shown that a simplified microslip theory can explain its behavior. Second, a marked change in contact fatigue life with traction is demonstrated, and a theory is introduced which relates the fatigue life with cumulative shear strain in the subsurface. Keywords * Contact fatigue; * Microslip; * Rolling contact; * Wear 1. Introduction Reduction of wear and prevention of contact fatigue are important objectives of railway technology and of tribology as well. However, these two engineering fields have been developing as different worlds, and researchers...
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...format Sample IEEE Paper for A4 Page Size First Author#1, Second Author*2, Third Author#3 #First-Third Department, First-Third University Address Including Country Name 1first.author@first-third.edu 3third.author@first-third.edu *Second Company Address Including Country Name 2second.author@second.com Abstract— This document gives formatting instructions for authors preparing papers for publication in the Proceedings of an IEEE conference. The authors must follow the instructions given in the document for the papers to be published. You can use this document as both an instruction set and as a template into which you can type your own text. Keywords— Include at least 5 keywords or phrases I. Introduction This document is a template. An electronic copy can be downloaded from the conference website. For questions on paper guidelines, please contact the conference publications committee as indicated on the conference website. Information about final paper submission is available from the conference website. II. Page Layout An easy way to comply with the conference paper formatting requirements is to use this document as a template and simply type your text into it. A. Page Layout Your paper must use a page size corresponding to A4 which is 210mm (8.27") wide and 297mm (11.69") long. The margins must be set as follows: • Top = 19mm (0.75") • Bottom = 43mm (1.69") • Left = Right = 14.32mm (0.56") Your paper must be in two column format...
Words: 1801 - Pages: 8
...Recognized as an American National Standard (ANSI) IEEE Std 1284-1994 IEEE Standard Signaling Method for a Bidirectional Parallel Peripheral Interface for Personal Computers IEEE Computer Society .- Sponsored by the Microprocessor and Microcomputer Standards Committee h Published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 345East 4Tth Street, New York, N y lwlz USA. lEEE December 2, 1994 SH 1 7335 Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF VICTORIA. Downloaded on July 29,2010 at 20:21:17 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. THIS PAGE WAS BLANK IN THE ORIGINAL Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF VICTORIA. Downloaded on July 29,2010 at 20:21:17 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Recognized as an American National Standard (ANSI) IEEE Std 1284-1994 IEEE Standard Signaling Method for a Bidirectional Parallel Peripheral Interface for Personal Computers Sponsor Microprocessor and Microcomputer Standards Committee of the IEEE Computer Society Approved March 30, 1994 IEEE Standards Board Approved September 2, 1994 American National Standards Institute Abstract: A signaling method for asynchronous, fully interlocked, bidirectional parallel communications between hosts and printers or other peripherals is defined. A format for a peripheral identification string and a method of returning this string to the host outside of the bidirectionaldata stream is also specified...
Words: 34986 - Pages: 140
...Protect & Share Your Internet Connection Wirelessly Share Your Internet Connection D-Link’s eXtended Range (XR) Technology for Better Wireless Signal Coverage2 Built-in Cable Tester for Troubleshooting Advanced Security and Parental Control Features Keep Your Network Safe D-Link, an industry leader in networking, introduces another performance breakthrough in wireless connectivity – the AirPlus Xtreme G® series of wireless networking devices. Based on D-Link 108G Technology, these 802.11g compatible devices are capable of delivering maximum wireless signal rates of up to 108Mbps1 when used together. The award-winning DI-624 Wireless Router creates an 802.11g wireless network and wirelessly share a single broadband Internet connection throughout your home or office. Furthermore, the DI-624 has the superior performance capability to transfer large files and handle heavy network traffic. The Wi-Fi certified DI-624 features extremely high performance as well as industry-wide compatibility. With this certification, this router remains compatible with a wider range of networking devices. The built in 4-port switch allows you to connect up to four Ethernet-enabled devices such as additional computers or network storage devices. The DI-624 also features D-Link’s Extended Range (XR) Technology designed to provide increased wireless signal range as well as fewer dead spots2. When used with XR-enabled client devices, enjoy wireless coverage in areas where...
