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Implementation of Sharepoint


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Implementation of an Intranet Site within the Chief Financial Officer Division at the Texas Department of Aging and Disability

Marlo King
IS535 Managerial Applications of Information Technology
Devry University-Keller Graduate School of Management
April 15, 2012

Table of Contents Proposal 3 Topic 3 Problem 3 Approach 3 Methodology 4 Milestone 1 (Restated Business Problem) 5 Company Background 5 Business Issues 6 Solution Benefits 7 Technical Approach to Solution 8 Milestone 2 (Technological Solution) 9 Technical Solution 10 Value of SharePoint Implementation 11 Business Process Changes 12 Execution 12 Milestone 3 (Closing) 13 Business Practice 13 Conclusion/Overall Recommendations 14 Implementation Plan 15 Summary 16 References 18

Implementation of an Intranet Site within the Chief Financial Officer Division at the Texas Department of Aging and Disability
The Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) provides long-term health care and residential services to the elderly and the intellectually challenged. The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is responsible for making sure the department has adequate funding from State and Federal levels to render these services accurately. It is very important for employees within the CFO division to all feel they are a part of a collaborative effort in working towards the department’s mission, which is to “provide a comprehensive array of aging and disability services, supports and opportunities that are easily accessed in local communities” ( To increase the collaborative effort amongst staff, effective communication, efficient work flow processes, and awareness of each unit’s responsibilities all need to be in place.
The problem at hand is how can the CFO streamline the management of and access to data amongst the staff in the division. When I say data I mean useful information that will improve the effectiveness and collaboration efforts of the division.
The approach that will be taken is to introduce staff to an intranet collaboration software tool and determine if it will align all units under the CFO division to monitor and improve communication, work flow processes, and accountability.

First, each unit middle manager needs to collectively identify the areas that need improvement under the categories of communication, work flow processes, and accountability. Managers will also need to think about what data they feel should be shared that will improve each category. Once that is accomplished each unit needs to elect a Project Team that will coordinate all related implementation of the software tool that is ultimately chosen. When the Project Teams are established, each team will start to construct a prototype of the intranet site for review by senior management. After approval has been given by senior management, it will be each team’s responsibility to collaborate with each unit’s middle manager to schedule release phase meetings with other staff members. Releases will be identified as one, two, and three with the intention of each release providing more detail than the previous. Release One will include the project description. The project description in release one will explain to lower-level staff what the software tool actually is, how it will be beneficial to the division and why it is important for collaboration efforts to constantly be improved. Release Two will be a brain storming session between each unit’s middle managers and lower-level staff members. The session should be a platform where the project team and middle management can share with lower-level staff all of the useful information they have identified that will potentially be posted on the intranet site. The purpose here is to gather feedback and ideas from lower-level staff members as to what they would like to see on the intranet site that they feel will be useful. Release Three is the training stage. The training stage will encompass how to use the intranet site. This training will be sort of a guided session to lower-level staff members in simple navigation techniques, how all the content can be located and how the intranet site can be located from their PC’s.
The theme of the entire project should be collaboration. This collaboration theme is the focus of the Releases. The Releases allow for all levels of staff within the CFO division to collaborate on a major project. The collaboration effort breaks down decentralization and gives staff the feeling of truly being involved with the department’s overall mission.
Restated Business Problem
Improving an organization’s effectiveness needs to be a constant wheel that is always turning. Organization effectiveness involves teamwork, communicating effectively and having strong business processes in place. The CFO division problems lie in these necessary elements. To improve communication, teamwork, and workflow processes, management of and access to data needs to be streamlined. Useful information needs to be provided to each employee under the CFO in a central place. Centralizing collaboration efforts can spark better communication and give ease to work flow processes. Now let us learn more about the Department of Aging and Disability Services (

