...Journal of Information Systems Vol. 16, No. 2 Fall 2002 pp. 209–222 Impact of Information Technology on Public Accounting Firm Productivity Rajiv D. Banker Hsihui Chang The University of Texas at Dallas Yi-ching Kao University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee ABSTRACT: In recent years, information technology (IT) has played a critical role in the services provided by the public accounting industry. However, no empirical research has evaluated the impact of IT on public accounting firms. This study focuses on five offices of an international public accounting firm that recently made large IT investments, primarily in audit software and knowledge-sharing applications. Both qualitative and quantitative information from the research site are analyzed to estimate the change in productivity following the implementation of IT. The results from both regression analysis and Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) indicate significant productivity gains following IT implementation, documenting the value impact of IT in a public accounting firm. Keywords: public accounting; information technology (IT); IT productivity; IT adoption; data envelopment analysis. Data Availability: The confidentiality agreement with the firm that provided the data for this study precludes revealing its identity and disseminating detailed data without its written consent. I. INTRODUCTION dvances in information technology (IT) have transformed many firms in professional services industries, but perhaps...
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...EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Information technology is an amalgam of some wonderful inventions of the 20th century in electronics and communication. During a very short span of time it has acquired an important place in almost all aspects of human life and is found everywhere these days. For most of us, it is hard to image daily life without the influence of technological devices, be it handheld video games, personal digital assistants, cell phones or any number of computers. Through this paper the study on “IMPACT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY” on students and at work place and also the satisfaction level of using IT by these two groups of people have been shown, the advantages and disadvantages of IT. This paper also reflects the problems faced by the students and the employees working in the organization. The objectives of this paper are: • To study the impact of information technology on Students, at work place and on general public. • To study the satisfaction level of using information technology. • To study the problems faced by them. In the research methodology I have taken both primary data as well as secondary data. In the primary data I have made a questionnaire to find out the impact of information technology. In the secondary data I have collected the information from different age groups respondents, from various reports and journals published by different authors and from reports of various study group or working groups appointed by Government from time to time...
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...ciop^ ^ mm James C. Emery, Assistant Professor THE IMPACT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ON ORGANIZATION November 1964 No. 103-64 Paper to be delivered at the 24th Annual Meeting, Academy of Management Chicago, December 29, 1964 . THE IMPACT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ON ORGANIZATION Introduction A discussion of the impact of information technology on organization is largely a matter of speculation, since we are just now beginning to per- ceive its effects. Speculation, though often interesting and occasionally useful, presents some obvious hazards. One hazard, of course, is that predictions may prove wrong. This is not as great a danger as one might suppose, however, since the dramatic developments in the field of information technology make it likely that any prediction, if it is sufficiently imaginative and glamorous, will eventually prove correct. In any event, suitable hedging can minimize the probability of error, and faulty memories will reduce the penalty of an error if the prognosticator is indiscrete enough to make it obvious. A more serious and immediate pitfall trite and commonplace. is that the speculation may be This hazard is particularly treacherous when dis- cussing information technology and organization, since we already have been * presented with such a rich abundance of speculation on the subject. I do not claim that I have avoided this hazard altogether, but I ...
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...ESSAY ON IMPACT OF C/T ON PERSONAL BUSINESS LIFE Conclusion Communications Impacts In the past the manual and verbal method of communication was the norm on all aspects of our lives. Communications mediums have changed beyond recognition with the advancement of Technology. In this essay I will provide an overview of three forms of Technology: Mobile Phone, the Internet, the E-Mail. I will also explain current development in C/T and discuss the role of legislation on the industry. Mobile Technology: Mobile Technology is the technology used for cellular communication. They come into use in 1990’s. When first introduced, it way a luxury item, today it is viewed as an essential to our existence. Old mobile technology consisted of a large handset, battery and signal difficulties and was very expensive. Since the start of this millennium a standard mobile device has gone. Today mobile are slim line, cheaper and can perform of many functions: Personal Mobile use: * To call * To Text * Camera functions * Games * Alarm * Email * Internet * Calendar * App Store Business use: * To communications with staff, customers/business partners Advantages of Mobile Technology: * 24/7/365 contact * Accessible at all time * Variety of services available via any mobile * Mobile Marketing reaches new and existing customers * Sending out special offers and tracking responses. * GPS in phone can help to...
