...illegal immigration has been the topic of public discourse (Wucker, 2007). The public discourse is mainly due to the sensitivity of the issue of illegal immigration and the burden attributable to the resulting population explosion is placing on the governments and citizens as well as legal residents of states and counties in the United States (Martin, 2008). The recent enforcement of U. S. Department of Homeland Security (U.S. DHS) laws, which started in 2006, is working (Camarota & Jensenius, 2008) but the enforcement is not reducing illegal immigration, especially on the United States’ Southern border (Ewing, 2008). Baker et al, in a U. S. Department of Homeland Security report show, from 2006 to 2007 the illegal immigrant population increased by 4% (Baker, Hoefer, & Rytina, 2008). Illegal immigrant population is declining because of border enforcement of immigration laws (Camarota & Jensenius, 2008). The loss of jobs due to economic downturn in the country can also account for declining illegal immigrant population (Grayson, 2008). Despite the declining population of illegal immigrants due to enforcement, illegal immigration is still a challenge (Ewing, 2008). The persistence of illegal immigration on the border implies that the countermeasures in use in fighting illegal immigration on the borders appear to need revisions (Ewing, 2008). Statement of the Research Problem Statement of the Problem According to a report by US DHS on estimates of illegal immigrants in the United...
Words: 4165 - Pages: 17
...dissertation examines the intersection of Donald Trump's anti-immigrant rhetoric with racialized nationalism and the role of media in shaping public attitudes toward immigration in the United States. This research seeks to answer the following question: How does the immigration discourse articulated by Trump through racial and nationalist lenses become magnified in media representations, and what does this have to do with political polarization and public opinion? Based on the comprehensive review of prior literature, this research explores how Trump's rhetoric on immigration has perpetuated a racialized, exclusionary political discourse that shapes both public attitudes and partisan alignments. By means of selective exposure...
Words: 4518 - Pages: 19
...Trump?s anti-immigrant rhetoric, racialized nationalism, and the role of media in shaping public attitudes toward immigration in the United States. The research addresses the question: How has Trump?s immigration discourse, framed through racial and nationalist lenses, been amplified by media representations, and what are the implications for political polarization and public opinion? Drawing on a comprehensive review of existing literature, the study investigates how Trump?s rhetoric on immigration has contributed to a racialized, exclusionary political discourse that impacts both public attitudes and partisan alignments. Through analyzing media framing, including selective exposure...
Words: 4765 - Pages: 20
...Persuasive Research Paper 1 Final Project: Persuasive Research Paper Axia College of University of Phoenix Cliff Cook Final Project: Persuasive Research Paper Com 220 April 11, 2010 Final Project: Persuasive Research Paper 2 Illegal immigration is one of the most controversial issues in today’s society. It is a major topic in many political debates, and one cannot read a newspaper or watch the evening news without eventually coming across a story about it. With all of the commotion surrounding illegal immigration, it is no surprise that many American citizens are concerned about how much it will affect their lives. The exact impact of illegal immigration is impossible to measure due to the fact that the majority of illegal immigrants are undocumented. However, it is clear that it has both negative and positive impacts on the American workforce. Whether or not one past outweighs the other is a personal opinion, but the only way to make an informed decision is to know the facts from both sides of the argument. This research report will discuss both the negative and positive impacts that illegal immigration has on the American economy, but will begin by giving a brief background on illegal immigration. [pic] Final Project: Persuasive Research Paper 3 ...
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...Western immigrants in japan Name: Institution: Professor: Course: Date: Title The title of this research proposal is; investigation into the current trend of Japanese immigration. Introduction The wave of globalization has been associated with an increase in cross-border relocations for goods, capital and human resources. The movement of people however in the post-world war attracted the attention of most of the industrialized nations of the west. Terrorist attacks of September 2011 initiated the review of immigration laws. Studies show that most of the industrialized states which tend to receive the highest number of immigrants are currently in the process of revising their demographic structures. They are characterized by an aging and shrinking population with consequences being evident in their work force. UNPD report of 2000 regarding replacement migration in the industrialized nations shows vividly the replacement is important to maintain the level of employed to that of the unemployed (Coleman, 2000). Japan being amongst fastest industrialized nations of the world is reported to experience high number of immigrants from the western countries. If demographic factors such as fertility and retirement age are not revised, the country will need a high labor immigration to maintain its workforce. Its political leaders are however reluctant in embracing measures to open doors for such immigrants. The country still continues to bar the entry of foreigners...
