...For this assignment I choose to go to my local Starbucks café. I find myself very busy through out the day so the best time to go was actually during the morning at around 7:00am. Before I begin to go into detail about what I observed during my visit I will say this. I wonder if the results I got for this assignment was simply because of the time I decided to go. I say this because during the time I went most of the relationships I saw were more so business professional. I actually went in and ordered my normal Caramel Macchiato with my Classic coffee cake, I did not want it to look like I was just taking notes on the people there. I see lot’s of people rushing in to get there morning coffee with a side pastry to go, most people all appear to be in a hurry like they need to be in and out quickly. I can only assume they need to be somewhere important like work, school, or possibly an appointment. I have noticed some other people that appear to be a bit more relaxed more so just enjoying there morning. These people can be found sitting inside reading the Los Angeles Times while sipping on there hot coffee. Some people appeared to be checking up on emails or maybe even completing assignments. Because I did see a few people using there MacBook’s. All in all I find that most people are just so consumed with themselves that they are not really taking the time to actually interact with the people that are in the same room with them. Seeing lots of people all of there cell phones that...
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...Piata cafelei Istoria cafelei este bogata ca insasi cafeaua, datand de mai mult de 1000 de ani. In Occident, istoria cafelei incepe acum trei secole, dar in Orientul Mijlociu ea este consumata de toate paturile sociale inca din vechime. Prima referinta la cafea, din surse inregistrate, dateaza din secolul al IX-lea, dar cu multe secole inainte, existau multe legende arabe despre bautura misterioasa si amara cu puteri stimulatoare. Primele plante de cafea au fost aduse pe coastele Marii Rosii din Africa.La inceput cafeaua era considerata aliment si nu bautura. Triburile est-africane macinau boabele crude de cafea si prin amestecarea cu grasime animala obtineau o pasta pe care o modelau sub forma de bile. Acestea erau consumate de razboinicii tribului pentru a avea mai multa energie in timpul luptelor. Incepand cu anul 1000 e.n., renumitul tamaduitor Avicenna, administra cafeaua in chip de medicament. Etiopienii obtineau un fel de vin din fructele de cafea, prin fermentarea in apa a boabelor uscate. Cafeaua crestea in mod natural si in Peninsula Arabiei si din secolul 11 aici cafeaua a fost preparata ca bautura calda. Se pare ca originea cafelei se afla pe continentul african, intr-o zona a Etiopiei cunoscuta sub numele de "Kaffa". De acolo ea se raspandeste in Yemen, apoi in Arabia si Egipt. Cultivarea cafelei s-a extins rapid in toate aceste tari si servitul cafelei a devenit un obicei zilnic placut. Spre sfarsitul sec. al XIV-lea, societatile care practicau comertul...
Words: 4214 - Pages: 17
...|[pic] | | | |Amity GlObal BUsiness SCHOOL, hYDERABAD | |[pic] | |Service Marketing Project Report On Café Coffee Day | | | | | |Submitted by :- Nandita Sadani | |Enrollment No. :- A30601909048 | PREFACE Marketing strategies are methods followed by most successful and well known companies to improve their scope in any market. It is a means by which we determine whether one company is better than the other or...
Words: 9340 - Pages: 38
...10 GREAT WALKS IN OUR FAVORITE CITIES THERE’S NO BETTER WAY TO EXPLORE A CITY than wandering its streets and alleys, from terracotta-hued palaces, picturesque squares, and baroque architectural showstoppers in Rome, to the modern glass towers, 19th-century limestone man ions, and secret, pocket-size parks of s Manhattan. We’ve gathered 10 fabulous walks in our favorite cities in the United States and Europe, so put on your comfy shoes and hit the streets. 1/4 mile W. Wacker Drive S. Water Street Lake Street Clark St. James R. Thompson Center END CLARK River Chicago Union Station The Great Fire of 1871 could have been the death of Chicago, but instead it proved to be a grand rebirth, as renowned architects rebuilt the city’s skyline. Today it’s Chicago’s most aweinspiring attribute. Start with the Willis Tower, a 1,454-foot giant that was the world’s tallest building when completed in 1973. Next, head to South LaSalle St. and the Rookery Building. This 12-story stunner, completed in 1888 ADAMS L Jackson Blvd. JACKSON Monadnock Building L L LIBRARY Van Buren Street LASALLE 224 S. Michigan Ave. Auditorium Theatre LaSalle St. Station Harrison St. in 1889 that still hosts performances. Double back to Jackson and Dearborn to see the geometric, 4.6-acre Federal Center, completed in the early 1970s by Mies van der Rohe. Don’t miss the graceful slopes of Chase Tower, built in 1969 as the First...
