...130206 Introduction: management is one of those bodies of theory and practice, concerns might be considered as rational inventory in human affairs. In 19th century the universally applicable principles of management began in heart land of Europe and America , upon work of Henry Fayol and than considered scientific management (Taylorism), known as classical theory. These are mainly concerned with structure and mechanization of organization , human relations & social psychological theories focused on human factor at work. And as technology changes the organizations are shifting their emphasis to knowledge management which has several approaches to socio-technical perspectives ( Grant & Shahsavarani 2010 ). The main task of this essay is to enhance & illustrate importance of scientific management , human relations & socio technical perspectives in organization. Henri Fayol (1841-1925): To manage is to forecast plan, organize, command to coordinate and control. Fredrick Winslow Taylor (1856-1915): known as father of management. He invented the scientific way of organizing companies. Management : coordinated activites ( planning, forecast, organize, decide, command) to direct and control. Scientific management: A work study technique to design & organization of work inorder to get maximum output which increases productivity. There are six best ways designed to increase productivity, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. job design and practice. Repetitive work cycles. Detailed . Prescribed task sequences...
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...Technical Audit A Technical audit may be defined as "A systematic, independent process for obtaining evidence and evaluating this objectively to determine the extent to which needs or expectations are fulfilled." The practice of promoting quality of Public infrastructure and technical audit is new approach in Nepal but the importance of quality & technology has become the concerned subject matter since 1970 AD only. Adequate concentration is never given towards the quality of development activities and better services. Asian Development Bank (ADB) & Administrative Improvement Commission has addressed towards the quality maintenance and optimum utilization of expenses for better Public infrastructure in 1990. As a result in 1992 A.D. Chief Office of technical audit was establish within Ministry of Physical Planning and development (former Ministry of Transportation and Development) In the process of improving the capacity and procedure of technical audits Ministry of Physical Planning and development has given the speed but the main role and function was still passive. In 2058 B.S., the arrangement was made for establishing the Technical audit Division under the first amendment of economic administration Act. RMDP under DTAC project was implemented in 31 st July, 2003,working for preparation of TA manual for Road, Drinking water and Sanitation. It was funded by World Bank. It has become a great challenge to maintain the quality of Public Infrastructure for the...
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...PUNJAB TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY KAPURTHALA Scheme and Syllabus of Masters in Business Administration (MBA) Batch 2012 onwards By Board of Studies Business Administration Punjab Technical University Scheme of (MBA) Batch 2012 Onwards First Semester Course Code Course Title Load Allocation L T P 4 1 4 4 4 4 3 3 28 1 1 1 1 2 2 7 - Contact Hours: 36Hrs. Marks Distribution Internal 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 280 External 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 50 470 Total Marks 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 750 Total Marks 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 750 Total Marks 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 750 Credits MBA 101 MBA 102 MBA 103 MBA 104 MBA 105 MBA 106 * MBA 107 * MBA 108 Principles and Practices of Management Organizational Behaviour Accounting for Management Quantitative Techniques Managerial Economics Business Communication Information Technology for Management Viva Voce Total Course Title 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 37 Credits Second Semester Course Code Contact Hours: 34 Hrs Load Marks Distribution Allocation L T P Internal External 4 1 40 60 4 1 40 60 4 4 4 4 3 27 1 1 1 1 6 40 40 40 40 40 280 60 60 60 60 60 50 470 MBA 201 MBA 202 MBA 203 MBA 204 MBA 205 MBA 206 BTHU 101* MBA 207 Business Environment Production and Operation Management Human Resource Management Marketing Management Financial Management Research Methodology Human Values and Professional Ethics Viva Voce Total Course Title 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 2 35 Credits Third Semester Course Code Load Allocation L T P 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 3 27 1 1 1 1 1 6 Marks...
