...Reflective Essay Prompts 1. Initial Reaction The address of my internship site looked familiar, I was sure of the location. Once I arrived at my internship site, I know that the Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota (ILCM) uses College Possible’s previous suite. I am a College Possible student, and I had been to their office before, so it was not hard for me to find my work place. However, I expected this organization to have a larger working space and more staff. On my first day, a receptionist thought that I was a client, therefore, she called my supervisor. My supervisor, Lenore, toured me around the workplace and introduced me to the staff in there. My first impression of my supervisor was that she is a serious and straightforward person....
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...Angel Martinez HIST-151 Dr. Derek R. Everett December 9, 2024 Title Food is not only a source of life but also one of the most compelling metaphors for cultural identity, political movements, economic progress, and social transformation in American life. The way this most basic commodity has been produced, consumed, and marketed reflects many broader trends in American history and has become illustrative of how food practices interrelate with societal transformations. This essay compares and juxtaposes the juncture of food and American life represented by Megan J. Elias in Food in the United States, 1890-1945, by Frederick Douglass Opie in Southern Food and Civil Rights, and by Laresh Jayasanker in Sameness in Diversity. These three works framed...
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...Ergi Omeri HSB4U1-11 Mr.Drummond September 10, 2013 American History X is a reflective and inspiring drama about the consequences of urban racism as it portrays the way a family can be torn apart by hate. A very graphic examination of extremism in America, the film shows neo-nazi/skinhead activist, Derek, trying to reform himself and save his brother after living a life consumed by violence and bigotry. The story unfolds through the eyes of Danny Vineyard (Edward Furlong), who idolizes his older brother Derek (Edward Norton). Raging for revenge over the murder of their firefighter father, Derek ends up finding himself transformed by a philosophy of hate. His incendiary actions ultimately lead to a murder and a prison sentence for himself. Racism, prevalent throughout the world and of course, the film American History X, affects the way one thinks about others. A key element of this film, other than racism of course, is that the activist Majorities can never be trusted. A lot of ruthless scenes of violence were included in the film, which for some may have increased its effectualness and made it appear more real. Manipulation is also key in American History X where the main characters in this film are young, bright, and filled with potential, yet they still somehow manage to be recruited into the neo-nazi/skinhead movement. The message is that any person, no matter how normal, can quickly cross the line from being civil into being consumed by racial fanaticism, violence...
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...communication. Therefore, the importance of effective communication in nursing cannot be overstated as miscommunication causes misunderstandings, misdiagnosis and even a lack of trust in the professional. In agreement with this, Walker et al state that interpersonal aspects of care are central to patient’s perceptions of quality of care. (2007:149). In this reflective essay, I will discuss the issues of prejudice and discrimination and how communication can convey both negative and positive attitudes. From my first clinical placement, I have learned how attitudes could have a profound effect on the level of care a client or patient receives. “Positive responses to cultural diversity include acceptance and knowledge, not bias or prejudice. A culture is a system of behaviours people learn from the people they live and grow up with. Each culture may have different lifestyles, religions, customs and behaviours”, (Alvare et al, 2005:129). Gibbs Reflective Cycle (1998) is the framework for my reflection. In accordance with the code of professional conduct (NMC, 2004), confidentiality will be maintained throughout this essay, no trust or staff/patient names shall be used. On my Out of Hospital Placement, I was “spoked out” from my main clinic to observe a Health Visitor involved...
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...Expressive Essay (Observation, Ethnography or Memoir) First Draft ENC 1101 – CR Junkins Purpose: What do I want the student to do? In this course, we will explore the two most commonly used forms of writing for college students: expressive writing and academic writing. Expressive writing captures what is important to the writer. In order to succeed, writers must understand themselves. Such writing is deeply personal. Expressive writing is designed to prepare students for writing outside academics—communicating feelings and observations, beliefs and opinions, community and individuality—all skill sets that will enable students to succeed in any discipline or career path. From a learning perspective, expressive writing is often an easier form of writing than academic. It allows students to begin working with such concepts as language, reasoning and mechanics while working with material they find worth discussing. In this assignment, I want students to carefully examine both themselves and their community. What makes their community unique? What is their place within the community? How did their unique, individual personality take shape? Project Overview: How do I want the student to do the assignment? Component One: Personal Students will choose to write on one of the following three topics: • One’s sense of place (observation) • One’s place within a community (ethnography) • One’s relationship to an event from the past (memoir) ...
