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Impact of Social Networking Site


Submitted By bizzle12345
Words 3155
Pages 13
Impact of Social…. Abasyn Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 5 No. 2

Shahzad Khan 56

Impact of Social Networking Websites on Students
Shahzad Khan1
The purpose of this research study is to explore the impact of social networking websites on students. A research questionnaire was designed to determine the factors of social networking websites that have impact on students. Variables identified are age, gender, education, social influence and academic performance. 168 respondents that were only students were randomly selected. The study concluded that students whose age range from 15 to 25 mostly use social networking websites for entertainment. 60% of male students commonly used social networking websites for knowledge. Graduation students generally prefer social networking websites for entertainment. From this research study it was also found that people can use social networking websites due to social influence. This study determines that most of students use social networking websites due to their friends and its total average is 67.3% of total sample. Students having 3.0 to 3.5 GPA (Grade Point Average) mostly use social networking websites for entertainment.
Key words: Social Networking Websites, Entertainment, Students and KPK Pakistan.
1Shahzad Khan, Lecturer City University of Science and Information Technology Peshawar Pakistan.
Internet is a very important element of life which cannot be ignored. Internet is used for educational purpose by a large community but unfortunately we have a large community including majority of youth and teenagers who use Internet for only social networking sites (Boyd, 2006). Trusov, Bucklin, Impact of Social…. Abasyn Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 5 No. 2
Shahzad Khan 57

and Pauwels (2009) reviewed that the phenomena of social network is quite simple to understand, it is a web based facility which

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