...The Jury Selection Process Taurean F Dawkins Strayer University Huntsville, AL February 10, 2013 Abstract “The Jury Selection Process” is a research paper that reviews the jury selection process in detail. First we will review the stages of the criminal trail and go in depth with the jury selection process. The paper will demonstrate why the jury selection process is necessary for the United States as well as its patrons. The paper will also provide a break down of advantages and disadvantages on the jury selection process. In addition to the information listed above, we will review some large profile court cases and its jury selection process. This will determine just how detailed and challenging the process can prove to be. The criminal trial process is a precaution that the United States Government has in place in order to protect the patrons of this country constitutional rights. By using the criminal trial process, they ensure that each civilian is offered a far and speedy trail. The criminal trail process has a number of different steps in order for it to flow seamlessly. The steps of the criminal trial process are as follows: trail initiation, jury selection, opening statements, presentation of evidence, closing arguments, judge’s charge to the jury, jury deliberations, and the verdict. Within this body we will be reviewing the jury selection process within detail. Within the Sixth Amendment of United States Constitution it points out that a citizen...
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...Street Law for Youth Courts © 2006 A JURY OF YOUR PEERS: WHAT IS THE ROLE OF DIVERSITY IN JURIES? OUTCOMES As a result of this lesson, students will be able to: Identify the skills, experiences and values essential for ideal jurors Explain the popular concept of “a jury of your peers” and describe its application in youth courts and adult courts Define diversity and discuss the benefits of a diverse jury Define terms such as: grand jury, petit jury, summons, jury pool, jury venire, voir dire, removal for cause, peremptory challenge Describe the right to a jury given by the United States Constitution Explain why the jury system is important in a democracy, especially in a pluralistic society MATERIALS NEEDED Chalkboard and chalk or flipchart paper and markers (Optional) Several samples of help wanted advertisements. The ads should describe the type of candidate the employer is seeking. The particular job does not matter. HANDOUTS 1 Help Wanted (enough for each student) 2 The Rights to Juries According to the U.S. Constitution (enough for each student) 3 How Are Petit Juries Selected? (enough for each student, plus an extra copy) 4 Options for More Diverse Juries (enough for each student) 5 News Flash! (enough for each student) A Jury Of Your Peers 91 Street Law for Youth Courts ©2006 TRANSPARENCY OR POSTER (Optional) Strauder v. West Virginia PREPARING TO TEACH THIS LESSON Prepare the materials listed above. Write up and post the outcomes of the lesson. Write...
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...I. The Right to a Trial by Jury: The Threat of Extinction, Limited Availability & Reduced Effectiveness Contrary to what may be a common public perception, jury trials are a dying breed in America. Jury trials have been declining steadily for the past thirty years. “If the trend continues, within the foreseeable future, civil jury trials in America may eventually become…extinct.” This may seem surprising because the U.S. Constitution ensures the right to a jury trial in criminal trials under the 6th Amendment and in civil trials through the 7th Amendment. The reality, however, is that parties are finding more effective, faster, and more cost-effective means of adjudicating legal disputes through alternative dispute resolution (ADR) forums that are evolving to an ever-increasing degree. The American Jury Project (AJP) of 2005, a national symposium of the American Bar Association, was held to establish the standards and principles for juries and jury trials. Principle 1 states that “the right to a jury trial should be preserved; however, the lack of available jurors and the rules and procedures used in the jury selection process have reduced its effectiveness and have made this means of seeking justice a slow, unpredictable, and expensive gamble that is driving parties to seek ADR through other forums. One author described a powerful contradiction in the jury system that confronts people in America: “We love the idea of the jury but hate the way it works....