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...The Evolution of Information Technology and its Impact Felles Grant Grantham University October 29, 2013 The Evolution of Information Technology and its Impact Businesses have been searching forever for newer technology and ways to speed up production to draw in more business. With the introduction of the first personal computer in 1981 the promise of a new age of information technology was just beginning. Before businesses could capitalize on these benefits some rearranging had to take place. Automated tellers came to be and Microsoft releases the windows operating system in 1985, then in the 90's electronic commerce gabbed hold to technology. Now look at us mostly all business is conducted over a personal computer or some type of device. Computers offer businesses many options to organize data, personal information and other essential information. Information technology though it may seem new it's not, it has been around for a while now. It has been around so long that information technology can be broken down into 4 main ages. There is the premechanical age, the mechanical age, the electromechanical age, and the electronic age. The premechanical age is around the time of 3000 B.C and 1450 A.D. Yes we're talking caveman. Some of man's first communications were performed by drawings and carvings on rocks. This technology was called petroglyths. The along came the alphabet and we as people began writing...
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...the nature of accounting and its main functions. 4. identify the potential users of accounting information. 5. use information to make simple economic decisions. 6. understand the role of accounting information in the decision-making process. 7. understand the differences between accounting for management and accounting for external users. 8. understand how the accounting profession is organised in Australia. 9. identify the different areas of the economy in which accountants work. 10. understand the importance of ethics in business and accounting and how to recognise and handle ethical dilemmas as part of the decision-making process. 1 Chapter 1 STUDY TIPS FOR CHAPTER 1 1. This is an important chapter because it lays the foundation for all topics that will follow. 2. Make sure that you understand each new term as it is introduced. 3. Pay particular attention to the significance of accounting information for decisionmaking processes. 4. Identify the types of activities that are carried out by a professional accountant working in Australia. CHAPTER REVIEW 1. The nature of decisions and the decision-making process Decisions have to be made by all individuals every day. Decision making arises because of the need to choose between alternatives. Careful consideration must be given to all information available at the time because of the long-term consequences a decision...
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...The Evolution and Impact of Information Technology in Businesses Introduction to Business BA101 January 15, 2013 The Evolution and Impact of Information Technology in Businesses The rise of the technological advancement in society has had a major impact in today’s business world. Technological development has restructured the way businesses operate effecting the business structure, advertisement, marketing, and communication. With the advancement of information technology, coupled globalization the business environment has been thrust into global market forever changing the boundaries resulting in unlimited business opportunities across the globe. Although technology coupled globalization has a major impact on business world, there are also some disadvantages of technology in the work place. In this discussion I will define information technology, explore the impact on of information technology (globalization) in the work place and examine the advantages and disadvantages of information technology. Information technology is defined as the use of computers and telecommunications equipment to store, retrieve, transmit and manipulate information. In this present day information technology has continued to transform the landscape of the business community and the way society conducts business. Information technology has spun the business sector into a globalization electric transformational market place. Globalization has bridged the gap of space and time bring a better...
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...THE IMPACT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ON THE ACCOUNTING PROFESSION. 1.1 Introduction It has become increasingly necessary for all businesses to incorporate Information Technology (IT) solutions to operate successfully and be able to maintain a competitive edge within the market they operate. As a result, many corporations have adopted Information Technology on a large scale by investing in Enterprise Resource Planning systems (ERPs) to accomplish their business transactions and data processing needs. Through the use of technology, various organisations have ventured into more efficient ways of conducting their business operations. Focus has since shifted to adopting the latest technology in order to beat competition. In light of the accounting division, this has meant adopting different forms of ERPs, some of which have led to huge failures even in reputable organisations. In some organizations, decisions with regards to adopting newer technology are made independent of the accounting function. This implies taking on such projects without prior consultation of personnel in the accounting division. As a result, some of the failures in those projects have adversely affected the accounting function of many organizations. In this study of the Impact of Information Technology on the accounting function I intend to establish a conclusion as to whether the impact being made by Information Technology on the accounting profession is positive or negative with particular attention...
