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1 研究背景介绍
自然语言处理,有时亦称作计算语言学,是语言学和计算机科学的交叉学科,属于认知科学的范畴。大致地讲,自语语言处理的研究着眼于对人类语言建模的实用效果,以建立具有一定人类语言知识的软件产品。今天的计算机不理解人类的语言,人类也很难掌握计算机的语言,减少人机交互的障碍便是这类产品的目标。通过这类的自然语言处理研究建立的“自然语言人机界面”将使得用户可以直接通过自然语言(英语 汉语 德语 法语)同计算机交互。

图1. 典型机器翻译过程框架
统计数学方法不需任何先验知识,只需收集足够多数量和足够高质量的语料库,然后按照特定模型从中训练,统计所得的所有知识最后都包含语言模型的参数中。一般地,语料库的增长即意味着系统性能的提升。如果系统的应用领域发生改变,那么只需采用新领域的语料库重新训练模型即可,所以这种方法具有很强的适应性。我们以在语音识别系统中广泛应用的隐马尔可夫模型来说明这一特点,如果我们需要的是一个通用的语音识别系统,则从普通语料库中训练模型;如果需要的是一个医疗领域的系统,则专门收集医疗领域的语料供模型学习即可。总的来讲,比之于传统方法统计语言学习具有以下明显的优点:(1).无需先验知识 (2).数据驱动,对训练集的修改或扩充即是对模型的扩充(3).知识获取成本低,使低成本的自然语言处理系统的建立成为可能。
目前,自然语言处理中的语言统计模型已经相当成熟,例如,隐马尔可夫模型(HMM) 、概率上下文无关语法、基于决策树的语言模型、最大熵语言模型等。本文将对隐马尔可夫模型进行详细介绍。
2 马尔可夫及隐式马尔可夫简介
2.1 马尔可夫模型
马尔可夫模型是前苏联数学家Andrei A. Markov在1913年提出的,该模型时间离散的形式表述为马尔可夫链。



2.2 隐马尔可夫模型
表示隐含状态在初始时刻t=1的概率矩阵,如:t=1时,P(S1)=p1、P(S2)=P2、P(S3)=p3,则初始状态概率矩阵 π=[ p1 p2 p3 ]。
其中Aij = P( Sj | Si ),1≤i,,j≤N,表示在 t 时刻、状态为 Si 的条件下,在 t+1 时刻状态是 Sj 的概率。
Bij = P( Oi | Sj ), 1≤i≤M,1≤j≤N,表示在 t 时刻、隐含状态是 Sj 条件下,观察状态为 Oi 的概率。
下面通过一个例子来讲解隐式马尔科夫模型。坛子和小球模型:在一个房间中,假定有N个坛子,每个坛子中都装有不同颜色的小球,并且假定总共有M 种不同颜色的小球。一个精灵在房间中首先随机地选择一个坛子,再从这个坛子中随机选择一个小球,并把小球的颜色报告给房间外面的人员记录下来作为观察值。精灵然后把球放回到坛子中,以当前的坛子为条件再随机选择一个坛子,从中随机选择一个小球,并报告小球的颜色,然后放回小球,如此继续。随着时间的推移,房间外的人会得到由这个过程产生的一个小球颜色序列。
2.3 HMM要解决的三个基本问题
2.3.1 输出概率的计算问题

Step 1 初始化:,;
Step 2 递推计算:,,;
Step 3 终止计算:。
此算法采用了动态规划的思想,有效地将计算输出概率的时间复杂度降为,具体来说,需要N ( N + 1 ) ( T 1) + N次乘法运算,以及N ( N 1 ) ( T 1 ) 次加法运算。

Step 1 初始化:,;
Step 2 递推计算:,,;
Step 3 终止计算:。
类似地,此算法也采用了动态规划的思想,时间复杂度为,具体来说,需要2 N 2 ( T 1 ) 次乘法运算,以及N ( N 1 ) ( T 1 ) 次加法运算。
2.3.2 状态序列的解码问题 给定HMM模型和观察序列,如何确定一个状态序列,使得最有可能产生观察序列? 该问题也称为解码或译码问题,目的就是要尽可能揭露出模型中与已知的观察序列相对应的状态序列,即确定“最优”的状态序列。最优准则一般有两个:单点状态最优准则和路径最优准则,本文采用路径最优准则。此时就是求解使得概率最大时所确定的状态序列,即