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...Running head: JUVENILE CRIME STATISTICS PAPER 1 Juvenile Crime Statistics Paper CJA/374 JUVENILE CRIME STATISTICS PAPER 2 Juvenile Crime Statistics Paper Introduction Juvenile crime statistics is truly misunderstood by today’s society. The general public pushes for harsher punishment when in reality juvenile crime rate has actually decreased. This paper will summarize the “Juvenile Arrests 2008”. This paper will further discuss the overall decrease in juvenile arrests, the increase in drug offenses and simple assaults, implications for juvenile females and members of ethnic and racial minorities, an increase in juvenile female arrests and a decrease in arrests for juvenile male offenders for violent crimes, as well as what assessment are used to track juvenile arrests in order to measure the amount of juvenile crime as well as its trends. The Overall Decrease in Juvenile Arrests Overall Review Data from 2008 shows that juvenile arrests for violent crime declined between 2006 and 2008. According to Puzzanchera (2009) “In 2008 there were 2.11 million juvenile arrests, which is 16% lower than the arrests in 1999” (p.3). In 2008 juvenile arrests for forcible rape was at an all time low since 1980, aggravated assault arrests were also at its lowest since 1988. However, juvenile arrests for murder were at its low in 2004, but increased from 2005 to 2007. Further, the Property Crime Index decreased by 20%, larceny-theft by 17%, murder by 5%, motor vehicle theft by 50%...
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...Alternative Dispute Resolution Felicia Greene LAW/531 April 4, 2016 Carol Parker Alternative Dispute Resolution In this paper we are asked to review a state level business dispute taken from either our own experience, the text or from personal research. I have chosen to discuss a case that is discussed in our text, Business Law 16th edition. The Case I will be discussing will be Hagan v. Coca-Cola Bottling Co. This case is about two sisters, Linda Hagan and Barbara Parker, who drank from a bottle of Coke which they both agreed tasted flat. After observing the bottle in the light both women observed what appeared to them to be a used condom with a “oozy sticky stuff coming out of the top” (Mallor, Barnes, Bowers, Lanvardy, 2014). After being sent to Coca-Cola for testing it was determined that the object was mold and not a used condom. Before the findings the medical personnel at the Coca-Cola facility told the ladies they should be tested for HIV. Those tests came back negative for both of the women. Hagan and Parker brought a negligence action again Coca-Cola and at the conclusion of the trial were awarded $75,000 each by the jury. However, the trial court reduced the jury award to $25, 000 a decision that both sides appealed. The appellate court revers the jury award and concluded that under case law concerning the impact rule, neither of the plaintiffs had proven a claim because neither had suffered a physical injury. ("Hagan V. Coca Cola Bottling Co", 2016)...
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...Paper #3 Every child has their ideal career choice of what they want to be when they grow up. Their dreams and aspiration of what, and who they will become. Since I was eight I wanted to be a lawyer, although it wasn’t until a little later I decided on the type which is a district attorney. My first reason is I would like to be able to speak out for the people who are afraid and no longer can, also protect and make a difference in my community, lastly do what’s fair and right. Like other types of lawyers, district attorneys need to earn a law degree to become a licensed attorney in the state they wish to practice. In order to obtain a license a prospective attorney must pass the bar exam first. Some requirements must be fulfilled before receiving...
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...CAMERAS IN THE COURTROOM. Term Paper ID:19839 Get This Paper Free! or Buy This Paper Essay Subject: Right to fair trial vs. right of public to witness court proceedings & know what govt. is doing.... More... 7 Pages / 1575 Words 5 sources, 11 Citations, MLA Format $28.00 More Papers on This Topic Paper Abstract: Right to fair trial vs. right of public to witness court proceedings & know what govt. is doing. Paper Introduction: SHOULD CAMERAS BE ALLOWED IN THE COURTROOM? Introduction and Problem Statement Although the title of this research is broad, cameras, in the context of this paper, refers to television cameras. Courts in different jurisdictions in the United States impose differing restrictions on media coverage within courtrooms. Some jurisdictions do not allow cameras of any kind, requiring even the print media to employ artist sketches for any visual reporting of courtroom proceedings. Others permit the use of still cameras under controlled conditions. Few jurisdictions permit the unrestricted use of television cameras in courtrooms. Most jurisdictions that do permit television cameras in the courtroom do not permit continuous live coverage of the proceedings. Text of the Paper: The entire text of the paper is shown below. However, the text is somewhat scrambled. We want to give you as much information as we possibly can about our papers and essays, but we cannot give them away for free. In the text below you will find that while...