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...Topic Four: Work Organisation: Job Analysis and Design * Universal approach to HRM - The ‘best practice’ approach to HRM assumes that there are certain practices that are best for any firm seeking a competitive advantage * Despite technology determining job quality to a large extent, it is designed by humans and thus subject to political choice * Two crucial concepts that contribute to job quality are skill and autonomy * Employee involvement, empowerment, commitment and participation are important aspects of job quality * Workplace politics is a large determinant of organisation of jobs, and thus job quality, rather than technology and ‘scientific and politically neutral management’ * Recently there has been a resurgence in the interest in job quality, due to changes in the nature of jobs and fragmentation of the labour market * Some changes in the labour market that have occurred due to this interest in job quality includes; * Expansion of jobs * Dissolution of boundaries * Chris Warhurst argues that it is not possible to form a universally accepted list of job quality indicators * Employee capability is a key consideration in the design of work, as job design can exclude capability of develop it 1. What is the ‘mechanistic’ approach to work design? In your answer refer to Taylorism, scientific management and Fordism. * Humans produce what their means of subsistence by specialising and trading with each other and through...
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...management theory since the beginning of this century. • Classical – this approach focuses on purpose, formal structure, hierarchy of management, technical requirements and common principle Scientific Management – A major sub-group of classical approach, emphasis is placed on increased productivity through technical structuring of the work organization and the provision of monetary incentive as motivator of highest output. Bureaucracy – Another major sub-group of classical approach, it focuses on the importance of administration based on expertise (rules of expert) and administration based on discipline (rules of official) • Structuralism – This approach places emphasis on the relationship between the formal and informal aspects of the organization of the organization, and the conflict of needs between the needs of the individual and organization, and between the workers and management. • Human Relations – This approach underlines the social factor at work and the behavior of employees within an organization. • Neo Human Relations – This approach is concerned on the personal adjustment of the individual work within the organization, and the effects of group relationships and leadership styles. • Systems – This approach is focused on the total work of the organization and the interrelationships of structure and behavior, and the range variables within the organization. • Contingency – This approach highlights the possible means of differentiating among alternative forms...
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...Service Quality: The Future of the Services Industry “Why is quality such an important issue in the marketing of services? Why is quality more difficult to manage in service industries than it is in the case of physical goods? Use examples to support your answer.” The concept of service quality is a relatively new construct in the marketing discipline which first emerged in the 1980’s when organisations began to consider quality not only in the already established manufacturing sector but in the rapidly evolving service industries sector also. Specifically defined service quality is a subjective experience which results from ‘an evaluation process in which the customer compares their perceptions of service with their expectations’ (McColl-Kennedy 2003). In the late 1990s and early part of the 21st century service organisations began to realise the importance of service quality and strived to narrow the gap between the customers perceptions of service and their expectations in order to deliver a quality service that linked to customer satisfaction, retention and patronage. This relisation that service quality was an important source of competitive advantage and long-term profitability for service organisation’s advocated the paradigm shift in marketing from a focus on manufacturing quality to incorporate service quality also. Moreover the modern day services firm strives to deliver a quality service on a routine basis, however due to the uncontrollable and unpredictable...
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...marketing and services marketing as well as customer relationship economics shows that another approach to marketing is required.This development is supported by evolving trends in business, such as strategic partnerships, alliances and networks. Suggests relationship marketing, based on relationship building and management, as one emerging new marketing paradigm of the future.Concludes that the simplicity of the marketing mix paradigm, with its Four P model, has become a straitjacket, fostering toolbox thinking rather than an awareness that marketing is a multi-faceted social process, and notes that marketing theory and customers are the victims of today′s mainstream marketing thinking. By using the notion of a marketing strategy continuum, discusses a number of consequences of a relationship-type marketing strategy for the focus of marketing, pricing, quality management, internal marketing and intraorganizational development. Briefly comments on the possibility of developing a general marketing theory based on the relationship building and management approach. The marketing mix management paradigm has dominated marketing thought, research and practice since it was introduced almost 40 years ago. Today, this paradigm is beginning to lose its position. New approaches have been emerging in marketing research. The globalization of business and the evolving recognition of the importance of...