Company Background
The Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) was formed in 2004 due to a house bill legislation that combined 12 agencies into five. DADS being one of the five has seven support divisions that are led by an appointed commissioner ("Texas department of," 2012). The seven support divisions are the Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Internal Audit, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Access and Intake, Regulatory Services, and State Supported Living Centers ("Texas department of," 2012). Each division is responsible for the mission of the department which is to “provide a comprehensive array of aging and disability services, supports and opportunities that are easily accessed in local communities” ("Texas department of," 2012). The Chief Financial Officer is responsible for numerous things and the most important one is making sure the department has sufficient funding to carry out all the responsibilities the department has to the aging citizens of Texas. The CFO division is comprised of four main units. Those units are Accounting, Budget, Claims, and Financials Process Improvement. The Accounting unit maintains the financial integrity of the department and consists of accounts payable, accounts receivable, general ledger, and reconciliation. The Budget unit appropriates funding to the different program areas within the department and consists of appropriations, position control, and work measurement. The Claims unit works closely with the long-term care providers and the Financials Process Improvement unit monitors all business practices performed by the CFO division. Now that we have a little bit of historical information, we can start analyzing the business issues that need to be addressed.

Business Issues
Every two years the CFO division participates in a Survey of Employee Engagement. The Survey of Employee Engagement is a tool used by many organizations to allow employees to access their workplace environments anonymously through a multiple-choice type survey ("Survey of employee,"). Senior management makes it known that they would like employees to be as truthful as possible. The purpose of this survey is for management to get a peek inside what employees truly feel about the particular organization. It is also a great tool for management to improve their respective organizations so they may attract and keep a competitive workforce ("Survey of employee,"). A lot of the questions on the survey are centered on things like “Are you satisfied with your supervisor”; “Do you have everything you need to perform your tasks”; “How would you rate your salary”; “Do you feel communication is top priority”. The survey results are tallied and given to senior management for assessment. After senior management dissects the information, a presentation is given to lower-level staff to explain the outcome of the survey.
In the past the CFO division has received very low scores in communication and teamwork. Some of the new things that have been implemented are round table discussions with the CFO, bi-weekly meetings amongst managers and lower-level staff, and off-site non-work related retreats. However, these new practices were only taking place within each unit and nothing was being done to improve the work relationships between all of the units under the CFO division. Complaints concerning missed deadlines, ambiguity, and accountability were present in the division. These types of complaints affect the way the units work together and may cause disruptions in work flows. Improving communication, teamwork, and business process among all the units under the CFO has many benefits. We further explore those benefits next.

Solution Benefits Improving communication, teamwork, and business processes will provide the CFO division with the following benefits:
Teamwork Improvement (Magloff, 2011) * Boost Morale * Greater Flexibility * Decreased Turnover
Communication Improvement (Dunne, 2012) * Issues, Risks, and Opportunities are identified quickly * Deadlines are met * Work is being accomplished
Business Process Improvement ( * Possible diminished learning curve for new employees * Internal Controls being monitored * Constantly measuring the performance of the division
Each of these benefits provide a great look into what the division can achieve as for as organizational effectiveness is concerned. Let’s began to explore how we can bring these benefits to fruition.
Technical Approach to Solution
The best way to improve communication, work flow (business) processes, and teamwork is to centralize a focal point for getting and providing useful information and events within each unit in the CFO division.
Each unit’s work flow depends on one another in some shape, form, or fashion. It is very important that each unit is aware of how “they” fit into the puzzle of achieving the mission of the agency as a whole. For example, the Claims unit processes claims from long-term care providers. Those claims are paid and coded to the correct funding source by the Accounting unit. The Budget unit is at the forefront of this process because they are technically the liaisons between DADS and the Texas State Legislature. They make sure funding is available for the claims to be paid by the Accounting unit. The Financials Process Improvement unit makes sure that Accounting, Budget, and Claims are equipped with and using the best business practices. When communication, collaboration, and efficient business processes are lacking in the above example, the work flow is hampered and the productivity of all units decrease.
Designating a CFO intranet site as a focal point will not only allow all units to connect, access, and share information, but will also increase productivity and reduce costs (Sisco, 2002). Increased productivity and a reduction in costs might in turn create more benefits for the division. If costs are low there might be extra funds to allow employees to receive merit awards. Furthermore, in a public assistance department like DADS increased productivity will lead to providing better services to the intellectually disabled as well as the elderly.
The first step toward getting this project up and running is selecting the Project Teams. There should be a team for each unit which would total four. Each team should be comprised of at least four members. Once the teams are established each team should set out ground rules in terms of responsibilities. Each member of the team should be responsible for a different aspect of the project. When duties have been officially been assigned, all four project teams will need to collectively decide on what kind of tool will be used to host the intranet site. A list of software choices, pro and cons, benefits of having an intranet site and cost requirements all need to be presented to senior management for approval. Senior management consists of the CFO, Accounting Director, Claims Director, and the Budget Director. When senior management agrees to the specifics of the project, target dates can be set for each release.
The project teams need to really focus on how the intranet site will solve the issues of poor communication and the lack of teamwork. Also, the project teams need to think about the users and how the site should be useful for them.