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...IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, VOL. 54, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2006 3755 A New Compact Microstrip-Fed Dual-Band Coplanar Antenna for WLAN Applications Rohith K. Raj, Manoj Joseph, C. K. Aanandan, K. Vasudevan, Senior Member, IEEE, and P. Mohanan, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract—A novel compact microstrip fed dual-band coplanar antenna for wireless local area network is presented. The antenna comprises of a rectangular center strip and two lateral strips miprinted on a dielectric substrate and excited using a 50 crostrip transmission line. The antenna generates two separate resonant modes to cover 2.4/5.2/5.8 GHz WLAN bands. Lower resonant mode of the antenna has an impedance bandwidth (2:1 VSWR) of 330 MHz (2190–2520 MHz), which easily covers the required bandwidth of the 2.4 GHz WLAN, and the upper resonant mode has a bandwidth of 1.23 GHz (4849–6070 MHz), covering 5.2/5.8 GHz WLAN bands. The proposed antenna occupy an area of 217 mm2 when printed on FR4 substrate . A rigorous experimental study has been conducted to confirm the characteristics of the antenna. Design equations for the proposed antenna are also developed. ( = 4 7) Index Terms—Coplanar waveguide, dual-band antennas, printed antennas, wireless local area networks (WLANs). I. INTRODUCTION IRELESS LOCAL area networks (WLAN) are being widely recognized as a viable, cost effective and high speed data connectivity solution, enabling user mobility. The rapid developments in WLAN technologies...
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...display to Apex what they can do to bring their company to enjoy the modern conveniences of a wireless network. This deployment plan will cover Team B’s recommendations based off of the site survey provided by Apex. We will discuss our recommended wireless network type. The access point layout and how these points will be managed. We will go over the foreseen obstacles and what our plan is to overcome these obstacles. Finally, we will go over the security policy that should be implemented to keep Apex as secure with our wireless network as they are with their current wired network. IEEE Network Type Apex Designs has asked our company to design a wireless network for their business. This network will consist of several different pieces of hardware that all will work together to meet Apex’s needs. To ensure that the new network is operational, special considerations must be made as to which IEEE network standard to be used. Since Apex Designs is a business that has a preexisting network installed, the new network must be compatible with the legacy systems already in use. Failure to meet this requirement would cause major interruptions in work flow, thus hindering our joint goal of enhancing Apex Designs productivity. Our proposed network will also allow current and future technology connectivity. In order to meet these requirements, the use of dual band access points will be installed at strategic locations to allow maximum coverage. The access points will use the 802.11ac...
Words: 1940 - Pages: 8
...Research Paper Template for A4 Page Size J.Q. Author M.Tech. Student Centre for Computer Science & Technology Central University of Punjab, Bathinda (Punjab). Abstract— This document gives formatting instructions for authors preparing papers for publication in the proceedings of CAMA. The authors must follow the instructions given in the document for the papers to be published. You can use this document as both an instruction set and as a template into which you can type your own text. Keywords— Include at least 5 keywords or phrases I. Introduction This document is a template. An electronic copy can be downloaded from the conference website. For questions on paper guidelines, please contact the conference publications committee as indicated on the conference website. Information about final paper submission is available from the conference website. II. Page Layout An easy way to comply with the conference paper formatting requirements is to use this document as a template and simply type your text into it. A. Page Layout Your paper must use a page size corresponding to A4 which is 210mm (8.27") wide and 297mm (11.69") long. The margins must be set as follows: • Top = 19mm (0.75") • Bottom = 43mm (1.69") • Left = Right = 14.32mm (0.56") Your paper must be in two column format with a space of 4.22mm (0.17") between columns. III. Page Style All paragraphs must be indented. All paragraphs must be justified, i.e. both left-justified...
Words: 1776 - Pages: 8
...Exercise 6.1.1 * Basic Service Sets (BSS) - In computer networking a service set is a set consisting of all the devices associated with a consumer or enterprise IEEE 802.11 Wireless local area network. The service set can be local, independent, extended, or mesh * Extended Services Sets (ESS) - Extended service sets is a component of the IEEE 802.11 WLAN architecture that extends the range of mobility to a single basic service set. An extended service set is a set of two or more BSSs that form a single sub network. Exercise 6.1.2 Standard | Frequency | Max Tran Rate | St indoor TR | St outdoor TR | 802.11a | 5 GHz | 54 Mbps | 35 | 120 | 802.11b | 2.4 GHz | 11 Mbps | 35 | 140 | 802.11g | 2.4 GHz | 54 Mbps | 38 | 140 | 802.11n | 2.4/5 GHz | 300/600 Mbps | 70 | 250 | Lab 6.1 Review 1.) IBSS works with devices only without an AP. Each device sends its data directly to the other device. SSID doesn’t exist because the communication is device to device. 2.) With beaming, the IR ports have to be facing one another, which in an office or other greater distance is not efficient. Beaming requires both devices to face one another and clear path. 3.) WLAN is appealing to home use because there aren’t any extra wires showing up everywhere. Also, it’s convenient when the user wants to sit on the couch instead of the desk. So the tradeoff is lower speed , but you can be anywhere in the...
