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Imperialism In America

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Waking up one morning to the sound of hammers and drills banging loudly, is horrible. No one wants to be woken up by sounds of construction. Unless, these sounds are coming from the new railroad which is being built right next to the school that was just constructed a month ago. A family can finally visit their relatives that have lived miles away for years. Does that not sound wonderful? Who could disagree that this is bad for the community? This would not be able to happen without imperialism. Imperialism has so many positives. Through an analysis of different historical events it has been shown that imperialism is a positive because, it encourages trade, nationalism, and enhancements in infrastructure.
The first reason that imperialism is …show more content…
Nationalism can be a driving force to make a country more successful. For example when America imperialized Japan there was a strong sense of American nationalism. Different nations would recognize the great things that were done in Japan and in turn would want to imperialize other countries The Americans were proud that they were able to influence and help Japan. Many Americans wanted to help Japan succeed so it would make America look great to the rest of the world. Then Americans could say, “Look how great America is, we helped make Japan the great country it is today.” This would make people feel more nationalistic towards America. This would also make the Japanese people feel valued because now the whole world is looking at their tiny country and giving it praise. To conclude, nationalism is a driving force in imperialism because it gives large countries pride and recognition for their good work, in turn making the imperialized country feel …show more content…
When a stronger country comes into a weaker one they build new buildings. By doing this they make themselves look wealthier because they have enough funds to help out others. One instance in when this was done was when Britain imperialized India. When Britain imperialized India they made many new improvements to the developing country. Britain built railroads within the country, which allowed the people to travel around the country. The railroads also assisted Britain in mobilizing their army, allowing them to assist more lands and help develop other countries. Britain also built schools within India. This helped teach the children, which would otherwise be uneducated. By teaching them basic skills like reading and math, they were able to improve society by getting higher class jobs. Without this education, the majority would be working on factories or may even not have jobs, and would in turn increase the poverty rate. So Britain's efforts to imperialize India affected the native people for the better, by providing them jobs and transportation. Therefore, one reason why imperialism is great is because they build new infrastructure in lands that are developing. To sum up imperialism is good for many reasons. One reason is because it enhances infrastructure by making new railroads, schools and things like that which will benefit the country. Second, nationalism

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