Technical Solution
Currently each unit under the CFO has its own intranet site that is being managed by designated employees. This is great but only for each unit amongst themselves. For example, Accounting staff cannot share or give pertinent information to any of the other units. Only Accounting staff has access to the “accounting website”. Part of this entire initiative is to centralize all units in one place so each unit can work together to improve communication, enhance teamwork, and provide better accountability through effective business processes. Achieving this centralization involves combining all the unit’s intranet sites into one functioning web portal for the entire CFO division. The best software tool to host an entire website for the CFO division is Microsoft SharePoint.
SharePoint is a web-based intranet tool that can help improve organizational effectiveness by streamlining the management of and access to data ("SharePoint," 2011). A CFO SharePoint site will be a central location for data storage and a collaboration space for documents, information, and ideas ("SharePoint," 2011). The SharePoint site is a tool for collaboration, just like a telephone is a tool for communication or kind of like a meeting is a tool for decision making.
The development of SharePoint started around 1997 and was then called Site Server ( Site Server lacked a product feel, so an enhanced version of Site Sever was developed in 1998 called Site Server 3.0 ( Site Server 3.0 contained product management, search engines, personalization, and order processing capabilities ( It wasn’t until 2001 that an actual SharePoint technology (SharePoint Portal Server 2001 aka Tahoe) arrived ( From then on the development stages continued to evolve bringing us into the initial launch of Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) 2007 and Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 (
The impact of this type of business intelligence is certainly a move toward better business practices. SharePoint will definitely be a value to our division.

