Importance Of Family In The Book Fever, 1793, By Laurie Halse Anderson
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Over 5,000 people died of Yellow Fever in Philadelphia in the year 1793. In the book Fever, 1793, by, Laurie Halse Anderson, there is so much suffering throughout Philadelphia. Stricken with Yellow Fever carried by mosquitoes. People died daily, families were lost engulfed by the fever. During the story our main character Mattie goes through many things. The importance of family is shown by there family’s refusal to be apart. There is so much suffering, there are death carts picking up the dead as is they were nothing. Mattie must persevere in order to not get sick and just survive until the frost. Importance of family is shown in ways that make is appear like Mattie and her family are inseparable. For example, Mattie is hit by