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...Even though this amendment applies to the federal government, the due process clause guarantees that a party will receive a fair, orderly, and just judicial proceeding (Cornwell, 2005). The Constitution prohibits all levels of government from unfairly depriving individuals of their Constitutional Rights. Due process was designed to protect the accused against abuses by the federal government. Evidence gathered illegally or unlawfully can not be used in a trial. This method refers to the exclusionary rule. This rule allows evidence that was gathered in violation to the Constitution to be excluded and not permissible in a court of law (Meese, 2009). The Fourth Amendment, "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be...
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...Running Head: Hate Crime Analysis – Homosexuality Hate crime Analysis – Homosexuality CJA540 Nicole Paddock Eric Drennan October 18, 2010 Abstract Hate crimes are crimes that are motivated by prejudices. Hate crimes can be against people because of their race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. Incidents of hate crime can be physical assault, property damage, bullying, harassment, verbal abuse, graffiti, and/or hate mail. This paper will discuss hate crime has it pertains to sexual orientation focusing on homosexual men. It will provide a brief description of why homosexuals are victimized and discuss two cases of hate crime. The paper will then talk about the restorative justice models that could be used to help and the best instrument to measure the victimization of homosexual men. The paper will conclude with discussing the criminological theory that best describes why there is victimization with homosexual men. Homosexuality and victimization have become two things that unfortunately go hand in hand. Homosexual men are the prime targets for those who commit hate crimes. “Past studies show that gay men are more likely to be the victim of violent crime than lesbians. Gay men are often targeted out in public such as attending gay bars and nightclubs and in neighborhoods that are predominately occupied by gay men” (Waldern-Haugrud & Berg, p. 4 2004). One of the reasons homosexual men are targeted is because homosexual men tend to be more...
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...Notes For Criminal Justice (Unit 1) Muse: What lies ahead for the criminal justice system? We cannot say for sure. Some of the coming changes are now discernible. A few of the more obvious changes include: 1. a restructuring of the juvenile justice system due to increasing violent juvenile crime and youth gang warfare; 2. the increased bankruptcy of a “war against drugs” whose promises seem increasingly hollow; 3. a growing recognition of America’s international role as both victim and purveyor of worldwide criminal activity; and 4. The rapid emergence of cyber-crimes, which both employ high technology in the commission and target the fruits of such technology. Drugs and Crime The relationship between drugs and crime rests on the concept of drug abuse. Drug abuse is illicit drug use that results in physiological, social, psychological or legal problems for the user. A drug is any chemical substance defined by social convention as bioactive or psychoactive. A psychoactive substance is a chemical substance that affects cognition, feeling, or awareness. Most drug users are recreational drug users, using drugs relatively infrequently and primarily with friends and in social contexts that define drug use as pleasurable. Most addicts begin as recreational users. Drug crimes fall into two categories: 1. the use, possession, distribution and sale of illegal drugs and the offenses committed either under the influence of drugs or surrounding the growing, making...
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...section Vi essay forms Many people use the term “essay” to mean any paper written for a class. In actuality, there are many different types of essays, each of which has a unique purpose, form, and style. We call these different types of essays “modes of discourse,” and they include expository, persuasive, and comparecontrast essays to name just a few. This section of the Guide has a dual purpose. First, various types of essays are described and suggestions are included about how to approach each particular type of writing. Second, the sample essays are good tools for you to see how these different essays look in their final form. These are not templates (no essay can be a carbon copy of another even in form), but they will give you a good idea of what a final piece of writing for each mode of discourse looks like. It would be advantageous to critically analyze the form and content of each sample against the instruction for how to write each type of essay. chapter 21 expository essays Jennifer propp An expository essay explains something using facts rather than opinions. The purpose of this type of essay is to inform an audience about a subject. It is not intended to persuade or present an argument of any kind. Writing this type of essay is a good way to learn about all the different perspectives on a topic. Many students use the expository essay to explore a variety of topics, and do so in a wide range of formats, including “process” and “definition”...