Value of SharePoint Implementation SharePoint sites are dynamic and interactive and provide many cost reduction incentives. The CFO SharePoint site will lower costs and increase productivity by (and saving trees) storing company documents on the site (Sisco, M). HR, Training, and Management handbooks can all be stored on SharePoint versus assembling and printing them (Sisco, M). Even simple office expenses (postage for example) can be eliminated by posting company news, events and CFO letters on the site (Sisco, M). SharePoint is an amazing tool for organizations and the benefits are endless. Here are a few of the benefits of SharePoint (Microsoft 2011):
1. Teamwork Improvement
2. Manage documents easily
3. Solutions to already existing business processes
4. Collaboration environment is built fast
5. File Sharing and Storage capabilities interactively enhanced
SharePoint has the potential to be such a value for the CFO division. However, business processes will need to be changed and the implementation of the software will need to be carefully planned.
Business Process Changes Certain business processes will need to be changed to gain the full benefits of the SharePoint software. The most important issue to think about when changing business processes is what information shall be shared. This brings about security issues. Not all staff has the need to be privy to documents that senior management (CFO, Budget Director, Accounting Director, and Claims Director) share amongst themselves. This task of deciding who see what will be left up to senior management.
Once that is decided, all four units under the CFO will need to become accustomed to sharing information with the other units. Each unit’s business processes need to be posted on the SharePoint site. This will allow each unit to become aware of how they all fit together as well as hold staff accountable for “their” part of certain work flows.
Each benefit the SharePoint site can provide to employees needs to be incorporated into all associated business processes. For example, instead of hand routing the Annual Financial Report (AFR) for senior management signatures, the AFR can be posted on SharePoint with only access given to the appropriate stakeholders to approve. Even documents that need to be modified with ten or more stakeholders can be posted on SharePoint for any changes before approval is given. Simple steps like these promote effectiveness and warrant changes in the business processes.
Accomplishing the implementation of SharePoint will not be an easy task. If the designated Project Teams have a clear concise plan it should go smooth.
The first step to accomplishing the implementation of SharePoint is receiving approval from senior management. The second step would be to figure out how IT plays a role in this. They will be providing technical support and input about SharePoint. When SharePoint is not configured correctly on an employee’s PC. Who do think will receive a help ticket from that employee? Yep you guessed it, IT. The last step and certainly not least is to educate the Project Teams thoroughly on in and everything SharePoint. These teams need to become the subject matter experts (SMEs). They have the most important job because they will be tasked communicating objectives, team member responsibility, completion schedules, and the actual implementation plan to the department’s managers and staff (Sisco, M).
Execution of the SharePoint project will be worth the hard work. The benefits outweigh the business process changes, temporary increased workloads, and possibly late hours. Once the project is completed hopefully employees will appreciate this great business improvement feature.
Business Practice Solution In addition to the design and actual development of the CFO division SharePoint site, we must not forget to effectively promote the new site to all employees (Sisco, M). Usually when a new technology is implemented sometimes employees resist change. The resistance might be due to fear of losing their job or just plan fear of learning something new. To curtail this resistance senior management needs to enforce the benefits of SharePoint and clearly explain what the objective is behind combining all the CFO division intranet sites into one. Employees need to understand that the SharePoint initiative is to improve communication, teamwork, and workflow processes within the CFO division. Also, employees need to be reminded of the fact that this is a project to improve the results from the Survey of Employee Engagement. A survey they completed and gave the agency low scores on internal communication and teamwork. Managers need push lower-level staff towards a habit of using the SharePoint site (Sisco, M). The best way to help lower-level staff get in the habit of using SharePoint is to make it impossible for them not to use it. What I mean by that is make it mandatory to coordinate all projects and meetings with the other units through SharePoint. Make it so they can only get key reminders about important dates from the individual unit calendars that have been posted on SharePoint. Want to know when someone is on vacation in a particular unit? That’s right look on SharePoint at the vacation schedules of all employees. Better yet you can even look at what time employees arrive and leave work. Want to discuss an idea or review a document before an important meeting? SharePoint can help employees do this. Promotion of the site should be the driving force behind a successful implementation with all employees. Employees will only realize the benefit of SharePoint by getting into the habit of using it (Sisco, M).
Overall Recommendations /Conclusion A couple of recommendations I would suggest are introducing the SharePoint idea to the other areas of the department and having all subunits have their own page. The idea would be to have an entire Texas Department of Aging and Disability Service intranet SharePoint site. This departmental wide site would not only include the operational divisions such as the Chief Financial Officer, the Chief Operating Officer, the Deputy Commissioner, but also the programmatic areas such as Access and Intake; State Supported Living Centers, and Regulatory Services ( This would give all employees a look at the total big picture of what the department is responsible for and how we all are a piece in helping aging Americans. My next recommendation would be for the CFO division to also have each subunit have their own page within the CFO division SharePoint intranet site. What I mean is for each individual unit under Accounting, Budget, Claims, and Financial Process Improvement to have their own page. For example, under the Accounting unit there is General Ledger. Under General Ledger there is Federal Reporting, Cost Allocation, Cash Management, and Reconciliation. Each one of these sub-units could have their own page detailing a document library, team calendar, leave calendar, announcements, and links to external content as well as to other sub sites i.e. Budget then Appropriation Control. My last recommendation would be to really make sure that the division gets the full use out of SharePoint. SharePoint has three phases that includes a beginner, intermediate, and advance phase. The CFO should use the beginning phase as sort of “ramping up” phase in which top priorities are helping staff engage with each other through sharing documents, communication, and team oriented activities (O’Neill, S). The intermediate phase is the CFO moving towards using SharePoint to address different business needs such as tracking retention schedules, allowing auditors access to business processes, and even submitting financial reports to the federal government (O’Neill, S). The last phase in SharePoint is the business solving phase (O’Neill, S). The CFO division could use SharePoint to make important business decisions such as linking the grant award database to the site to make sure all financial reports are completed on time.
In conclusion, my take is that all the employees in the entire department have a responsibility to become better at what it is they do for the sake of delivering great services to the aging population in Texas. Whether their role is directly or indirectly related to providing services, we all need to communicate as a team so work flow processes can be carried out efficiently as possible. The SharePoint initiative will allow the CFO division to stay in line with the department’s mission. Communication, building effective working relationships, and maintaining/updating work flow processes are all a part of the quest for true organizational effectiveness. The implementation of SharePoint will guide us along to conquer that quest.
Implementation Plan
The first order of business concerning the implementation of SharePoint is promoting the new site to all staff. Setting up a meeting with each group under the CFO would be best. Just to let the employees know that this is coming down the pike in approximately eight months or so. Next would be for management to pick the project teams for Accounting, Budget, Claims, and Financials Process Improvement. Each team would need to be trained on SharePoint in such a way that they will be able to pass that knowledge on to all the other employees under the CFO. Then each project team can begin to work with the middle managers on the Release schedules. The Releases will be identified as one, two, and three. Each Release will be more in depth than the previous one. The goal of the Releases is to have all staff levels ready to go when SharePoint goes live eight months from now.
Lastly after SharePoint has gone live all employees should be sent a survey asking for anonymous feedback about the implementation process, the CFO division SharePoint site as a whole, and what could or should be done to make the site better. This anonymous feedback will allow senior management to get truthful responses about the decisions they made as well help improve future implementation practices.
The initial claim that communication and teamwork were lacking actually came from the employees themselves. The survey of employee engagement helped senior management realize what was lacking in organizational efficiency. This proposal is targeted toward senior management to help them decide whether or not an intranet site will be beneficial for the entire CFO division. The benefits of using SharePoint as the intranet site for the entire CFO area include better internal communication, increased teamwork efforts, and a better understanding of each unit’s work flow processes. An organized implementation, successful Release Schedules, and a strong senior management promotion should provide for a smooth transition into the SharePoint portal.


