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Impact of Culture in International Human Resource Management


Submitted By widdy
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Pages 4
Impact of Culture in
International Human
Resource Management

Human Resource Management relates to the processes involved in managing people in international enterprises (Helfrich, et al., 2008). Although the literature has identified several criteria to classify the degree or intensity of an enterprise´s multi- or transnationality for this short abstract a multinational enterprise can be defined as “an enterprise which conducts it activities, control production or service facilities and activities that add value in more than one country”
(Zurawicki, 1979). Among the first enterprises driving global business were those who signed on crews and chartered ships, handled, loaded and imported tea from India for the British market. Today according to (Keohane & Nye Jr.,
2000) globalisation is “the state of the world involving networks or interdependences at multinational distances…through flows and influences of capital, goods, information and ideas, people and forces”.
Diversity has become a fact of life for most companies. They are now composed with a virtual mosaic of employees who differ in culture, national patterns of childhood, formative experiences and education, language, geography gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, class, religion, disability and other group memberships. The challenges which international human resources face are versatile but the greatest impact is culture. Focusing on the culture (Hofstede, 1991) defines culture as the “collective programming of the mind” and Cultural standards are considered to be deep-rooted and varying systematically between societies and conditioning. There are 3 basic dimensions to express differences between national cultures (Grabo, et al., 2008).

In the first dimension economic utilities, personal motivation and the ways information is interpreted are strongly influenced by

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