...Chapter 2 Economics: The Framework for Business Video Case: Nedelander Founded in 1912, Nederlander is one of the oldest concert management companies located in the United States. In the United States our economic system is called capitalization. Nederland’s role of capitalism operates as a “private enterprise system” or a “free market system”. Nederlander is a privately owned company making their own choices on what they produce (music artists), how they charge (ticket price), who they hire (60-full time employees and some seasonal workers) and fire. Nederlander value their employees as a team and focusing on every aspect to succeed in their fundamental rights of capitalism such as: the right to own and operate their business, the right to their private concert venues as the Greek Theatre, Santa Barbara Bowl, and the San Jose Civic, the right to free choices to offer the best services, and the right to fair competition in their competitive market of quality and prices. Because of the capitalism role Nederlander has produced through the 100 years of growth the consumers have correspondily made their free choice to spend and purchase tickets to the concerts. Nederlander is able to charge higher ticket prices at their small concert venues because ticket supply is low, the music artists can command it and costumers demand talented musical artists and are willing to purchase high priced tickets. In the free market system Nederlander...
Words: 331 - Pages: 2
...(Ruggiero 171) The moral issue is second-hand being a danger to the child in question; and the fact that the judge has ordered the mother to stop smoking around her child. People know the dangers of second-hand smoke and how harmful it can be your child’s health, or anyone’s health for that matter. When “the judge ordered the woman to stop smoking around her child, his judgement corresponds with the natural value that we have a moral obligation to care for ourselves and others. Also, we are prohibited from acting in ways that could harm innocent persons.” (Burnor 182) Based on the judge’s decision, “negative rights,” he made a claim against the mother that she should not be smoking around her child.” (Burnor 196) So he is deterring the child from second-hand smoke and making sure he is protected. Now the mother must practice “positive rights” (Burnor 195) to ensure that she does what is morally right to make sure the health and well-being of he son are of utmost importance. Also, the father can be more at ease knowing his son is free from second-hand smoke. Because of the judgement against the woman, she can accuse the judge and possibly her child’s father of violating her “human rights.” (Burnor 196) She may claim that she’s being discriminated against for being a smoker, which just may not the case here. Just because she was ordered not to smoke around her child, doesn’t mean that the court system or judge is discriminating against her. It is the judge’s duty to protect the...
Words: 349 - Pages: 2
...think about this narrator? Do you like her? Why or why not? I find the narrator to be quite mean and troubled and yet she is self-aware of her deficiencies. I am not certain that I like her but I am drawn to understanding the reasons behind her actions. Her actions toward her Abuelita are very loving including the diminutive name she gives her grandmother. In Spanish Abuelita literally means “little grandmother” and is more of a term of endearment. Though the narrator is rather cold (she states that she never kisses her mother or grandmother) and does not bestow affection she is able to recognize where it would be appropriate to give it. She does have softness toward her family internally that she does not express due to inability until she is overcome at the death of her grandmother. 2. On page 771, the narrator describes herself by listing the qualities she lacks. What do we learn about her? What does this approach to self-description, or self-assessment reveal about the way she thinks? Because of the way she is treated by her family, as an outcast, she adopts a self-deprecating attitude toward herself. We learn that she is not as dainty as her sisters and does not engage in the same activities as they do such as embroidery. She thinks of herself as a lesser part of her family and states that she is not "pretty or nice" like her older sisters. The narrator is the youngest of a group of sisters and is bullied by them and her father for being different, for not conforming...