给定HMM模型,设观察序列已知,定义Viterbi变量为在t时刻,观察到序列前缀,且的最优状态序列为的概率,即 ,

Step1 初始化: a ,; b ;;
Step 2 递推计算: a ,,; b ,,;
Step 3 终止计算: a ; b ;
Step 4 回溯最优路径:,。
不难看出,除多了一步回溯最优路径外,此算法与前向算法非常类似。此算法的时间复杂度也为,具体来说,需要N ( N + 1 ) ( T 1) + N次乘法运算,N ( N 1 ) ( T 1 )次比较运算。
2.3.3 模型参数的估计问题 给定K条相互独立的观察序列,其中,,表示的长度,模型参数的估计问题是指在模型参数未知或不准确的情况下,如何根据这些观察序列求得或调整模型参数,使得最大?
目前,人们已经提出了一系列的训练准则,包括最大似然准则、最大互信息准则、以及最小判别信息准则等等。从不同的准则出发,将得到不同的训练算法,其中,最为经典的算法是Baum-Welch训练算法,这也是本文采用的训练算法,它是最大似然准则的一个应用,是一种期望最大化算法。 下面我们首先就K = 1,即单观察序列的情形,推导Baum-Welch训练算法中的重估公式,然后将其推广到多观察序列。

定义Baum-Welch变量为在t时刻,位于状态以及在t + 1时刻,位于状态的概率,即:


当训练数据偏少时,最大似然估计容易产生过拟合现象。为避免这种问题的产生,我们为每个参数引入一个预确定的伪记数(pseudo count),记为,也就是假定每个参数至少出现伪记数次,则此时的重估公式为

这些伪记数一般反映了我们对每个参数的先验偏置,实际上,它们有一个自然的概率解释,可以理解为Bayesian Dirichlet先验分布的参数。当然,这些伪记数必须是正数,但不必是整数。


Step 1 初始化: a 随机初始化模型参数; b ;// 迭代次数 c ;
Step 2 REPEAT a ; b ,; c ,; d ,; e ,,; f FOR k = 1 TO K // 计算观察序列对模型参数的贡献:
f.1 利用算法2-1计算前向变量,,;
f.2 利用算法2-2计算后向变量,,;
f.3 按照式(2-32)计算后验状态概率,,;
f.4 按照式(2-33)计算Baum-Welch变量,,;
f.5 ,;
f.6 ,;
f.7 ,;
f.8 ,,;
END FOR g 归一化:
g.1 ,;
g.2 ,;
g.3 ,;
g.4 ,,;
g.5 ;
g.6 ;
UNTIL OR //其中及是预先设定的阈值。
3 隐马尔可夫语言处理模型
3.1 语言统计模型建立
本文将用Peter Brown在1990年构造的经典统计机器翻译模型来说明统计自然语言处理方法。该模型是一个句级的英法翻译系统,假设说话者母语(T)想好了一句话S,但说出的确实句子T。应用信息论中的噪声通道模型,这可以视作一个编码过程。而统计的MT就是要从T推回S,可视作解码过程:

图2 解码过程 思想便是从源语言中找到统计意义上与T最相近的句子S。根据贝叶斯法则: 对于说话者给定的句子T来讲,Pr(T)是一个非随机量,可以忽略不计。那么,翻译的过程转化为求条件概率最大值的问题。

3.2 隐式马尔科夫统计语言模型概述
假设一个句子S是又词序列构成,则句子S的出现概率为: 根据马尔可夫因果假设,假设当前词的出现概率仅与前n-1个词有关,如给定n=2,则有:


此外还有Unigram(n=1)、和Four-gram(n=4)等等。显然n的值越大模型参数越多,模型越准确,但模型参数量(V表示词汇个数) 参数量随n呈指数级递增。所以,受限于当前的计算机容量和计算能力 大多数语言模型都是 Trigram或者Bigram。
3.3 参数估值


