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Submitted By heady1099
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Adopting Arizona’s Immigration Law in
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Does politics have the upper hand on humanity in Arizona's immigration law SB-1070. This law should be abolished because it is racist, unfair and degrading to legal and illegal Latino immigrants? Immigration has always presented a problem for America and we now find ourselves faced with the issue on a large political scale.
On July 29, 2010, the United States of America listened in as Arizona State put into effect their own immigration law. With the backing of Michigan, Alabama, Florida, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, and South Carolina Arizona has set the presence for illegal immigrants to face the law. The new law “directs officers to question people about their immigration status during the enforcement of other laws such as traffic stops, and if there's a reasonable suspicion they're in the U.S. illegally they will be deported”. “Arizona’s illegal alien population is 460,000 and according to a 2008 study by the Federation for American Immigration Reform, Georgia illegal alien population is 490,000”. (Inger Eberhart, 2010). As Americans we need to support Arizona’s efforts to clean house in fight of illegal aliens in the U.S. Most critics are saying that this is the strictest measure in generations for the detaining of illegal immigrants. The key work is “ILLEGAL”. Every American knows that if it is illegal then you should not be doing it, adolescent 101, but we live in a time where people feel that illegal aliens should not be questioned as to their citizenship as it goes against their rights. Number one they have no rights as they are not American Citizens, two if Americans would stop and think how many illegal’s who will work for pennies and are taking our jobs, and education benefits have done nothing but cost our states billions of dollars. Georgia’s cost is over $1.6 billion per year for education, health care and incarceration of illegal aliens, according to FAIR. In looking at the facts, this is not an open invitation for harassment or a poor me act, this is our states trying to protects it’s American Citizens.

Hispanics railed the law as a recipe for racial and ethnic profiling. “Governor Brewer caved to the radical fringe,” a statement by the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund said, predicting that the law would create “a spiral of pervasive fear, community distrust, increased crime and costly litigation, with nationwide repercussions.” (Randlad C. Archibold, 2010). Answer this question “How can it be deemed as racism is you are guilty of being in our country illegally? So Hispanics are allowed to break the law but Americans are not. So the first time I do something illegal I can tell the police that they are being racist because it’s just something illegal that I done, no harm in that. There has been so much term oil over Arizona controversial immigration law so much so that our own President will not back them. “"Our failure to act responsibly at the federal level will only open the door to irresponsibility by others. And that includes, for example, the recent efforts in Arizona, which threatened to undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans."- President Barack Obama (PBS. August 4, 2010). How can a state try and uphold the constitution and safety for its fellow Americans when the President himself will not stand behind them and uphold the law. This is not a debate over what is fair or not this is a debate about people living in the US illegally and Americans have to pay for it. Another quote used in ignorance has been "We’re scared of going outside the house; we're scared of being in certain spots now because of you know we know the police roams around. It has changed Arizona to the point where it's wrong. It's unfair and it shouldn't be like that."- Carla Urqidi, Arizona resident (PBS. August 4, 2010). If you are “scared” to go out of your home because the police are patrolling then wouldn’t that tell you that you are here illegally. There is a reason why we use the word “illegal”. Lets clear up what “illegal” means in layman's terms: not according to or authorized by law also: not sanctioned by official rules. The rules our country has in place for other items include no one under the age of 21 can drink because it would be “ILLEGAL”. What we are telling the youth of today is that we should not discriminate against those individuals who are “illegal Mexicans”; therefore we should not discriminate the age of drinking, Come on people wake up “illegal” is “illegal” I applaud Arizona’s efforts to keep their fellow Americans safe and uphold our constitution. Fences have been put up along the border in order to eliminate illegal immigrants from crossing; however Victor Guzman, supervisory Border Patrol agent who is responsible for the stretch of close together 15-foot cement-filled steel poles planted three feet into the ground have been breached by torches, hacksaws and ladders. Guzman states “We see it once or twice a week”. (Alicia A. Caldwell, April 11, 2008). Agents Border Patrols are not only worried about illegal immigrants trying to clean the fence, they are also considered about the fence itself as it is starting to settle into the ground and gaps have formed between the posts which are widening. With the posts widening, an average sixed women is able to wedge herself through. Joe Romers, border patrol spokesman said the fence was ordered before the congressional mandate to build 670 miles of pedestrian and vehicle fencing across the border with Mexico. Though detractors have argued that the fence will do little to stop determined illegal immigrants and smugglers to the United States one would assume that unless our laws in the united states are enforced no matter what they do they will continue to come across. Arizona’s immigration law was interrupted by the federal government with the judge Bolton had this ruling: “"Requiring Arizona law enforcement officials and agencies to determine the immigration status of every person who is arrested burdens lawfully present aliens because their liberty will be restricted while their status is checked," Bolton wrote. “ Americans need to listen as to why this portion of the law needs to instated. Lawyers for the state continue to fight that the law was a constitutionally sound attempt by Arizona to assist federal immigration agents and lessen border woes, such as the heavy costs for educating, jailing and providing health care for illegal immigrants.” ( staff July 29, 2010) We live in the home of the brave and the land of the free where a constitution is upheld and values are weighed. The governor of Arizona is just doing what every state needs to do and that is clean house. and uphold the constitution and protect Americans.

David Runk, Associated Press Writer, (2010 July 15), Associated Press Retrieved Monday, August 2, 2010, from
Randlad C. Archibold. (April 23, 2010). Arizona Enacts Stringent Law on Immigration Retrieved Wednesdaym August 4, 2010, from Inger Eberhart . (August 4, 2010) . Pro & Con: Should Georgia adopt an Arizona-style immigration law?. Retrieved Wednesday, August 4, 2010, from PBS (August 4, 2010). Arizona Immigration Law Sparks Nationwide Controversy. Retrieved Thursday, August 25, 2010 from staff (July 29, 2010). Limited immigration law goes into force in Arizona. Retrieved August 25, 2010. from
Caldwell, A (2008, April 11). Feds Say Border fence not tough enough. Fox, Retrieved September 18, 2010, from,4675,BorderFence,00.html.

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