Words: 7234 - Pages: 29
...SUBJECT: PRODUCT MANAGEMENT “A STUDY ON THE “VIRTUAL BRANDING”” | | | | | | | | | VIRTUAL BRANDING The paper places emphasis on two aspects of the future of branding: 1. The ultimate limit of branding, that the authors have baptised as V-Branding (Virtual Branding), and 2. The development of a framework, process and assessment tool that allows companies to evaluate and steer their brand(s). The assessment tool, denominated as the RIB matrix-graph (Real-Imaginary Branding matrix-graph) can be used in 2D format (with Awareness and Degree of Diffusion forming the two axes or dimensions) and 3D format i.e. with an additional dimension such as age group, social status, period, time frame etc. Tool applicability stretches from the small business to transnational companies and from products to services. The paper also looks at the transition from lifestyles to mindstyles, the evolution of the consumer and how these link to branding evolution INTRODUCTION The chapter proceeds to describe the influence of brands on the buying process, and the importance of customer satisfaction...
Words: 7071 - Pages: 29
...UNIVERSITATEA “DUNĂREA DE JOS” - GALAŢI FACULTATEA DE ECONOMIE ŞI ADMINISTRAREA AFACERILOR SPECIALIZAREA MARKETING ŞI COMUNICAREA AFACERILOR COMPANIA: [pic] Masterand: Tatiana Luca Capitolul I PREZENTAREA FIRMEI I.1. Scurt istoric : Saga Coca-Cola Coca-Cola este băutura răcoritoare care este savurată de sute de milioane de ori pe zi de oameni de pe tot globul. Forma familiară a sticlei de Coca-Cola şi sigla, care sunt mărci înregistrate, sunt cele mai recunoscute simboluri comerciale din lume. Istoria Coca-Cola este povestea produsului care are cel mai mare succes din toată istoria comerţului şi a oamenilor cărora li se datorează atracţia sa unică. Succesul acestei organizaţii se datorează atât calităţii produselor sale, cât şi eficienţei managementului financiar şi capacităţii cu totul ieşite din comun în desfacerea produsului la scară planetară ( Miu, 1999, p. 29). După un deput mai mult decât modest, Coca-Cola se dezvoltă în mod constant, depăşind centenarul, statut de care se bucură puţine firme din Statele Unite sau din orice ţară a lumii, pe fondul calităţii produselor. Apreciata şi căutata băutură Coca-Cola a fost creată de John Styth Pemberton, de formaţiae farmacist, care se stabileşte după războiul civil din Atlanta unde înregistrează patente de medicamente. În...
Words: 5518 - Pages: 23
...Assignment 4 Original IMC Plan Integrated Marketing Communication (MBA 570) Zaved Mannan D-6 Tower Bhaban, Fuller Road Dhaka University Campus Dhaka 1000 Bangladesh Student ID: 11320053 Date: 12.10.2011 Charles Sturt University Australia Executive Summery Coffee World is Swiss based global premium coffee chain and like to expand its business in Spain. Marketers have prepared an original IMC plan based on zero-based planning model. Target markets are mainly tourists (40%), professional (30%), students (20%) and others (10%). This report has analyzed critically Company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in Spain market. Communication objectives can be based on think-feel-do model. Coffee World’s behavioral communication is to offer best product and service to the customer. Marketers will use various MC tools to crack the Spanish market. Campaign message will be “Where The World Meets!” Marketers will use ‘demonstration’ and ‘humor’ strategy to run IMC plan. A detailed IMC plan for Coffee World is discussed in this report. The report will evaluate the effectiveness of proposed IMC plan. Table of Contents Introduction 4 Zero Based Planning 4 Identify Target Market 5 SWOT Analysis 6 Marketing Communication Objectives 8 Developing Strategies & Tactics 10 Integrated Marketing Communication 12 Evaluation Effectiveness 15 Conclusion 15 Appendix 16 References ...
Words: 7760 - Pages: 32
...BARISTA VS CAFÉ COFFEE DAY – A COMPARATIVE STUDY THE INDIAN INSTITUTE OF PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT, NEW DELHI Table of Contents Topic Synopsis Section 1: Introduction - The Coffee Café Industry 1.1 Evolution of Coffee Cafés 1.2 The Coffee Café Industry 1.3 Growth of the Café Industry in India Research Methodology Section 2: Case Study on Barista 2.1 Corporate Profile 2.2 Marketing Mix 2.3 Human Resources Section 3: Case Study on Café Coffee Day 3.1 Corporate Profile 3.2 Marketing Mix 3.3 Human Resources Section 4: Market Survey 4.1 Survey Methodology 4.2 Characteristics of Visit 4.3 Comparative Rating 1 Section 5: Conclusion 5.1 Areas of Excellence 5.2 Areas needing Improvement 5.2 Recommendations & Suggestions Annexure I Primary Questionnaire 1 II Primary Questionnaire 2 Bibliography 2 SYNOPSIS The objective of the thesis is “To compare and study Barista & Café Coffee Day, identify areas of excellence and areas needing improvement; and provide suggestions for such improvement”. The aim of this Thesis is to successfully compare two prominent service sector companies on a common platform, analyze their working and performance, and highlight what they are doing well, while providing suggestions and recommendations for improvement. Barista and Café Coffee Day were chosen because of their identical pattern of functioning and growth. They are the only two major players in the national coffee café industry, and their customers consider both as interchangeable...
Words: 17069 - Pages: 69