Premium Essay

Impact of Demand and Supply


Submitted By kennb09
Words 448
Pages 2
Recommendation Report

The Kennedy Fund
125 St Georges Terrace

Transpacific Industries Group Ltd (TPI:ASX)
Business Summary (as at 10 Feb 2014)
Transpacific Industries Group Ltd (TPI) provides integrated industrial cleaning, recycling and total waste management solutions to customers across
Australia and New Zealand. TPI is also a player in the domestic heavy-duty commercial vehicles industry.
Cleanaway: The division is an operator in the solid waste sector in Australia.
Services provided include: (i) Collections - commercial & industrial, municipal and residential collection services for all types of solid waste streams; (ii) Post Collections - ownership and management of waste transfer stations, resource recovery and recycling facilities, secure product destruction, quarantine treatment operations and landfills; and (iii) Commodities trading
- sale of recovered paper, cardboard, metals and plastics to the domestic and international marketplace.


Level 1, 159 Coronation Drive
Milton, QLD 4064
+61 7 3367 7800
+61 7 3367 7878 101 155 220
74 101 155 220

Share Price:
Market Cap:
Shares Issue:

$1.09 (25/07/2014)
$1,722 million
1,579 million

New Zealand: Transpacific Waste Management in New Zealand is a provider of solid waste services in the market, including collection, recycling, landfill construction and operation. Industrial services include the operation of specialist facilities, liquid and hazardous waste collection and treatment and emergency response.
Commercial Vehicles: The Commercial Vehicles Group is the exclusive distributor of Western Star trucks, MAN trucks and buses and Dennis Eagle trucks, together with associated parts for the Australian and New Zealand markets. Manufacturing: The division

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