, N为磁电容量

3.4 模型困惑度度量

困惑度 特别是词困惑度度量 在隐马尔可夫统计语言模型性能比较中是一种公认的度量方法。
3.5 模型的压缩
首先,在对性能影响不大的前提下压缩词典容量,基于速度及准确度的权衡 一般将非常用词条除去,这在一定程度上减少了模型参数。
目前常见的模型压缩算法包括Count-cutoff[2],Weighted Difference Pruning[3],Stolcke Pruning[4]以及著名的Clustering[5]。
Count-cutoff是最简单也是最常用的方法。Count-cutoff 定义一个截断值cutoff,比如说cutoff=3此时语言模型中仅保留C(xyz…) > 3的词串及其出现次数所有C(xy…z) <= 3的词串及其出现次数从模型中删除 这种方法可以显著地减小模型的尺寸 但对模型性能影响较大。
Weighted Difference Pruning充分考察了trigram与bigram bigram与unigram概率的区别和联系,这种联系对于找出贡献值较小的词串有很大意义。例如,对于trigram,Weighted Difference Pruning采用值 来评估一个三元词串对于模型的重要程度,是指平滑中采用的折扣函数此函数依据方法不同而不同。Weighted Difference Pruning最后根据词串的重要程度由低到高删除词串。可以发现,对于出现次数非常高的词串,即使 的值很低也不会被剪枝。这样,系统就保存了那些确实非常“重要”的词串。
Stolcke Pruning是通过计算一个词串被删除后导致的模型熵的增加来刻度词串对模型的贡献的,词串从模型中删除所导致的熵增加为: 其中,P '表示剪枝后的模型P表示剪枝前的模型。通过这种方式,Stolcke Pruning能够高效地计算每个词串对于模型的贡献。在对模型进行压缩的时候,Stolcke Pruning设置一个阈值,所有对模型贡献(导致的熵增加)小于此阈值的trigram及bigram都从模型中删除。
Clustering 是通过将词分类的方法来压缩语言模型的。假设通过一个函数π将大小为V的词典分成C个部分,即C个类。这里π可以看作是词wi到其所属类Ci的一个映射。这时语言模型便称作基于类的n-gram语言模型,那么此时,以trigram为例,有: 此时,模型的参数个数Q便从Vn减少到Cn+V,除了n =1或者C=V这两种极端情况之外,基于类的n-gram语言模型的参数量都比一般的n-gram语言模型要小得多。
3.6 模型的平滑


Additive Smoothing[6]是最简单的平滑方式,它只在计算n-gram概率值时简单地给词串简单地加上一个一个常数δ,修正后: 分母中的是为了保证一个约束条件,即所有参数的概率之和等于1。

其中nr是指在训练语料集中出现 r次的词串个数。
Katz Smoothing[7]是对Good-Turing 的扩展,在Good-Turing上添加了高序模型和低序模型插值合并的能力,这种模型平滑方法在语音识别中得到了最广泛的应用。
Church & Gale Smoothing[8]将Good-Turing与一种称之为“桶分”(bucketing)的技术结合在一起Bucketing是一种将一个词串集合分组的技术,其分得的组参数独立。同Katz Smoothing一样,模型是在低序模型的基础上递归定义的。每一个词串根据其低序模型预测的频率被分到一个桶。每一个桶被当成一个分离的分布Good-Turing被应用于每一个桶。
Jelinek & Mercer Smoothing[9]是另一种在语音识别中广泛应用的模型平滑方法。采用线性插值的方法, Jelinek & Mercer Smoothing 有: 即最大似然模型PML与已经平滑过的低序模型进行插值平滑,至于参数对每一个都训练一个值并不一定恰当。
此外,还有很多种语言模型平滑方法,但是Katz Smoothing,Church & Gale Smoothing,Jelinek & Mercer Smoothing是应用最广泛、最成熟的方法。
4 学习心得及感悟
[1] Chen, S. F., and Goodman, J., An empirical study of smoothing techniques for language modeling, Computer Speech and Language, 1999, 13:359-394
[2] Jelinek, F., Self-organized language modeling for speech recognition. In Readings in Speech Recognition, A. Waibel and K. F. Lee, eds., Morgan-Kaufmann, San Mateo, CA, 1990, pp.450-506
[3] Seymore, K. , and Rosenfeld, R., Scalable backoff language models. In Proc. International Conference on Speech and Language Processing, Philadelphia,PA,1996, vol1, pp.232-235
[4] Stolcke, A. , Entropy-based pruning of backoff language models. In Proc. DARPA NewsTranscription and Understanding Workshop, Lansdowne, VA. 1998, pp. 270-274
[5] Brown, P. F., DellaPietra V. J., deSouza, P. V., Lai, J. C., and Mercer, R. L. Class-based n-gram models of natural language. Computational Linguistics, 1990, 18:467-479
[6] Lidstone,G.J. Note on the general case of the Bayes-Laplace formula for inductive or a posteriori probabilities. Transactions of the Faculty of Actuaries, 1920, 8:182-192.
[7] Katz, S. M. Estimation of probabilities from sparse data for the language model component of a speech recognizer. IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 1987, ASSP-35(3):400-401
[8] Church,Kenneth W. and William A. Gale. A comparison of the enhanced Good-Turing and deleted estimation methods for estimating probabilities of English bigrams. Computer Speech and Language, 1991, 5:19-54.
[9] Jelinek,Frederick and Robert L. Mercer., Interpolated estimation of Markov source parameters from sparse data. In proceedings of the Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Practice, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: North-Holland, May, 1980