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...1. Describe the findings of Project Oxygen using the functions approach, Mintzberg’s roles approach, and the approach. To begin with, there are four functions approach such as planning, organizing, leading and controlling. According to the definition of “planning” about set strategies to achieve goals or develop some plans to integrate and coordinate activities. For example, this Project Oxygen should have a clear vision and strategy for the team. They will plan a suitable strategy to achieve their goals. After that, they can accomplish their targets effectively. Then, the definition of “organizing” is arranging and structuring work to accomplish organization goals. For example the manager helps his employees with career development. The manager arranges duties to employees must give the most suitable duties to each employee. It is because the manager will see which skills or a professional specialty should employees having so that manager can also teach them others knowledge and that is help them to have different abilities to have more chance to try other job duties. These can help them to have a career development. Then, if the manager hopes that the employees should finish their duties effectively, the manager should be a good coach. When a manager to arrange the jobs to employees, he will need to tell the details of the duties to employees. Also, manager must to train them or test them so that know their job efficiency. If manager have a good strategy to teach them some...
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...the Guru’s Approach to Quality: • Deming’s Approach o Exceeding customer expectations. o Focus on continuous improvements in products and services quality by reducing variability and it is driven by the leadership of the top management. o Deming’s 14 points for management for quality improvement program. • Juran’s Approach o Quality is “fitness for use” and therefore it is judge by the customer. o Quality should be viewed from both internal and external perspectives. o Product conformance to requirements results in customer satisfaction. o Juran advocate ten steps to quality improvement. • Crosby Approach o Quality is free. o Quality means conformance to requirement. o Zero Defect is the only performance standard. o Crosby proposed 14 steps for the quality improvement process. • Feigenbaum’s Approach o Product/service quality is dynamic in nature because customers’ expectations are subject to change. o Total quality management covers the full scope of the product and service life cycle. • Gorocock’s Approach o Quality of a product is the degree of conformance of all the relevant features and characteristics of the product to all of the aspect of a customer’s need (value-led). o Zero defects and no longer period for reflection or review at the end of the program. • Taguchi’s Approach o “Loss imparted to the society from the time a product is shipped”. Economic value of being on target and reducing variation. • Ishikawa’s Approach o Quality control extends...
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...Deepak Barman Faculty of Management Studies Banaras Hindu University 221 005 Varanasi, India E-mail: dbarmanbhu@rediffmail.com Abstract: This study developed a simple two-stage decision framework for evaluating suppliers of high-value and critical items with reference to a heavy engineering organisation by employing the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The first stage involved examining the qualifying criteria of the items on quality, while the second stage was concerned with identifying all other relevant attributes, including quality concerning high-value and critical items applicable to the organisation under study, and with finding out the relative importance of the same. The attributes were organised in a two-tier hierarchy showing four major criteria in the first tier and 17 subcriteria in the second tier. This enabled us to employ AHP to find out the relative importance of each individual subcriterion through pair-wise comparison between all major criteria and subcriteria by eliciting opinions from three experts. The findings indicated the quality/reliability of the items to be the most important criterion, followed by price and then technological capability of the suppliers. A group of five suppliers was evaluated on all 17 subcriteria with regard to their performance and the overall performance of the suppliers was compared on the factor scores obtained by each supplier. Keywords: supplier evaluation; analytic hierarchy process; AHP; high-value and critical items. Reference...
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...Change Management and dealing with changes is a key project management function for any industry. There might be enormous variance in efforts, cost, schedule, quality of deliverables if changes are not handled effectively. Many projects are delayed and many other are closed (terminated) because project managers were not able to manage changes. Introduction Change management and dealing of with scope or requirements change is an importance function of project managers. However clear the requirements are, whatever the tool used for documenting requirements ( right from Rational tools to Word document ) and whatever the category of execution model ( Pure Waterfall to evolutionary prototype ) requirements are bound to change. The only difference to change is to what extent, and what is the impact on project success or failure. Having said this successful execution of any project relies on how good and effective is your change management mechanism. This is the reason why Monitoring and Controlling Process Group ( Section 3.2.4 of PMP handbook ) is such an important section. Why Requirements Change? There are a number of reasons for change in requirements and these reasons depend on multiple factors like: Industry: Is the project related to Automotive or Aerospace or Jewellery Geography : APAC customers are precise in their requirements compared to US or European Customers ( Based on the project execution...
