Implementing Affirmative Action
Ruth Sears
May 29, 2011
Paula Augustyn
Implementing Affirmative Action
Affirmative action policies should have implemented to improve to help propel the company forward. Affirmative action can be a useful tool to help create diversity in the workplace. Implementing affirmative action policies will encourage growth in the company and will be able effectively to select and hire people, not just based on race but on qualifications that make a person suitable for a position in the company. Affirmative action policies will also benefit the workplace because people will be able to interact with people from other backgrounds, creating a blended work atmosphere. Affirmative action will encourage the company to hire and train minorities, which are qualified for positions within the company, without compromising the rights of non-minority workers. Furthermore, the board needs to realize in which the era living in now, where it cannot afford to have a company that treats people unfairly based on race or any other discriminatory practices. Currently, the company does not practice unfair hiring or biased policies in the company, but the company can still be a better round business. It is possible that the members of the board are hesitant to employ affirmative action policies because affirmative action is often a controversial topic. Regardless of the controversy surrounding affirmative action, a policy enables many persons of color to have opportunities that did not exist before affirmative action laws. The company has many reasons to make affirmative action policies a part of the company. A primary suggestion is because many minorities have benefited from affirmative policies that have led to the creation of work opportunities, making companies realize the importance of