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...Protect & Share Your Internet Connection Wirelessly Share Your Internet Connection D-Link’s eXtended Range (XR) Technology for Better Wireless Signal Coverage2 Built-in Cable Tester for Troubleshooting Advanced Security and Parental Control Features Keep Your Network Safe D-Link, an industry leader in networking, introduces another performance breakthrough in wireless connectivity – the AirPlus Xtreme G® series of wireless networking devices. Based on D-Link 108G Technology, these 802.11g compatible devices are capable of delivering maximum wireless signal rates of up to 108Mbps1 when used together. The award-winning DI-624 Wireless Router creates an 802.11g wireless network and wirelessly share a single broadband Internet connection throughout your home or office. Furthermore, the DI-624 has the superior performance capability to transfer large files and handle heavy network traffic. The Wi-Fi certified DI-624 features extremely high performance as well as industry-wide compatibility. With this certification, this router remains compatible with a wider range of networking devices. The built in 4-port switch allows you to connect up to four Ethernet-enabled devices such as additional computers or network storage devices. The DI-624 also features D-Link’s Extended Range (XR) Technology designed to provide increased wireless signal range as well as fewer dead spots2. When used with XR-enabled client devices, enjoy wireless coverage in areas where...

Words: 780 - Pages: 4

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Microstrip Antenna

...IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, VOL. 54, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2006 3755 A New Compact Microstrip-Fed Dual-Band Coplanar Antenna for WLAN Applications Rohith K. Raj, Manoj Joseph, C. K. Aanandan, K. Vasudevan, Senior Member, IEEE, and P. Mohanan, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract—A novel compact microstrip fed dual-band coplanar antenna for wireless local area network is presented. The antenna comprises of a rectangular center strip and two lateral strips miprinted on a dielectric substrate and excited using a 50 crostrip transmission line. The antenna generates two separate resonant modes to cover 2.4/5.2/5.8 GHz WLAN bands. Lower resonant mode of the antenna has an impedance bandwidth (2:1 VSWR) of 330 MHz (2190–2520 MHz), which easily covers the required bandwidth of the 2.4 GHz WLAN, and the upper resonant mode has a bandwidth of 1.23 GHz (4849–6070 MHz), covering 5.2/5.8 GHz WLAN bands. The proposed antenna occupy an area of 217 mm2 when printed on FR4 substrate . A rigorous experimental study has been conducted to confirm the characteristics of the antenna. Design equations for the proposed antenna are also developed. ( = 4 7) Index Terms—Coplanar waveguide, dual-band antennas, printed antennas, wireless local area networks (WLANs). I. INTRODUCTION IRELESS LOCAL area networks (WLAN) are being widely recognized as a viable, cost effective and high speed data connectivity solution, enabling user mobility. The rapid developments in WLAN technologies...