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Magloff, L. (2011). What are the benefits of teamwork in business? Retrieved from

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Project Management

...Title: Move of Large Corporate Websites from Static to Dynamic Author: Nepaul Alphonse Jeyaraj Date: 22 April 2010 Authorization: Course Coordinator Subject: IT Project and Quality Management [COMP 1305] Exam Body: University Of Greenwich Table of Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 3 Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Project Contents ......................................................................................................................... 5 One Level Weighted Scoring Model…………………………………………………………………………….6 Content Management System Description………………………………...........................6 Criteria Description…………………………………………………………………………………………...7 Justification………………………………………………………………………..................................7 Why choose Joomla as better CMS compared to other CMS……………………………13 Project Plan to move large corporate website from Static to Dynamic ................................... 14 Work Breakdown Structure………………………………………………………………………………………14 Gantt chart………………………………………………………………………………………………………14 Project Plan…………………….……………………………………………………………………………….16 Resource Utilisation…………………………………………………………………………………………21 Scope, Time and Cost of Project………………………………………………………………………22 Screen Shots .....................................................

Words: 6310 - Pages: 26

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...[pic] Communications Management Plan Template This Project Communications Management Template is free for you to copy and use on your project and within your organization. We hope that you find this template useful and welcome your comments. Public distribution of this document is only permitted from the Project Management Docs official website at: Communications Management Plan Company Name Street Address City, State Zip Code Date Table of Contents Introduction 2 Communications Management Approach 2 Communications Management Constraints 3 Stakeholder Communication Requirements 3 Roles 4 Project Team Directory 6 Communication Methods and Technologies 6 Communications Matrix 8 Communication Flowchart 9 Guidelines for Meetings 9 Communication Standards 10 Communication Escalation Process 11 Glossary of Communication Terminology 12 Introduction The purpose of the Communications Management Plan is to define the communication requirements for the project and how information will be distributed. The Communications Management Plan defines the following: • What information will be communicated—to include the level of detail and format • How the information will be communicated—in meetings, email, telephone, web portal, etc. • When information will be distributed—the frequency of project communications both formal and informal • Who is responsible for communicating...