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...company’s business operations and minimizing the negative consequences of the challenges that our department faces in implementing new approaches. I exert every possible effort to ensure that my leadership qualities, my devotion and support of the mission of Magnum Enterprises as well as the attitude of all the personnel were used for the benefit of the company. The functioning of the IT department will imply being a centerpiece of every hardware and software solution all over the enterprise to satisfy all the IT needs of the company. The mentioned approach is supposed to encourage and facilitate efficient integration of the management capabilities and business objectives. Every company defines the responsibilities and functions of the IT managers differently. They are generally involved in various fields in the framework of the company, in particular logistics, manufacturing, finance, general operating and other areas. According to the conventional point of view, the mere responsibility of the IT manager, who performs the role of a technical leader, is to ensure the incorporation of the IT needs of the company with the business demands. Taking into consideration my experience, I can claim that my function of the IT manager at Magnum Enterprises is related not only to my technical capacities, but also to my strategic and planning skills and knowledge. An IT manager is supposed to fulfill all the functions of a facilitator of all arrangements and organizational events and activities...
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...Total Quality Management as a Tool for Organizational Change The case of Motorola by Sverker Alänge CIM Working Paper No: WP 1992-01 ISSN 0280-9753 Acknowledgement This article has greatly benefitted from stimulating discussion with my colleagues Christer Oskarsson, Sari Scheinberg and Niklas Sjöberg, and not least the opportunity to learn from and discuss matters with Bill Smith of Motorola. Sverker Alänge This study is collaboration Department of University of part of a research project conducted in with Christer Oskarsson and Niklas Sjöberg, Industrial Management and Economics at Chalmers Technology, Göteborg, Sweden. 2 920426 Content Page 1. Introduction 1.1 Background and aim 1.2 Methodology 1.3 Our model of change 2. A Quality Change Project 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Motives for change 2.3 When, how, and the purpose 2.4 Content of the quality program 2.5 Actors 2.6 Methods of accomplishing change 2.7 Barriers to change 2.8 The history of the corporation - implications 3. Is Quality Used as a Tool for Change? 3.1 Technical dimension 3.2 Social dimension 3.3 Political dimension 3.4 Cultural dimension 3.5 Quality - a tool for change 4. Management implications 1 2 3 6 7 8 11 14 19 25 26 27 27 29 31 34 36 37 3 4 1. 1.1 Introduction Background and aim Most Western corporations are facing an immediate need to transform the way their businesses are run, in order to meet the quality, lead time and product development demands of the 1990s....
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...ch1 1. The advent of project management has been most profound in A. Automobile manufacturing B. Construction C. Information technology D. The U.S. Department of Defense E. Film making 2. A professional organization for project management specialists is the A. PMI B. AMA C. MIS D. IPM E. PMBOK 3. Which of the following is not considered to be a characteristic of a project? A. An established objective B. A clear beginning and end C. Complex tasks D. Only for internal use E. Never been done before 4. Which of the following activities is not considered a project? A. Developing a new software program B. Designing a space station C. Preparing the site for the Olympic Games D. Production of automobile tires E. Developing a new advertising program 5. From among the following activities, which is the best example of a project? A. Processing insurance claims B. Producing automobiles C. Writing a term paper D. Completing a college degree E. All of these are good examples of projects 6. Which of the following constraints is not typically found in managing projects? A. Time B. People C. Cost D. Performance E. Both B and D are not typical constraints 7. Which of the following choices is not one of the stages of a project life cycle? A. Conceptualizing B. Defining C. Planning D. Executing E. Delivering 8. In which of the following stages are project objectives established, teams formed, and major responsibilities assigned? A. Conceptualizing B. Defining C. Planning D. Executing...
Words: 8148 - Pages: 33
...Question 3. Technical 3.1 How does your companyfs vision and objectives meet the strategic objectives of West Oxfordshire District Through a sports and activity development program, we will partner with and support the Council to deliver their vision, to maintain and enhance West Oxfordshire as one of the best places to live, work and visit in Great Britain by preserving whatfs special, protecting quality of life securing a sustainable and prosperous future and enhancing the Councilfs performance. As a result of improved longevity and declining birthrate there is a profound shift in the structure of the population. This has lead to an increase in the number of relatively fit and active older people who are making an important contribution...
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