Words: 5288 - Pages: 22

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Apex Design Plan

...display to Apex what they can do to bring their company to enjoy the modern conveniences of a wireless network. This deployment plan will cover Team B’s recommendations based off of the site survey provided by Apex. We will discuss our recommended wireless network type. The access point layout and how these points will be managed. We will go over the foreseen obstacles and what our plan is to overcome these obstacles. Finally, we will go over the security policy that should be implemented to keep Apex as secure with our wireless network as they are with their current wired network. IEEE Network Type Apex Designs has asked our company to design a wireless network for their business. This network will consist of several different pieces of hardware that all will work together to meet Apex’s needs. To ensure that the new network is operational, special considerations must be made as to which IEEE network standard to be used. Since Apex Designs is a business that has a preexisting network installed, the new network must be compatible with the legacy systems already in use. Failure to meet this requirement would cause major interruptions in work flow, thus hindering our joint goal of enhancing Apex Designs productivity. Our proposed network will also allow current and future technology connectivity. In order to meet these requirements, the use of dual band access points will be installed at strategic locations to allow maximum coverage. The access points will use the 802.11ac...

Words: 1940 - Pages: 8

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Research Paper Format Ieee

...Research Paper Template for A4 Page Size J.Q. Author M.Tech. Student Centre for Computer Science & Technology Central University of Punjab, Bathinda (Punjab). Abstract— This document gives formatting instructions for authors preparing papers for publication in the proceedings of CAMA. The authors must follow the instructions given in the document for the papers to be published. You can use this document as both an instruction set and as a template into which you can type your own text. Keywords— Include at least 5 keywords or phrases I. Introduction This document is a template. An electronic copy can be downloaded from the conference website. For questions on paper guidelines, please contact the conference publications committee as indicated on the conference website. Information about final paper submission is available from the conference website. II. Page Layout An easy way to comply with the conference paper formatting requirements is to use this document as a template and simply type your text into it. A. Page Layout Your paper must use a page size corresponding to A4 which is 210mm (8.27") wide and 297mm (11.69") long. The margins must be set as follows: • Top = 19mm (0.75") • Bottom = 43mm (1.69") • Left = Right = 14.32mm (0.56") Your paper must be in two column format with a space of 4.22mm (0.17") between columns. III. Page Style All paragraphs must be indented. All paragraphs must be justified, i.e. both left-justified...

Words: 1776 - Pages: 8

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Lab 6.1

...Exercise 6.1.1 * Basic Service Sets (BSS) - In computer networking a service set is a set consisting of all the devices associated with a consumer or enterprise IEEE 802.11 Wireless local area network. The service set can be local, independent, extended, or mesh * Extended Services Sets (ESS) - Extended service sets is a component of the IEEE 802.11 WLAN architecture that extends the range of mobility to a single basic service set. An extended service set is a set of two or more BSSs that form a single sub network. Exercise 6.1.2 Standard | Frequency | Max Tran Rate | St indoor TR | St outdoor TR | 802.11a | 5 GHz | 54 Mbps | 35 | 120 | 802.11b | 2.4 GHz | 11 Mbps | 35 | 140 | 802.11g | 2.4 GHz | 54 Mbps | 38 | 140 | 802.11n | 2.4/5 GHz | 300/600 Mbps | 70 | 250 | Lab 6.1 Review 1.) IBSS works with devices only without an AP. Each device sends its data directly to the other device. SSID doesn’t exist because the communication is device to device. 2.) With beaming, the IR ports have to be facing one another, which in an office or other greater distance is not efficient. Beaming requires both devices to face one another and clear path. 3.) WLAN is appealing to home use because there aren’t any extra wires showing up everywhere. Also, it’s convenient when the user wants to sit on the couch instead of the desk. So the tradeoff is lower speed , but you can be anywhere in the...

Words: 258 - Pages: 2

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The Athletes Shack Wireless Upgrade Proposal

...The Athletes Shack Wireless Upgrade Proposal | | | Proposal with recommendations for installing a wireless network to the existing wire LAN. | | | 6/17/2012 | | Executive Summary 3 Site Survey 4 WLAN Security 5 Beta Testing 7 Equipment 8 Budget 12 Conclusion 12 Bibliography 14 Appendix A: TECHNICAL TERMS 15 Executive Summary The Athletes Shack (TAS) is a chain of sporting goods stores that is looking into adding a wireless network (WLAN) to their current network. TAS has 10 retail distribution stores in the area and would like all the stores to be able to see live inventory suing mobile devices. The management team at Athletes Shack has realized that their success depends on exceptional customer service and efficiency on the floors of the store. To take the next step the company is looking to go wireless and use that technology to separate themselves from other sporting good chains. To continue to have an edge over Foot Locker, Champs Sports and other Athletes Shack feel this is a necessary step. Once the WLAN is installed in each of the 10 locations this will allow remote log in via the internet and VPN connection. The expectation is to have a major improvement on customer service. Added technological benefits to sales associates while on the floor will include real time sales pricing quotes, inventory product availability and to check the company website. In store operations will see additional business value through addition of...