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...THE CHALLENGES OF INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) ON THE ACHIEVEMENT OF ORGANIZATIONAL OBJECTIVES ABSTRACT This research project attempt to highlight the challenges of information and communication technology in Nigeria business organization. It intends to determine how the information system helps an organization to perform effectively. Moreover, it also aimed at appraising the possible problems encountered in the installation and structural framework of information and communication technology systems as well as analyzing the socio-economic and indigenous cultural factors that affects the stream (flow) of information in Nigeria business organization. It has been observed that information and communication technology contribute greatly to the success of business organization in Nigeria. It has been deduced from the research that individual peculiar culture does not affect information system in functioning effectively. Finally, in other to make an organization to perform effectively and function well, management should allow flow of information and communication technology system in an organization. TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- i Approval page---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ii Dedication ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- iii Acknowledgement ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- iv-v Table of contents ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- vi-viii Abstract ----...
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...AIAA-2005-0001 The Impact of Information Technologies on Air Transportation R. John Hansman* Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA 02139, USA The Air Transportation System and several key subsystems including the Aircraft, Airline, and Air Traffic Management are modeled as interacting control loops. The impact of Information Technologies on each of these subsystems is evaluated through the performance of these control loops. Information technologies are seen to have a significant impact on the safety, efficiency, capability, capacity, environmental impact and financial performance of the Air Transportation System and its components. T Introduction he US and International Air Transportation Systems have demonstrated remarkable growth and increased performance over the past few decades. Fig.1 demonstrates the growth in passenger and cargo traffic in international regions since 1972. Strong growth can be seen in North America and Europe which continue to dominate the passenger traffic. In addition, extraordinary growth can be seen in Asia/Pacific which has dominated the cargo traffic since the early 1990’s. Scheduled Revenue Passenger-Kilometers by Region 1400 1200 1000 RPK (billion) North America Europe Freight Tonne-Kilometers by Region 45 40 35 North America 30 FTK (billion) Europe Asia and Pacific Latin America & Caribbean Middle East Africa 800 600 400 200 0 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 Asia and Pacific Latin America...
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...Nayab 1 Nayab Asim Professor’s Name Sample Test 27 February 2014 The Impact of Information Technology on Middle Managers The technological advancements have brought a revolution in various industries. It is been assumed that a number of industries will be shut down due to these technological expansion. Not only the industries will get affected by it but also the organizational structures of the firms will be affected by it. It is being predicted widely that information technology is going to reduce the middle managers because as we all know that middle manager’s responsibilities are mostly related to performing coordination tasks between top management and operations management and with the progress in information technology, these tasks are predicted to be done by various IT software. By doing so, companies will have lesser hierarchal levels and efficiency will be increased. For example the information systems can help top management in taking decisions related to operations and functions of their firm. They do not need to call a meeting of four to five managers and to report them frequently. This would save the time and cost, eventually benefiting the firm. Levitt and Whistler (1982) said that the culture of managerial jobs will be totally changed and they have warned the middle managers to organize and get themselves ready for this dramatically changing environment of organizations. On the other hand Simon (1977) has Nayab 2 argued that this change...
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...THE IMPACT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ON ACCOUNTING SYSTEM A CASE STUDY OF FIRST CITY MONUMENT BANK PLC MAKURDI ABSTRACT This study examines the impact of information technology on accounting system. The researcher has done this research using primary and secondary sources of data thereby adopting the questionnaire method and personal interview as a data collection technique. The statistical tool adopted in testing hypothesis was analyzed using chi-square. The major findings of this research revealed that, the positive impact of information technology outweighs the negative impact and both banks and customers benefit from it. Fraud is a major problem associated with information technology as it is on the increase by the day. The research recommended that, Government should improve the electricity supply in the country; they should support local IT firms by providing loans, and lowering tariffs with a view to encouraging them in carrying out their activities. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Tittle page - - - - - - - - i Approval page - - - - - - - - ii Declaration - - - - - - - - iii Acknowledgement - - - - - - - iv Dedication - - - - - - - - v Abstract - - - - - - - - vi Table of contents - - - - - - - vii CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the study - - - - - 1 1.2 Statement of the Problem. - - - - 2 1.3 Objectives of the study. - - -...