Words: 3808 - Pages: 16

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Simple Getaways Business Improvement Proposal

...Getaways has increased locations throughout western United States to give more customers the opportunity to travel to their desired locations.  While expanding, the company has faced some challenging obstacles on their way which affect the company, the stakeholders and the customers.  In this paper I will discuss the challenges to the stakeholders, the performance of Simple Getaways and discuss a solution for the company that benefits everyone involved so the company succeeds going forward.   The obstacles the company faces is mainly administrative tasks by having multiple versions of documents at multiple locations as well has other locations not being able to get forms without emailing them and faxing them.  The implementation of Microsoft Sharepoint and Office 365 you will see how they can change the processes and eliminate the challenges the company has with the administrative task and multiple versions of documents.                           BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT PROPOSAL                                                                                   3   Simple Getaways business improvement proposal Throughout the years Simple Getaways has increased their number of stores throughout the western United States and they have had some growing pains in that process.  Most of these growing pains are associated with administrative tasks but can be very destructive if not fixed or corrected before producing a downhill rolling...

Words: 1908 - Pages: 8

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Efficiency and Collaboration

...Efficiency and Collaboration Alicia Mercier, Kathy Bowie, Angelia Moncrief-Wells, Beverly Yharbrough BIS/220 October 31, 2013 Frederick Lumpkin Efficiency and Collaboration The purpose of this proposal is to show the potential implementation of new information systems at Party Plates. There is so much excitement that comes with introducing all the new changes that could take place. The sales department is currently using Microsoft Excel but after looking around for something that would suit the businesses needs better it was found that Microsoft Access can fill those needs. As technology and our business grows there are always ways to improve. There are many benefits to switching over to Access that will benefit the company that will be discussed. Suggestions will be debated for future use of collaborative software and how it can help the sales department and how it can improve communications. Computers are very useful in today’s world. When you’re dealing with Microsoft excel, there’s a lot of information that you can create in Microsoft excel. Trying to convert data into Microsoft excel spreadsheet using Microsoft, is not an easy task. Excel can hold more information and it is generally very easy to read. Excel is a flat file database, not a relational database (, 2013). Excel is very useful because you can analyze information or data, graphs, calculations, formulas, copy, paste and you can use it as a word document. You can decorate the spreadsheet...

Words: 819 - Pages: 4

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Windows Server Proposal for Worldwide Advertising Inc.

...Sunday, October 30, 2011 Windows Server Proposal For Worldwide Advertising Inc. Below is a project for my Windows Server Administration Course. This was the first course of the kind I have taken.  Let me know what you think.  Summary Servers are the backbone of an organization. The implementation and configuration of a server network can determine the prosperity or failure of a business. After reviewing the needs of Worldwide Advertising Inc., I have come up with what I think is the best solution.  I will be covering infrastructure server roles such as:  DHCP and DNS, which work behind the scenes, to the application servers which give life to your advertising dreams.  I have prescribed an active directory schema that will require effortless management. I have proposed a File and Sharing implementation that suites a growing enterprise as well as state of the art data storage. I have also noted some preliminary estimates of scheduling and manpower required for the solution. Deployment and Server Edition             Throughout the infrastructure the most advanced server operating system, Windows Server 2008 R2, will be used. Enterprise edition will be leveraged on all servers, because it has 4 virtual licenses per OS. To increase reliability and security Server Core will be on all servers. There will be a total of 10 servers for the Worldwide Advertising Inc. internal network. The majority of the servers will be managed from the Los Angeles main office while four servers...

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