Words: 1759 - Pages: 8
...The Economic Impact of Immigration Within Canada There has been an appeal in immigrating to Canada ever since the early 1800’s, but only in the past seventy years have we seen drastic changes in domestic immigration law and policy. Most notably Canada has received recognition for its Immigration Act of 1976 as well as our current Immigration and Refugee Protection Act from 2002. Canadian immigration is still evolving today and currently Canada is known as a country with a broad immigration policy that is reflected in the countries ethnic diversity. Policy goals, selectivity and trade are three prominent aspects of Canadian immigration that I have found compelling journal articles written on. Although every aspect of immigration has its differences, they all similarly share a united end common goal of further benefiting Canada. Economics is a similarity that plays a large role in each aspect and article, from strategically selecting immigrants that will quickly economically assimilate to using immigration to increase trade flow from foreign countries. Although in contrast – the article that I have found to obtain the most compelling argument on Canadian immigration policy is the one that disagrees with using immigration solely for economic means, it implicitly states that immigration policy should not solely be seen in economic benefits but that it should be seen as primarily a cultural, social and humanitarian policy opposed to an economic one. In the first article I examined...
Words: 2055 - Pages: 9
...Migration Research Paper Name of Institution Name of Student Introduction Global economy as well as how society relates is greatly influenced by migration. Throughout history migration has facilitated human interaction which has led to the spread and advancement of humanity as a whole. Migration facilitates the movement of labour, the transfer of ideas, diffusion of new technology and interaction of various cultures. It is therefore important to understand the trends in migration and the factors causing migration. Migration trends also need to be understood in terms of the characteristics of immigrating groups. In so doing the cause behind the migration of these groups becomes evident. This research tackles the factors causing immigration whilst paying special attention to the role played by government policy and state action. This is mainly because emigration and immigration have, over the years, become state affairs transcending the personal requirements of individuals. Countries have adopted strict laws, policies and protocols that guide the emigration and immigration processes. The paper established a deep correlation between these laws, policies and protocols and the migration patterns. This was after analysis of available migration statistics as well as government policy and state action. The latter was found to have a rooted influence on the former either directly or indirectly. In the direct influence, government policy presents a push or pull factor that necessitated...
Words: 2354 - Pages: 10
...Did you know that over 14.5 million immigrants migrated to the U.S. from 1900-1920? This Mass Immigration Wave led to millions of Migrants being exploited, discriminated against, and stereotyped. How would you like it if you were being exploited, discriminated against, and stereotyped? Even though there are a lot of positives of immigration, there could be some down sides such as native-born workers in low wage employment,”poor tax money use”, and an increase in families in poverty. These problems have been around since 1783. The cause of these problems is because of Immigrants looking for a better/productive life and some migrate to get themselves away from violent-conflict, environmental reasons, and opportunities.Even though immigration affects native-born workers in employment, immigration provides great positives like an increase in Gross Domestic Product and Gross Domestic Product growth because of immigrants' hard labor, tax pay and immigrants forming new jobs by forming new businesses.Immigrants are good hard labor workers which is why businesses thrive because they can provide a lot of chances for immigrants in low wage jobs, immigrants also pay their taxes positively....
Words: 969 - Pages: 4
...Immigration reform essay: According to Pew Research Center, there are roughly 11 million illegal immigrants in the u.s. as of 2015. This is so far one of the best estimates we have today on how many illegal immigrants reside in the u.s. When looking at illegal immigration patterns across other developed nations these numbers tend to be much lower (CITATION NEEDED). In the u.s we have seventy five percent of our illegal immigration coming from mexico while the other twenty five percent is from various latin and south american countries (citation needed). With the current amount of illegal immigrants residing in our country our political leaders must be able to make immigration reform possible. There are a few ways to do this. The Conservative...
Words: 1120 - Pages: 5
....Present Obama declared immigration reform in 2014.This reform arouse a hot debate. Immigration in recent decades has significantly increased the presence of foreign-born workers in the United States. Some stories in the popular press suggest that immigrants lower wage and diminish the job opportunities of workers born in the United States. Others portray immigrants as filling essential jobs that are shunned by other workers and expand job opportunities. Immigration effects on employment, income, and productivity vary by occupation, job, and industry. One recent research by Peri (2009) and Peri and Sparber (2009) examining the impact of immigrants on the broader U.S. economy. These studies systematically analyze how immigrants affect total output, income per worker, and employment in the short and long run. Consistent with previous research. According to study, immigrants help to create new jobs, stabilize or strengthen the housing market, increase income per U.S.-born worker ,and make once-declining areas more attractive Immigrants create jobs. Research on how immigration impacts U.S. workers often focuses on how immigration affects the wages of native-born workers. Equally important, however, is how immigration affects employment opportunities for the native born. Research shows that increased immigration does not displace U.S. workers for many of the same reasons that there are not negative wage effects. Another reason that immigrants do not displace U.S. workers...
