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Impact on Nursing Education


Submitted By benson1214
Words 936
Pages 4
The future of nursing is changing day by day. Therefore, the healthcare system needs to adapt to the change. This is critical for patient care and work environment. Patient’s and employee’s safety should be number one in a health care facility. This where Institute of nursing (IOM) comes in. “[They are] an independent, nonprofit organization that works outside of government to provide unbiased and authoritative advice to decision makers and the public” (About 2013). They release annual reports to clarify and answer any difficult question regarding the healthcare system. In 2010, IOM and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) released remarkable report, called The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health, which provided a plan to transform the nursing profession for the better. “[Their plan was for nurses to achieve higher levels of education] and training through an improved education system that promotes seamless academic progression, Nurses should practice to the full extent of their education and training, and [nurses to expand their opportunities and serve as leaders]” (Hanus 2014). This essay will expand on each criteria to achieve the goals of the IOM report.
Impact one Nursing Education New diseases and treatments are discovered every day in the healthcare system. It is very important that nurse is well educated and trained to do their job very well. Any mistake from their part risks the health of a patient. Therefore nurses need to continue receiving higher levels of education. “The IOM report recommended increasing the proportion of nurses with a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing (BSN) to 80 percent by 2020. In 2010, the percentage of employed nurses with a BSN or higher degree was 49 percent” (Fineberg 2013). It is important for all nurses to achieve a BSN degree instead of an Associate’s degree. Having a BSN helps a nurse to use critical thinking and using assessment skills by observing the patient. This way a nurse can suggest a treatment of plan for the care of the patient. It is also important for nurses to receive additional training at their workplace. Healthcare system is changing and new technologies are emerging to make the workload for efficient. An untrained nurse will result in doing the opposite. This can be a risk to the patient’s health.
Impact on Nursing Practice More and more nurses are joining BSN classes to increase their education levels. Between this year of 2011 and 2012, there was a 22.2 percent increase in enrollment in BSN courses. Even though nurses are gaining higher education, there is always a barrier which limit how much they can achieve. Maximizing the scope of practice is helpful for patient care and the healthcare system itself. There is no point for gaining all the knowledge if a nurse cannot practice it. This is why IOM report is recommending healthcare facilities to increase scope of practice to fully incorporate ones knowledge and skills. In VA, they transformed from hospital based system to primary care system where nurse practitioners (NP) as primary care providers (Ridge 2011). Many other healthcare systems encourage nurses to have a direct relationships with patient and families to provide the best care and support for them. There are many ways meet the goals of the IOM reports. Hospitals and healthcare facilities should recommend nurses to consider higher education for better patient care. Some hospitals do require a BSN degree and encourage nurse to achieve one by paying for their tuition, giving a salary bump, or other perks to encourage nurses to enroll in a BSN course.
Impact on Nursing Leadership IOM recommends nurses get involved in leadership activities. Many career opportunities are presented when acquiring higher education. It is important for nurses to get involved with doctors and other healthcare staff to change the face of the healthcare system. Nurses must achieve their potential and one way to do that is to be a great leader. One way encourage leadership among nurses is by incorporating leadership classes during their education. Leadership skills must be acquired to direct the healthcare system to the right path. “Nurse leaders bring critical skills and capacities for coordinating care and managing the disparate services involved in serving individual patients and advancing community health” (Fineberg 2013). Best way for a nurse to work as a leader is by joining the board of the hospital. All the skills gained by their education and experience can be utilized improve the healthcare system. In conclusion, nurses are the face of the healthcare system and IOM reports helps the healthcare system to see what they are doing wrong and improve efficiently. It is critical to fix mistakes because its people life at stake. The revolutionary report posted by IOM and RWJF helps give a better understanding on the potential of a nurse. The report mentions that nurse should acquire higher education, practice nursing to their full capability, and take on leadership opportunities. Achieving these goals set by IOM will help achieve greatness in the healthcare system.

Work cited
About the IOM - Institute of Medicine. (2013, November 4). Retrieved September 13, 2014, from
Hanus, L. (2014, January 1). Professional Accountability, Standards of Practice, Professional Development. Retrieved September 13, 2014, from
Fineberg, H., & Lavizzo-Mourey, R. (2013, October 3). The Future of Nursing: A Look Back at the Landmark IOM Report - Institute of Medicine. Retrieved September 13, 2014, from
Ridge, R. (2011, June). Future of nursing special: Practicing to potential. Retrieved September 13, 2014, from

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