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...IELTS Writing Task 1 Simon Contents 1. Line graph 2 1.1. Tips for Line graph 2 1.2. Internet Users as percentage of population 3 1.3. Internatioal migration in UK 4 1.4. UK acid rain emission 5 1.5. Water consumption 6 1.6. Car ownership 7 2. Bar chart 8 2.1. Marriages and divorces 8 2.2. Levels of participation 9 2.3. Consumer good 11 2.4. House prices 12 3. Table 13 3.1. Tips for table 13 3.2. Rail networks 14 3.3. Poverty proportion in Australia 15 3.4. Daily activities 16 3.5. Goods consumer 17 4. Pie chart 18 4.1. Cam7, page 101 18 4.2. Diet 19 5. Map 20 5.1. Village of Chorleywood 20 5.2. Gallery 21 5.3. House design 22 5.4. 2 proposed supermarket 23 6. Process 24 6.1. Tips for process diagram 24 6.2. Forecast in Australia 25 6.3. Brick manufactuting 26 6.4. Water cycle 27 Line graph Tips for Line graph Line graphs always show changes over time. Here's some advice about how to describe them: * Try to write 4 paragraphs - introduction, summary of main points, 2 detail paragraphs. * For your summary paragraph, look at the "big picture" - what changes happened to all of the lines from the beginning to the end of the period shown (i.e. from the first year to the last). Is there a trend that all of the lines follow (e.g. an overall increase)? * You don't need to give numbers in your summary paragraph. Numbers are specific details. Just mention general things like 'overall...
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...SOAPSTONE (subject, occasion, audience, purpose, speaker, tone, organization, narrative style and evidence) strategy for use in analyzing prose and visual texts along with three of the five cannons of rhetoric: invention, arrangement and style. ▪ Students learn the format of the AP test, essay rubric and essay structure. ▪ Students take a full-length AP test for comparison purposes in the spring. Reading: The Scarlet Letter – Nathaniel Hawthorne Writing: Answer the following question in one paragraph. Use quotes from the novel as evidence. Some readers believe that the elaborate decoration that Hester embroiders on the scarlet letter indicates her rejection of the community’s view of her act. Do you agree or disagree? Explain your position using evidence from the text. (test grade) Writing: Write a well-developed essay addressing the following prompt. Document all sources using MLA citation. Compare Hester to a modern day person who has been shunned. Provide at least two research sources for the other person. (project grade) Reading: “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” Jonathan Edwards Analyzing: SOAPSTONE and cannons of rhetoric Reading: Teacher Introduction Essay Writing: Students and teacher evaluate where each student’s writing is and where it needs to be by analyzing students’ introductory...
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...FdA Fashion Marketing and Promotion Unit: Individual Major Project UNIT LEADER: Edwin Phiri TEACHING TEAM: Edwin Phiri, Wessie Ling, Nicole Dunlop, Chrissy McKean and Laura Avery CREDIT RATING: 40 STAGE: 2 LEVEL: 5 LOCATION IN COURSE: Term 3 CORE SPIRIT BRIEFING: Monday 16th April HH203 10.00-12.00 Group A 14.30am – 15.30am in JPS 512 (18/4/12 and 25/4/12 only) Movie Maker Group B 15.30am – 16.30am in JPS 512 (18/4/12 and 25/4/12 only) Movie Maker Group A 15.30am -16.30am in JPS 512 (17/4, 24/4, 1/5 and 15/5 only) Excel Group B 13.00am- 14.00pm in JPS 512 (17/4, 24/4, 1/5 and 15/5 only) Excel Group A and B 09.30-11.30 HH 203 Lecture Group A 12.00-14.30 (Seminars with relevant supervisor as scheduled) Group B 15.00-17.30 (Seminars with relevant supervisor as scheduled) Students to attend Individual and small group tutorials with relevant tutors as scheduled. LCF STUDENTS ARE REQUIRED TO USE ONLY THEIR COLLEGE / UNIVERSITY EMAIL ADDRESS. All correspondence to you will be through that medium Unit Handbook 2011 – 2012 INTRODUCTION This unit provides you with the opportunity to undertake a self-directed project that consolidates and extends your knowledge and skills. Your project will include planning, research, ideas development and recommendations and will include both practical and theoretical elements. This unit will allow you to develop entrepreneurship and creativity, whilst undertaking a project with a feasible...