Words: 2939 - Pages: 12

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Introduction to Networking

... Which of the following statements are true when comparing the wired and wireless LANs on this floor? b. The wireless LAN has a larger capacity d. A single transmission from the AP to a WLAN user device goes faster than the transmission from the Ethernet switch to a wired user device. 5. Which of the following answers describes the most accurate method the engineer can use to determine the coverage area? a. Do a wireless site survey. 6. Which of the following plays the biggest role in testing and certifying products to prove that they work with other products that have already been certified? c. Wi-Fi Alliance 7. Which of the following answers define a wireless LAN physical layer standard that was originally ratified by the IEEE before the year 2000? a. 802.11a b. 802.11.b 8. Which of the following locations is the least likely place to find a wireless LAN? b. As a link between two Ethernet switches on two different floors of the same building 9. Which of the following wireless LAN topologies use at least one wireless access point? a. BSS b. ESS 10. Which of the following is true of an ESS-WLAN topology but not a BSS-WLAN topology? c. The wireless LAN has at least two access points. 11. Which answer is most likely to be true about how these user’s tablets work? c. Chuck’s tablet is...

Words: 915 - Pages: 4

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Wireless Lan Security

...LAN SECURITY Contents: I. Introduction…………………………………………………………………1 II. Wireless LAN Deployment……………………………………………7 III. Wireless LAN Security Overview…………………………………10 IV. Protecting Wireless LANs…………………………………………...13 V. Wireless LAN Security Summary……………………………………18 I. Introduction a. The 802.11 Wireless LAN Standard In 1997, the IEEE ratified the 802.11 Wireless LAN standards, establishing a global standard for implementing and deploying Wireless LANS. The throughput for 802.11 is 2Mbps, which was well below the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet counterpart. Late in 1999, the IEEE ratified the 802.11b standard extension, which raised the throughput to 11 Mbps, making this extension more comparable to the wired equivalent. The 802.11b also supports the 2 Mbps data rate and operates on the 2.4GHz band in radio frequency for high-speed data communications As with any of the other 802 networking standards (Ethernet, Token Ring, etc.), the 802.11 specification affects the lower layers of the OSI reference model, the Physical and Data Link layers. The Physical Layer defines how data is transmitted over the physical medium. The IEEE assigned 802.11 two transmission methods for radio frequency (RF) and one for Infrared. The two RF methods are frequency hopping spread-spectrum (FHSS) and direct sequence spread-spectrum (DSSS). These transmission methods operate within the ISM (Industrial, Scientific, and Medical) 2.4 GHz band for unlicensed use. Other devices that operate on this...

Words: 4933 - Pages: 20

Premium Essay

Wireless Design Paper it sends digital data to provide internet access the IDU will be in the closet room of the Warehouse and 1st floor of the main building. II. Headquarter and Warehouse (Internal) A. Warehouse 1. Router a. Cisco ASA5505-BUN-K9 ASA 5505 which I found from for $269. b. The device will protect the network and will serve as the router for the business office and warehouse. We can make sure to have a laptop in to make sure the device is up to date. 2. Switch and Wireless Access Point a. Cisco Catalyst WS-C2960S-24TS-S 24-port 10/100/1000 switch will be our switch also found on for 771.90 b. The Switch will be used to distribute the data to our wireless access points in the building via Ethernet. c. Cisco Wap371 IEEE 802.11Ac 1.27 Gbps Wireless Access Point - Ism Band - Unii Band for 300.63 on d. It will be our wireless access points that will be distributed at least in all the rooms unless they are the computer rooms. We want to make sure that everyone gets the same access no matter where they are at. 3. Server a. PowerEdge T320 Tower Server from Dell for 1,629.00. b. These Server would be in the Warehouse and on floor 10 for the Supervisors and Managers respectively. The business is 25 miles apart so by having this server set up for Cloud Servers so transactions can run smoothly and cost of gas will not be an issue. 4. Network Printer...

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