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Iguana Research Paper

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Introduction Iguanas are classified in the phylum Chordata, subphylum Vertebrate, class Reptilia, order Squamata, and family Iguanidae (Iguana). These vertebrates are commonly found in the tropical regions of America and in the Galapagos. Based on the habitat, the species will vary. In South America, the average length of iguanas is three to six feet and the tail accounts for two-thirds of the total length (Iguana).
Desert iguanas are found in the southwest region of the United States and northwest Mexico. These iguanas are marked with dark spots, lives in burrows, and feeds on the flowers (Iguana). The most well-known desert iguana is the chuckwalla and it is the largest in the United States. The chuckwalla is able to inflate itself to make it difficult for predators to attack when in small places (Iguana) Marine iguanas only include the one marine lizard that is found in the Galapagos, which is the Amblrhynchus cristatus. This iguana is able to forage in the sea, making it unique to the Iguanidae family. The marine iguana lives on rocky shores where they lay to warm up after being in the water, but can be seen on beaches as well (Iguana)
Researchers have long been interested in the Pacific iguanas due to their …show more content…
Tropical dry forests have a mean annual temperature that is at least 17 degrees or higher and has a mean annual precipitation that falls between 250 and 2,000 mm (Holdridge 1967). They have two distinct seasons: a wet season and a dry season. A dry season typically lasts between one and eight months while a wet season typically last one or more months. The plants in a tropical dry forest are less diverse than most environments, but there has been an increase in defense mechanisms against water loss such as increased toughness and high levels of metabolites (Lugo et

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