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Illegal Immigration


Submitted By kennypeabs
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In light of the 2006 elections, certain key issues evolved to the forefront of United States politics. The elections spur rapid debate about these topics as people decide who will gain their precious votes. A central issue that evolved became the problem of illegal immigration as it pertains to the United States border and more exclusively, the border of Mexico. The issue at hand is the problem of too many Mexican immigrants crossing over the United States border illegally. Immigration has been at the forefront of American politics for some time now. The issue is not only of recent concern, but of past concern as well. For most of the United States’ history, illegal immigrants have continually crossed the border into the United States. The branches of government involved in this situation is most likely all three of them. The judicial branch has no direct connection as of yet, but a court case can be seen in the future having to deal with this issue of illegal immigration. The executive and legislative branches are most directly involved by dealing with the creating of new legislation and executing it. The legislative branch has passed the necessary laws needed to deal with the illegal immigration issue such as the 700 mile fence across the border of the US and Mexico. The public officials involved with illegal immigration are numerous. The President all the way down to the small city officials cope and strategize about this issue. Cities and state official deal with the presence of illegal immigrants on a closer level, especially a major border state like Arizona and Texas. All congressmen and Whitehouse officials are connected with this issue as current legislation requires their attention. The two sides like in most American political debate involve the Republican conservative ideals and the Democratic liberal ideals. Most Republican believe in a halt to immigration altogether. Republicans argue that illegal immigrants are hurting their already crippling Social Security system. [1]The Republicans have as a result managed to pass legislation that approved 700 miles of fence along the United States and Mexico borders to keep illegal immigrants out of the United States. [2]Some Republicans, such as Jon Kyl of Arizona, have called for the immediate departure of the nations twelve million illegal immigrants. Democrats, however, view this issue much differently than Republicans. The more liberal, democratic view on immigration is that more should be done to aid these immigrants. Democrats have shown that they would like to provide jobs for immigrants unlike the Republicans that scarcely want to even provide temporary jobs for the immigrants. [3]A liberal perspective on the issue is that illegal immigration stimulates the economy and does not lead to higher unemployment rates. However, they argue that immigrants create a greater demand for goods and services. It can be argued that the majority of Democrats are for illegal immigration given their publicized position. However, illegal immigration is against the ideals of liberals. Illegal immigration lowers wages, hurts unions, and dampens hopes of a future system for universal health care; all democratic ideals. In the grand scheme of things, immigration is a problem recognized by many Democrats, although they differ with Republicans on how to deal with the problem at hand. On a more local level, states, such as Arizona, have became heavily involved as this issue deals with the illegal crossing of their international border with Mexico. Illegal immigration is a federal issue with problems on the state level. Health care, education and other services for illegal immigrants cost the states more money as most immigrants take full advantage of their state welfare programs. The media has played a very small role with illegal immigration. Besides basic reporting of the issue in newspapers, television networks, and radio broadcasts, illegal immigration is an issue that has not been played with by the media. This issue on illegal immigration became one of the primary issues in the 2006 mid-term elections. Republicans were for the most part against and Democrats were mostly for illegal immigration. The context of this issue can be seen in the roots and workings of the United States political system. The conflicts, interests, and people involved with this issue are part of the classic American political system.