Words: 1276 - Pages: 6
...she has many skills that she can perform independently. For instance, she understands 6 different sizes, spatial, and temporal relation concepts. She is able to group objects on the basis of physical attribute. Mary can follow directions that are not routinely given to her. She can arrange objects in a particular order according to the length and size. She can also retell events in sequence. She can retain short term memory. For example, she can recall events that occur on the same day, without any contextual hints. Mary can identify means to goal of problem solving. Mary can use imagination props and maintain participation every time she plays. She is able to count at least 10 objects and she also demonstrates understanding of printed numerals. Mary can segment sentences and words. She can read by sight and sound out words. Furthermore, Mary is able to use appropriate utensils to eat and drink a variety of foods. She accomplished all toileting functions and can also use tissues to clean her nose. Mary is able to undo buttons, snaps, and Velcro fasteners on clothing. She can put on clothes only in her lower body. For example, she can put on long pants, underpants, shorts and skirts. Moreover, her balance and mobility skills are attained. For example, she can run and avoid obstacles at...
Words: 2392 - Pages: 10
...Sometimes my girlfriend picks up my hand and places hers against mine to measure the vast difference in mass and size between her hand and my hand. “You have really big hands.” She’ll say and I can’t agree with her more. A man’s hand is his tool. It should be strong enough to work and protect and at the same time gentle enough to caress and pleasure. I think the title was named “The Hand” because the hand is a symbol of her dilemma about the situation the narrator has got herself into. According to the story, the narrator seems to have ran away from home and fallen into the hands of apparently the loveliest stranger known to man. Well he should be lovely if she had the guts to marry him within a short period of time. She writes, “…To meet a handsome, blond young man, recently widowed, good at tennis and rowing, to marry him a month later” (line 5). To her, it seemed right and exciting at first but after a while she starts to panic. She starts to realize that hand she lays next to is not the hand she held when she was little, nor the hand that feed her, nor the hand that spanked her when she did wrong. This hand is the head of the household, it’s the same one that will carry her baby and also the same hand that will spank her, well this time for an alternative motive though. The hand in this story symbolizes the power and control her husband has over her. As the saying goes, “do not bite the hand that feeds you,” Even though the narrator feels trapped and...
Words: 284 - Pages: 2
...chapter, Kaysen attempting to rip through her hand in order to see if it contained any bones. The chapter begins with Torrey leaving the hospital. Later that day, Kaysen randomly begins to examine her hand. She states, “my palm looked like a monkey’s palm” (Pg. 101) then continues to claim her hand may not be human. She then tries to bite into her hand in order to see inside of it. This is the first act of madness that we have seen from Kaysen so far in this book. She takes the reader through every thought she has in this process. First examining her hand, second biting her hand, third scratching at her hand, and finally being subdued. Kaysen is very distraught when looking at her hand. She worries she is not human because she believes she does not possess any bones in her hand. She claimed, “if I spread my fingers apart, my hand looked more human.” (Pg. 102) This is, of course, absurd to me. All people have bones, and Kaysen is obviously a person, but she is so adamant on not having any bones in her hand. Then, in order to prove to herself she is a real human, she decides to rip into her hand. Though it is hard for me to understand this thought process, I do understand the concept of being curious and wondering about aspects of them selves. Whether or not they are normal. This is what Kaysen is portraying. The fear of not being like her friends and being an outcast. When the nurse finally notices Kaysen’s actions, she hands Kaysen a cup filled with medicine. Thorazine...
Words: 682 - Pages: 3
...since she could remember. It was sad, lonely, and traumatizing growing up on the farm. “There was never time to play,” she told me. She believes that her dad had kids merely to work on the farm and not to love. “I felt like a worker and not a daughter.” Sitting in my Aunt Juana’s living room, we were talking about my grandparents’ upcoming 50th anniversary party, and how my dad was stressed trying to organize the party. As Aunt Juana ate a roasted corn she patiently peeled each kernel with her hand, she reminisced about when she was a child and what it was to grow up on the farm. Aunt Juana had to be up by dawn every morning. One of her duties was to feed all the animals they had around the house which included pigs, chickens, sheep and the cows that were kept close by to milk. After all the animals were fed, she then would help her mom milk the cows. Her duty was to hold the baby calf by the rope while my grandma milked the cow and no matter how blistered her hands would get from the thick rope, she knew better than to complain, or worse yet to let go of the rope. Fresh milk for breakfast was a must have, no matter what day it was. My grandpa, a strict perfectionist expected the best in everything; meaning his food had to be fresh at all times. Breakfast practically had to be inhaled so they could get back to work. If my aunt and her siblings didn’t eat fast enough, then they would go without food...