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...The Athletes Shack Wireless Upgrade Proposal | | | Proposal with recommendations for installing a wireless network to the existing wire LAN. | | | 6/17/2012 | | Executive Summary 3 Site Survey 4 WLAN Security 5 Beta Testing 7 Equipment 8 Budget 12 Conclusion 12 Bibliography 14 Appendix A: TECHNICAL TERMS 15 Executive Summary The Athletes Shack (TAS) is a chain of sporting goods stores that is looking into adding a wireless network (WLAN) to their current network. TAS has 10 retail distribution stores in the area and would like all the stores to be able to see live inventory suing mobile devices. The management team at Athletes Shack has realized that their success depends on exceptional customer service and efficiency on the floors of the store. To take the next step the company is looking to go wireless and use that technology to separate themselves from other sporting good chains. To continue to have an edge over Foot Locker, Champs Sports and other Athletes Shack feel this is a necessary step. Once the WLAN is installed in each of the 10 locations this will allow remote log in via the internet and VPN connection. The expectation is to have a major improvement on customer service. Added technological benefits to sales associates while on the floor will include real time sales pricing quotes, inventory product availability and to check the company website. In store operations will see additional business value through addition of...
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... Which of the following statements are true when comparing the wired and wireless LANs on this floor? b. The wireless LAN has a larger capacity d. A single transmission from the AP to a WLAN user device goes faster than the transmission from the Ethernet switch to a wired user device. 5. Which of the following answers describes the most accurate method the engineer can use to determine the coverage area? a. Do a wireless site survey. 6. Which of the following plays the biggest role in testing and certifying products to prove that they work with other products that have already been certified? c. Wi-Fi Alliance 7. Which of the following answers define a wireless LAN physical layer standard that was originally ratified by the IEEE before the year 2000? a. 802.11a b. 802.11.b 8. Which of the following locations is the least likely place to find a wireless LAN? b. As a link between two Ethernet switches on two different floors of the same building 9. Which of the following wireless LAN topologies use at least one wireless access point? a. BSS b. ESS 10. Which of the following is true of an ESS-WLAN topology but not a BSS-WLAN topology? c. The wireless LAN has at least two access points. 11. Which answer is most likely to be true about how these user’s tablets work? c. Chuck’s tablet is...
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...LAN SECURITY Contents: I. Introduction…………………………………………………………………1 II. Wireless LAN Deployment……………………………………………7 III. Wireless LAN Security Overview…………………………………10 IV. Protecting Wireless LANs…………………………………………...13 V. Wireless LAN Security Summary……………………………………18 I. Introduction a. The 802.11 Wireless LAN Standard In 1997, the IEEE ratified the 802.11 Wireless LAN standards, establishing a global standard for implementing and deploying Wireless LANS. The throughput for 802.11 is 2Mbps, which was well below the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet counterpart. Late in 1999, the IEEE ratified the 802.11b standard extension, which raised the throughput to 11 Mbps, making this extension more comparable to the wired equivalent. The 802.11b also supports the 2 Mbps data rate and operates on the 2.4GHz band in radio frequency for high-speed data communications As with any of the other 802 networking standards (Ethernet, Token Ring, etc.), the 802.11 specification affects the lower layers of the OSI reference model, the Physical and Data Link layers. The Physical Layer defines how data is transmitted over the physical medium. The IEEE assigned 802.11 two transmission methods for radio frequency (RF) and one for Infrared. The two RF methods are frequency hopping spread-spectrum (FHSS) and direct sequence spread-spectrum (DSSS). These transmission methods operate within the ISM (Industrial, Scientific, and Medical) 2.4 GHz band for unlicensed use. Other devices that operate on this...
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...as it sends digital data to provide internet access the IDU will be in the closet room of the Warehouse and 1st floor of the main building. II. Headquarter and Warehouse (Internal) A. Warehouse 1. Router a. Cisco ASA5505-BUN-K9 ASA 5505 which I found from amazon.com for $269. b. The device will protect the network and will serve as the router for the business office and warehouse. We can make sure to have a laptop in to make sure the device is up to date. 2. Switch and Wireless Access Point a. Cisco Catalyst WS-C2960S-24TS-S 24-port 10/100/1000 switch will be our switch also found on amazon.com for 771.90 b. The Switch will be used to distribute the data to our wireless access points in the building via Ethernet. c. Cisco Wap371 IEEE 802.11Ac 1.27 Gbps Wireless Access Point - Ism Band - Unii Band for 300.63 on Amazon.com d. It will be our wireless access points that will be distributed at least in all the rooms unless they are the computer rooms. We want to make sure that everyone gets the same access no matter where they are at. 3. Server a. PowerEdge T320 Tower Server from Dell for 1,629.00. b. These Server would be in the Warehouse and on floor 10 for the Supervisors and Managers respectively. The business is 25 miles apart so by having this server set up for Cloud Servers so transactions can run smoothly and cost of gas will not be an issue. 4. Network Printer...
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