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... | |c. |the use and coordination of human capital to ensure the profitability and survival of the organization. | |d. |the design of the organization and its systems in order to achieve the goals of the organization. | ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: p. 4 OBJ: 1 NAT: AACSB Reflective Thinking LOC: HRM TOP: Definitional 2. HR metrics must be linked to |a. |statistical analyses. | |b. |industry outcomes. | |c. |business performance. | |d. |employee satisfaction. | ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: p. 4 OBJ: 1 NAT: AACSB Reflective Thinking LOC: Creation of Value TOP: Conceptual 3. All of the following are types of organizational assets EXCEPT |a. |social. | |b. |human. | |c. |financial....
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...International Business, 14e (Daniels et al.) Chapter 6 International Trade and Factor-Mobility Theory 1) Which of the following is NOT a reason that international trade theory is useful for managers to understand? A) Countries use trade theories to help them decide how to improve their competitive positions, such as improving the quantity and quality of production factors. B) Countries' trade policies affect whether imports are allowed to compete against domestic production, thus affecting where companies need to produce to serve given markets. C) Countries use laissez-faire policies to intervene in the free movement of international trade, thus affecting where companies can produce most efficiently. D) Countries wrestle with the questions and set policies on what, with whom, and how much they should import and export, thus affecting companies' abilities to produce given products efficiently and sell them into given markets. Answer: C Diff: 3 Learning Outcome: Compare and contrast theories of international trade Skill: Concept Objective: 1 2) Why should managers in international business understand international trade theories? A) Countries' trade policies, based on trade theories, influence which products companies might export to given countries. B) The understanding helps managers decide whether their companies should follow laissez-faire management practices. C) The theories help managers decide whether to use large-scale versus small-scale technologies...
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...tInternational Business Daniels 14th Edition Test Bank Click here to download the test bank INSTANTLY!!! http://testbanksolutionsmanualzone.blogspot.com/2013/02/internat ional-business-daniels-14th_11.html Name: International Business Author: Daniels Radebaugh Sullivan Edition: 14th ISBN-10: 0132668661 Type: Test Bank - The test bank is what most professors use an a reference when making exams for their students, which means there’s a very high chance that you will see a very similar, if not exact the exact, question in the test! This is a sample chapter International Business: Environments and Operations, 14e (Daniels et al.) Chapter 1 Globalization and International Business 1) The broadening set of interdependent relationships among people from different parts of the world is known as ________. A) globalization B) offshoring C) franchising D) outsourcing Answer: A Diff: 1 Learning Outcome: Define the fundamental concepts of international business Skill: Concept Objective: 1 AACSB: Dynamics of the global economy 2) Which of the following best defines international business? A) It includes all public economic flows between two or more countries. B) It includes all private economic flows between two or more countries. C) It includes all business transactions involving two or more countries. D) It includes all business transactions in countries other than your home country. Answer: C Diff: 2 Learning Outcome: Define the fundamental concepts of international business Skill:...
