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Planning Paper


Submitted By ozisnice
Words 519
Pages 3

Talley Planning
Week 3
Management / 330
Laurel Talley
University of Phoenix
Complete Paper Title (note Title Caps) [The introduction goes here. It should be one or two paragraphs detailing what the paper will address and generally includes a thesis statement. The introduction should prepare the reader for the content of the paper by previewing the main topics in the paper. Be sure to end with a transition word or sentence to lead into section one of the paper. Triple click anywhere in this paragraph to begin typing your own introduction.]
Level One Heading Required (note Title Caps)
Level Three Heading if Needed (note Title Caps) Level four heading if needed. [Begin your text here.]
Level Three Heading if Needed (note Title Caps) Level four heading if needed. [Begin your text here.]
Level Three Heading if Needed (note Title Caps) Level four heading if needed. [Begin your text here.]
Level One Heading Required (note Title Caps)
Level Three Heading if Needed (note Title Caps) Level four heading if needed. [Begin your text here.]
Level Three Heading if Needed (note Title Caps) Level four heading if needed. [Begin your text here.]
Level Three Heading if Needed (note Title Caps) Level four heading if needed. [Begin your text here.]
Level One Heading Required (note Title Caps)
Level Three Heading if Needed (note Title Caps) Level four heading if needed. [Begin your text here.]
Level Three Heading if Needed (note Title Caps) Level four heading if needed. [Begin your text here.]
Level Three Heading if Needed (note Title Caps) Level four heading if needed. [Begin your text here.]
Conclusion (this is the standard and required heading) [This is the conclusion of the paper. It should be one or two paragraphs summarizing the topics addressed in the paper. In addition and most importantly, it should contain the writer’s conclusions or findings. Triple click anywhere in this paragraph to begin typing.]
[Your references go here in alphabetical order (by the first author’s last name – or when there is no author, the first word of the title). This page is already set up with hanging indents. Triple click anywhere in this paragraph to enter your first reference. Include only references cited in your paper, and be sure to include every reference cited in your paper. Most references will be peer reviewed sources from the UOPX library and should follow the format below. Students should also make use of the Citation Generator in the CWE.]
Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial (if there is one). (year). Name of article in sentence case: If there is a subtitle, it should also be in sentence case. Name of Journal in Title Case, volume(issue), first page-last page. Retrieved Month Day, Year, from name of database.
An example of a properly formatted reference is shown below.
Lee, H. W. (2005). The factors influencing expatriates. Journal of American Academy of Business, 6(2), 273-279. Retrieved January 29, 2005, from ProQuest database.

Important: Delete all template material before submission to instructor. Items noted in blue are optional unless requested by instructor or the assignment.

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