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Implicit Demonstration Test Paper

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The two project implicit demonstration tests I completed was skin-tone (light skin - dark skin IAT), it entails the ability to recognize light and dark-skinned faces. The test often reveals an automatic preference for light-skin relative to dark-skin. My second demonstration test was sexuality (gay-straight IAT), it entails the ability to distinguish words and symbols representing gay and straight people. The test reveals an automatic preference for straight people relative to gay people (Project Implicit, 2011).
Before taking the skin-tone test, I thought I would favour the lighter skin-tone over then darker skin-tone, because of my cultural preference to lighter tones. For instance, I grow up in the Caribbean and a lighter skin-tone is highly praised. If you asked me before I took the test, I would have said I don’t have a preference and skin-tone shouldn’t matter. Nevertheless, I thought my cultural background might influence my results of lighter skin-tone being preferable.
Regarding the gay-straight test, I would once more state that I don’t have a preference because I have always thought a homosexual should have the right to marry and have the same privileges as a heterosexual, legal or otherwise. Having close family and friends that fight for their rights to be with their loved ones, …show more content…
I hope my cultural influence regarding homosexual didn’t affect the result, nevertheless I am a heterosexual and most of my socialization is with people who are heterosexual, so the results didn’t surprise me. I still think people from the LGBTQ community, should have the rights heterosexual do, so I hope the results are because of my socialization with more heterosexual, than a true bias against homosexuals. Still, if the results are because of unconscious bias towards homosexual, I will be more aware of it and try to act in a fair

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