Premium Essay



Submitted By tevaga01
Words 644
Pages 3
Gay Marriage
Sio Tevaga
University of Phoenix
[ July 11, 2011 ]
Debo Onatolu

A topic that has many on the edge of their seats is the topic of marriage and primarily where is it heading towards in this generation? Throughout the world and mainly in our country, the subject of same-sex marriage has taken a front seat row because of how our society is shifting towards legalizing the same-sex marriage throughout the United States. There are many valid arguments from both sides of gay marriage and why one side supports it and why the other opposes it. In this essay, I will be discussing articles with reliable and valid data sported by sources that have been reviewed by many respected writers and journalist based on this subject of gay marriage.
For over a decade, the issue of same-sex marriage has hit the fore front of America’s politics, setting off waves of competing legislation, lawsuits and ballot initiatives to either legalize or ban the practice and causing rifts within religious groups. For the past couple years, the gay rights movement has made it a goal to persuade lawmakers to consider their point of view and why legalizing same-sex marriage will provide a better place in America’s society. According to John Leo, a U.S. News & World Reporter, “if gays are the social equal of straights, why can’t they marry too?”(Leo, 1993). This question signifies why lawmakers and governments are reconsidering this matter of same-sex marriage and reconsider this issue of same-sex marriage. Kathleen Pipes, a minister in Santa Curz, CA, mentioned that the arguments against gay marriage were based not on an interpretation of the US constitution, but on an interpretation of scripture, usually the Christian Bible. These ballot measures not only deny members of society equal civil rights, but also enforce the religious beliefs of some Americans upon others

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