...I NVESTMENT SCI ENCE I NVESTMENT SCI ENCE DA YID G. LUENBERGER STANFORD UNIVERSITY New York Oxford OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 1998 OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Oxford New York Auckland Bangkok Bogota Bombay Buenos Aires Cnlcutta Cape Town Dar es Salaam Delhi Florence Hong Kong Istanbul Karachi Athens Kuala Lumpur Mexico City Madras Nairobi Mndrid Paris Melbourne Singapore Taipei Tokyo Toronto F \--1& ljS1S,'L (Jml aHociated compallies ill Berlin Jbndon ' LE 4 /3 en where that last expression is valid in the limit as In goes to infinity, cOllesponding to continuous compounding Hence continuous compounding leads to the familiar expo~ nential growth CUlve Such a curve is shown in FigUle 2 2 for a 10% nominal interest late Debt We have examined how a single investment (say a bank deposit) glows over time due to intelest compounding It should be clem that exactly the same thing happens 10 debt It I bonoll' money from the biwk at an intelest rate 1 and make no payments to the bank, then my debt increases accOJding to the same formulas Specifically, if my debt is compounded monthly, then after k months my debt will have grown by a factor of [I + (I /12) l' 21 14 12 10 PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST 17 FIGURE 2.2 Expollential growth curve; cOllfinuous compoUlld growth, Under conl;nuotls compounding at 1D'X" the value of $1 doubles in abotll 7 yems In 20 yems it grows by a factor of ilbotll B !5 ~ 4 0...
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...Web Video Texts Audio Projects About Account TVNews OpenLibrary | | | | Home | American Libraries | Canadian Libraries | Universal Library | Community Texts | Project Gutenberg | Children's Library | Biodiversity Heritage Library | Additional Collections | Search: Advanced Search | Anonymous User (login or join us) | Upload | Full text of "Natya Shastra of Bharata Muni Volume 1"THE NATYASASTRA A Treatise on Hindu Dramaturgy and Histrionics Ascribed to B ii A R A T A - M r X I Vol. I. ( Chapters I-XXVII ) Completely translated jor the jirst tune from the original Sanskrit tuttri «u Introduction and Various Notes M .U'OMOH A N liHOS H M.A., Pn. I). <OaU 2 Viu i95y CALCUTTA THE RoyiL ISIAJtC SOCIETY OF BENGAL Dedicated to the memory of thom great scholars of India. and the West mho by their indefatigable study and. ingenious interpretation of her Religion, Philosophy, Literature and Arts, have demon- strated the high ealiie of India- s culture to the World at large and ham helped her towa.nls a reawakening and political alteration., and who by their discovery of the Universal aspect of this culture have made patent India's spiritual kinship with the other ancient nations of the World and ham paved the way for an ultimate triumph of Internationalism. PREFACE The preparation 'of an annotated English translation of the Natya&stra entrusted...
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