The United States has developed fast from its early days of colonial America. [4]The French Alexis de Tocqueville saw the United States as a unique nation when he first arrived. He noticed that the people all had an equal opportunity and this idea of equality was an identifying mark of America. Since then, cases like immigration show the dramatic change to where people are now in the United States illegally and have no or little opportunity to advance. The tremendous growth of the United States has changed it from de Tocqueville’s original conclusion. Senator Hillary Clinton of New York is a known liberal in American politics for years. Recently, it has been rumored that Hillary will declaring her candidacy for President of the United States. With the election drawing near, it can be seen by Hillary’s presence in the media that she is getting herself out and about the world of politics. The motive behind a politician, such as Hillary, is to seek re-election, or election in Hillary’s case. As the election draws nearer it can be seen that Hillary’s left-wing liberal ideals are turning more moderate with this current, hot-button issue of illegal immigration. [5]Hillary has publicly announced that she is against illegal immigration, and furthermore went on to say that she would fine an employer who hired illegal immigrants. [6]This approach by Hillary is to capture the conservative voters in an attempt to get an edge in the 2008 presidential election if she decides to run. The actions of Hillary can be related to many politicians seeking the approval of the other side of the political spectrum prior to an election. After all, the primary motive of a politician is re-election. One may ask the question, “Why the focus on illegal immigration when an election nears?” The answer is fairly simple. Politicians look at illegal immigration as an issue that will matter more, or relate closer to voters in an election. They see this as a way to win voters closer to an election as their primary motive is to gain office. The 2006 mid-term elections and the issue of illegal immigration was not the only matters that became a key issue in the election or any election for that matter. Political parties are obligatory in dealing with an issue such as illegal immigration. The interests and views of both sides are heard through the two-party system on the United States. In cases like this, the party with the majority wins out most of the time. [7]Unlike that of Europe, political parties are not represented by the percentage they tallied in the previous election. Only the two strongest political parties are represented in the United States’ bicameral legislature. Therefore, political parties are weaker as they face the opposition of one party and cannot gain the support of any other smaller party in the legislation process. A political party can however gain strength when in control of the Presidency, Senate and the House of Representatives. One party having control of the Presidency, Senate, and the House of Representatives creates ease in passing legislation. Such is the case prior to the elections in November of 2006. The Republican control of the Presidency and both houses made legislation relatively easy to pass through without the implications of vetoing, voting down, and mark-up of a bill. When majority representation is split between these three bodies, legislation becomes a difficult and timely process. In this case of passing legislation in regards to illegal immigration, the Republican control of Washington made the passing of the 700 mile fence along the Mexico-United States border go smoothly. With a passing of the majority in both houses and the signing of the bill by President George Bush, this bill became law. This illustrates perfectly how control of the two houses and presidency can get things done effectively and on time. Illegal immigration is problem of the national government according to United States procedure and policy. This is due to the framework of the federal system of government. 5A federal system allocates shares the majority of government responsibilities between that of the nation and state. This is known as dual federalism But, since the Great Depression, the national government has taken a greater responsibility in protecting the liberty of the United States. Such is the case with illegal immigration although the effects of which are felt by both the national and state levels. Illegal immigration has a direct relation with the bureaucracy. The bureaucracy will be responsible for carrying out or executing the tasks presented in bills that have been approved by the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the President. [8]The 700 mile fence along the United States and Mexico border will be carried out by the bureaucracy. The bureaucracy has proven, however, to be ineffective and slow. The fence along the border of the US and Mexico cannot be expected to be accomplished in the near future as it has been proven countless times that private contractors get the job done much faster than that of the United States and its bureaucracy. This is a perfect case of American political values conflicting with one another. The values of liberals and conservatives alike are conflicting directly here as something must be done one way or the other. The conservative side of getting rid of the illegal immigrants altogether and building a fence to keep them out conflicts directly with the liberal idea of harboring them and providing them with more than a guest-worker program. These disagreements make the American government strong and highly regarded among other countries. In conclusion, much of this political issue regarding illegal immigration has coupled with the course Government and Society in America as it yields a higher understanding. The relationship provides insight to the many workings of the United States political structure and operation. The insight provided with the topic of illegal immigration creates a better understanding of United States politics.

[1] MICHELLE MITTELSTADT, Houston Chronicle Washington Bureau (2006, October 1)
[2] Josh Brodesky, ARIZONA DAILY STAR (2006, September 25)
[3] Harrop, Froma, (2005, May 16)
[4] Alex de Tocqueville (1835) “Democracy in America”
[5] Harrop, Froma, (2005, May 16)
[6] Harrop, Froma, (2005, May 16)
[7] Ginsberg, B (Ed.). (2005). We The People. NY, NY: Norton.
[8] MICHELLE MITTELSTADT, Houston Chronicle Washington Bureau (2006, October 1)

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