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...This project examines the general impact of Information Technology(IT) on the banking industry. The banking industry has introduced various new customer services and products using IT. The banking industry has gone through many changes as a result of the introduction of IT. In fact, the structure of the industry is continuously changing because of rapid development of IT. The continued success of IT applications mean that the limitations of current IT computer systems in banks have to be re-developed to meet future requirements. The aim of this project is to evaluate how the banking industry has applied IT; the effects of IT on competition; current IT applications and systems problems; the security of IT systems; IT risk and IT fraud and the future application of IT in the banking industry. The focus of the report has mainly been in the UK and US. In the research, the banking industry has demonstrated a fair amount of competence in the application of IT. Some banks were at the cutting edge of IT and have a clear vision of how IT could be furthered applied successfully. Banks have spent millions of pounds on IT every year in a bid to fully automate its operations and services to customers. The industry recognises that IT was a major key to its development. The research brought to light the fact that IT has increased competition within the industry. The realisation that the market size is not really increasing has made banks more competitive. Also, the expectation of...
Words: 562 - Pages: 3
...Accounting”, DomDane Publishing, (2011), pp. 20, 88-90. [4] Information Technology, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_technology, (Accessed 2013). [5] M. Ghasemi, V. Shafeiepour, M. Aslani and E. Barvayeh, “The Impact of Information Technology (IT) on Modern Accounting”, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 28, (2011), pp. 112–116. [6] http://www.e-conomic.co.uk/accountingsystem/glossary/accounting-system, (Accessed 2013). [7] K. I. Dandago and A. S. Rufai, “Information Technology and Accounting Information System in the Nigerian Banking Industry”, Asian Economic and Financial Review, vol. 4, no. 5, (2013) June, pp.655-670. [8] J. Moscove, P. Sinkin and P. Bagranoff, “A Theory of Interdependent Demand for a Communication Service. Bell Journal of Economics, vol. 5, no.1, (1999), pp. 283-292. [9] J. Hall, Accounting Information System, (2008), pp. 11-28, ISBN-10: 0324560893, ISBN-13: 9780324560893. [10] S. Shanker, “How is Information Technology Used in Accounting?”, Chron Small Business Demand Media, (2013). [11] M. Amidu, et al., “E-Accounting Practices among Small and Medium Enterprises in Ghana”, Journal of Management Policy and Practice, vol. 12, no.4, (2011), p. 152. [12] Cost-Benefit Principle, http://www.myaccountingcourse.com/accounting-principles/, (Accessed 2013). [13] N. K. Kermani, et al., “The Influence if Information Technology on the Efficiency of the Accounting Information Systems in Iran Hotel Industry”, International Research Journal...
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...S.No. | Bank | Tenure | Interest Rate | 1 | Lakshmi Vilas Bank | 1 year to less than 2 years | 10.50% | 2 | Tamil Nadu Mercantile Bank | 1 year to less than 2 years | 10.25% | 3 | City Union Bank | Above 3 years upto & inclusive of 5 years | 10.10% | 4 | Dhanalaxmi Bank | 300 days | 10.00% | 5 | State Bank of Travancore | 1 year and above | 9.50% | 6 | South Indian Bank | 300 days | 10.00% | 7 | Karur Vysya Bank | 1 year to 2 years | 10.00% | 8 | State Bank of Patiala | 999 days | 9.75% | 9 | Syndicate Bank | 211 to 269 days | 9.55% | 10 | Punjab and Sind Bank | 500 days | 9.75% | 11 | Karnataka Bank | 1 year to 2 years | 9.75% | 12 | Corporation Bank | 12 months | 9.65% | 13 | Yes Bank | 480 days | 9.60% | 14 | Kotak Bank | 1 Year & above upto and inclusive of 389 Days | 9.50% | 15 | IDBI Bank | 500 days | 9.50% | 16 | J&K Bank | 2 years to less than 5 years | 9.50% | 17 | Federal Bank | 1 year | 9.75% | 18 | Central Bank of India | 2 yr to less than 3 years | 9.30% | 19 | Axis Bank | 1 year to less than 14 months | 9.40% | 20 | Andhra Bank | 1 year | 9.40% | 21 | Vijaya Bank | 2 years to less than 3 years | 9.35% | 22 | Bank of Baroda | 444 days | 9.35% | 23 | Dena Bank | 1 year | 9.60% | 24 | Canara Bank | 1 year | 9.25% | 25 | Indian Overseas Bank | 1 year | 9.50% | 26 | ICICI Bank | 590 and 990 days | 9.25% | 27 | Bank of India | 555 days | 9.25% | 28 | Indian Bank | 1 year to less than 3 years | 9.50%...
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