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...! • • • • • • • Principles of the Australian Parliamentary System Government)–!The!government!is!the!party!or!coalition!of!parties!that!wins!the!most!seats!in!the!House!of!Representatives! Parliament)–!Consists!of!a!group!of!elected!representatives!and!a!person!who!represents!the!Queens.!In!the!federal!parliament!that!person!is!the! Governor>General.!Parliaments!make!the!laws!for!a!country/state! Crown)–!The!monarch!is!represented!by!a!governor/governor>general.!Refers!to!the!position,!power,!or!dominion!of!a!monarch.!The!monarch!as! Head!of!State! Separation)of)Powers)–!The!three!branches!of!power!(executive,!legislative!and!judicial)! Federal)System)–!The!power!to!govern!is!divided!by!the!Commonwealth!and!states.! Bicameral)–!A!bicameral!parliament!consists!of!two!chambers!or!houses! Minister)–!A!minister!is!both!a!member!of!parliament!and!a!member!of!the!executive.!This!means!a!minister!is!usually!in!charge!of!a!government! department!that!is!responsible!for!enacting!the!law! ! Australian Parliamentary System Under!the!Australian!federal!system!of!government,!the!country!is!divided!into!states!and!territories!each!with!its!own!parliament!–!making!a!total!of!9! parliaments.! • Commonwealth,)6)States,)2)Territories! They! are! elected! by! the! people! and! represent! the! needs! of! the! people.! Members! are! also! responsible! to! the! parliament! and! the! people! for! their! actions.!The)APS)is)based)on)the)Westminster)system)that)was)adopted)by)the)Commonwealth)constitution)in)1900...
Words: 27914 - Pages: 112
...States. The 6th Amendment clearly states that the defendant has the right to council. According to Cornell University Law School (1992-2013), the 6th Amendment states: “In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.” (para. 1). In other words, defendants obtain the constitutional right to be represented by an attorney during a trial even if the defendant cannot afford one. When one cannot afford an attorney the government appoints one to handle one’s case, at no cost. At almost every important phase of the criminal process, the suspect has the right to a lawyer. The right to council is important to defendants because they are the ones who will be most likely facing charges and without the right to counsel defendants run the risk of serving a long term jail time and/or death. * This paper will analyze two cases and discuss how the historical development of right to counsel relates to the cases, when the right to counsel attaches to criminal procedure, whether the defendants in the cases exercised their right to self-representation, and the role of the...
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...criminal justice system we must, first, look at the role that it plays before the criminal reaches the day of sentencing in the court. There are various publications that speak on profiling and actuarial methods which unwillingly get people into the system. Though these are two major components of the discriminatory acts that exist within the criminal justice system, it does not actually begin with these institutionalized methods. It is the laws and crime control policies that create discrimination in the system. It has been witnessed that in some instances these laws and policies are set in favor of the white people and in opposition to the black ones. In this paper, a detailed discussion has been done on the racial disparities in criminal justice system along with its adverse effects to the community. Moreover, this paper also contains the strategies that would help to avoid racism and maintain equality and righteousness. What is meant by Racism and Prejudice? When racial...
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...Employment-At-Will Doctrine Tonia M. Igo Strayer University LEG500 Professor Renee Berry February 10, 2015 Employment-At-Will Doctrine 2 “See only that thou work; and thou canst not escape the reward” -Ralph Waldo Emerson Introduction While many Americans agree that satisfactory job performance should be rewarded with job security, amongst other benefits, the United States is the only major industrial power that maintains a general employment-at-will doctrine. As written, this doctrine is a legal ruling which gives employers broad discretion to fire employees “for a good reason, a bad reason, or no reason at all”, (Halbert & Ingulli, 2012). Likewise, an employee can quit a job at any time without legal consequences. However, it is my opinion that this doctrine provides little legal protection for at will employees; it rather serves to empower the employer because it also allows the employer to change its policies or terms of employment without notice or explanation. For instance, an employer can adjust wages, benefits, or reduce paid time off leaving at will employees at risk for sudden dismissal, modified work schedule, and unannounced decreases in pay and/or benefits. Late in the 19th century, employment at will came under heavy fire in the United States resulting in revision of state legislation to implement exceptions to the rule. Guidelines relating to employment at will are still developing in many states. The common exceptions are: (1) breach of contract by the employer...
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