Words: 415 - Pages: 2
...Policies On Illegal Immigration and Its History Since the 19th century, there has been a constant flow of federal policies that have made attempts to regulate immigration in the US. These policies started when New York began to register and tax immigrants in 1824 (Welch). Since then, policies regarding illegal immigration have changed, and an increased overall number of immigrants coming to the US caused policies to become more oppressive. There has also been struggles including policies that affect children and how to properly help undocumented children while considering what is morally best for the child. Due to issues with the policies regarding illegal immigration, there is controversy...
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...English161 The competition between immigrants and natives for low-wage jobs Among all nations, immigration is always a hot topic especially in the Untied States because the country is highly mixed with people from different nationalities. Immigration contains two kinds of immigrants, legal and illegal. Undocumented immigrants that come to the U.S. under the low are illegal immigrants. Their presence come into notice by people who naturally born in the U.S. Some people say that illegal immigration is a great stimulation that can improve the economy in many ways. For example, immigrants quickly fill the low-wage jobs which employers need, and spending the money back to the economy by purchasing products to live off. Others say that illegal immigration reduces wages for native-born Americans since the immigrants are taking over the low-wage jobs and willing to work even for lower wage. I say that even though illegal immigration has some undeniably positive economic effects, the impact on the working poor is negative. Even the illegal immigration generally helps economic growth, it hurts native working poor who live in poverty in the U.S. indeed. These days, more and more people try to come to the U.S. illegally to try to get better opportunities for jobs or make a better living. They quickly fill in low-income jobs, and work hard with lower wages than native-born Americans. It makes employers hard to reject them because the intense competition in the U.S. economy; they need...
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...Immigration Citizens Children The Effects of Immigration on Children and Families Introduction Illegal immigration is a very controversial issue within our society. There are families within our society that are made up of parents that are here illegally but have children who are born here and are citizens. But it is these citizens that are what I am referring to as the incomplete citizens. Who are these incomplete citizens and why are they being impacted by our society? Are there different stipulations for these children that are born to these undocumented families? Do they really receive the same rights as those born to U.S. citizens? Our societies including our politicians have different opinions about illegal immigration. Immigration reform negatively affects those children that are born to undocumented parents. They find themselves facing adversities that had the situation been different would never have to face. Working in an elementary school I have seen first hand how those children are affected as a result of their parent’s legal status. My purpose in this research is to show the emotional, educational, and financial effects that are inflicted on the undocumented families. This is a problem that is not going to be resolved overnight but rather this is a problem that is going to need help from the various disciplines. With this research more information will be found to present how children are affected through the different disciplines and how these disciplines...
Words: 4046 - Pages: 17
...Illegal Immigration “Households headed by illegal aliens imposed more than 26.3 billion in costs on the federal government in 2002” (“Illegal Immigrants Create a Drain on the U.S Government” 1). Illegal immigration has been a heated debate topic for a long time. But what is it and why is this, such an important part of our lives. An Illegal immigrant is an alien who has crossed national borders and is in violation of that country’s immigration laws. Therefore everything he or she does wail in that country is illegal. Immigrants are entering our country illegally draining our society; if police do not strengthen, our country is in jeopardy of becoming third world. I believe that the bad outweigh the good when it comes to illegal immigration. They are a drain on our society. However the problem is not just the people directly crossing into our borders, it is also the children they have here in America. Any illegal child who is born in America is automatically given citizenship. For example, according to the article “Illegal Immigrants Create a drain on the U.S. Government”, “Many of the costs associated with the illegals are due to their American-born children, who are awarded U.S. citizenship at birth” (1). However in recent times the Democratic Party has been trying to legalize an illegal way of life as practiced by the immigrants. It’s more then just rights that the democrats are fighting for. They feel that illegal aliens should also be given the same privileges that American...
Words: 812 - Pages: 4
...Immigration is an important issue in the United States and the connection between immigration crime and fear of it has a long history. It dates back to the colonial times when the United States experienced a huge wave of immigration from 1880 to 1920.The colonist were mad about the people escaping to the United States for more freedom. The increased number of immigration was believed to be the cause of more crimes. There was a negative image and a fear of new immigrants. The first federal government action toward immigration matter was The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 which banned immigration from China (Annalisa Merelli). The government started to tightened the immigration policy and deportation has become a punishment for minor offenses....
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