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...Chapter 01 Taking Risks and Making Profits within the Dynamic Business Environment TEST PLANNING TABLE FOR CHAPTER 1 |Learning Goal | | | | | |LL:1 |LL:2 |LL:3 | | |Knows Basic Terms and Facts |Understands Concepts and |Applies Principles | | | |Principles | | |Describe the relationship between profit |1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, |25,26,27,28,29,30,31, |34,35,36,37,38,39, | |and risk and show how businesses and |11,12,13,14,15,16,17 |32,33, |40,41,42,43, | |nonprofit organizations can raise the |18,19,20,21,22,23,24, |188,189,190,191,192,193,194,19|198,199,200,201, | |standard of living for all. |176,177,178,179,180,181,182,1|5,196,197 |202,203,204, | | |83,184,185,186,187 | |221, 326, 330 | |Compare and contrast being an entrepreneur|44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53|57,58,59, |60,61,62, | |and working for others. ...
Words: 47334 - Pages: 190
...This is a protected document. Please enter your student or faculty username and password. Username: Password: Log In Need assistance logging in? Contact Technical Support. Doc ID: 1009-0001-1993-00001994 Toll Free: 877.428.8447 M-F, 6am MST or Sat-Sun, 7am-12am MST Find us on Facebook and Follow us on Twitter! F I F T H E D I T I O N An Introduction to Multicultural Education James A. Banks University of Washington, Seattle Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City São Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo ISBN 1-269-53060-7 An Introduction to Multicultural Education, Fifth Edition, by James A. Banks. Published by Pearson. Copyright © 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc. Vice President/Editorial Director: Jeffery Johnston Executive Editor: Linda Bishop Editorial Assistant: Laura Marenghi Senior Marketing Manager: Darcy Betts Production Editor: Karen Mason Production Project Manager: Elizabeth Gale Napolitano Manager, Central Design: Jayne Conte Cover Designer: Laura Gardner Cover Art: “Sea and Sky” (013) 2003 © Marvin Oliver Artist Full Service Project Manager: Niraj Bhatt, Aptara® , Inc. Composition: Aptara® , Inc. Printer/Binder/Cover Printer: Courier Westford Text Font: ITC Stone Serif Std 10/12 Text Credits: Page 11, Stiglitz excerpt: From Stiglitz, J.E. (2012). The price...
Words: 78362 - Pages: 314
...for survival of man against man and man against nature. Some characters survive, others don’t. Most films can be analyzed more thoroughly to reveal deeper levels of meaning. A review (perhaps 400-1200 words) typically includes personal impressions and evaluations of a movie’s content and techniques. A good review may be subjective, yet still touch superficially on topics that might be explored in more detail in a longer formal analysis. An analysis (perhaps 1200-12,000 words) attempts to determine how the film actually uses various cinematic techniques and elements of film or narrative form to make a viewer react in a certain way and why it makes viewers come away with certain opinions about it. Serious film criticism, whether essays written for magazines, journals, books, or class assignments,...
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...ANTHROPOLOGY 101 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Queens College / CUNY, Spring 2015 TuTh 12:15-1:30PM, Kiely 150 Professor: Ramona Lee Pérez, PhD Email: ramona.perez@qc.cuny.edu Office hours: Th 2-3 PM, PH 315H COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is an introduction to the range of human diversity through an exploration of the peoples of the world. We will cover the basic concepts, theories, and methods that anthropologists use to study variations in cultural norms and social practices, economic systems and rules of law, social organization and patterns of inequality, identity and worldview, and patterns of social and cultural change. Focusing on the culture concept and the method of ethnography, we begin with the historical foundations of anthropology and then follow its attempts to understand contemporary human cultures. Comparative analysis of multiple ethnographic case studies and major theoretical approaches illuminates the range of human diversity, the forces that shape cultures, and how people adapt to a rapidly changing modern world. The central objectives of this course are to develop your intellectual skills, your cross-cultural fluency, and your sense of civic and moral engagement in global society. I hope that this course inspires many of you to become anthropology majors or minors, and grants each of you an anthropological perspective on your own life. REQUIREMENTS This is an intensive course that requires full participation from every student...
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