Words: 1593 - Pages: 7
...walks into the meadow. Then Wesley walks into the meadow from the opposite direction. They meet each other in the middle. Kenny extends his right arm and opens his hand. Wesley does the same and then they shake hands by gripping each other’s palm and going up and down motion with their hands together for a good five seconds. The guy’s faces throughout this whole scene should be happy by smiling. After letting go of each other’s hands Kenny and Wesley will bend one leg and then bend the other leg and sit down, sitting in the Indian sitting position. After sitting down Kenny and Wesley will both extend their right hands and grab a flower by its stem. While holding the flower they will bend their arm and raise their hand up to their nose to inhale the scent. (Exaggerate the smelling of the flower) While inhaling the scent Kenny and Wesley will smile with their eyes close. After a few seconds they open their eyes and begin looking out in front of them taking in the beauty around them. SUDDENLY they see two girls. So Wesley and Kenny get up. First they put their left hand on the floor next to them and left foot comes out while their right knee on the floor and push themselves up using their left hand. They will then look at each other with excitement on their faces. They then will throw the flower in their right hand to the ground. Then they will clench their first with their elbows bent and bring their arms towards their body, then when that finishes they will bring their arms down...
Words: 1198 - Pages: 5
...suggested, Anna frowned and shook her head before smiling ever so slightly, "Sorry but I don't know you sir so..." "Names Bryan and you would be?" he held out a hand to Anna, who smiled and shook it, "Anna, it's very nice to meet you but I already have a lift home my boy-friends actually waiting outside and he doesn't like to be kept waiting so I should go," she smiled once more at the man before reaching for the exit, groaning when he followed. "Your boy-friend's waiting out here is he? Where?" he asked as they stepped out onto the street his hands coming to rest on his hips. Anna turned around, opening her mouth to answer when she felt two warm, strong arms wrap themselves around her slim waist pulling her back against a hard, lean body. "Hey baby what took you so long." Anna immediately relaxed recognizing Danny's voice, leaning back against him she looked up over her shoulder and smiled, doing her best to force herself not to sink into his embrace. "Sorry handsome this fine gentleman was just helping me out...right?" her voice was slightly breathless as she spoke and she turned to look at Bryan who by now had backed up a few steps. It took all she had not to crack up, at the disappointed look on his face. Instead she allowed herself those few moments of silence before Bryan went back into the bar, to mull over the affect Danny's arms around her seemed to be having. It was suddenly much harder to breath, her heart pounded wildly against her chest, and she wanted nothing more...
Words: 7273 - Pages: 30
...At the beginning of the story, the wife regarded the hand with young love and pride. She was excited to be lying next to her newlywed husband and she enjoyed having his hand next to her. She felt mature and proud to be married at such a young age to a handsome young man. She was happy, excited, and surprised of her new status. But throughout the story, her attitude began to change. It started when she realized qualities of his hand that she hadn’t from the beginning. She noticed how big his hand is, how powerful his knuckles are and how unsmoothed out the ridges of his nail buffer was. Little by little, she begins to notice shocking details about the hand she thought she knew well. She began comparing the hand to one of an animal, or even worse, a beast. The wife’s description of the hand makes me think that she might be scared of him as she begins to observe his hands with horror and disgust. She changes my thoughts of how she views his hands with every nasty detail she lists about it. The way she describes her hands make me feel like the hand (or the husband) suggests authority and power over her, or even oppressiveness. When she says “Oh!” in paragraphs 16 and 20, it is because she has faced with something slightly indecent which makes her feel uncomfortable. She has noticed this big change of perspective which shocked her and which she did not like. She thinks to herself how she didn’t realize this before, the missed and ignored details which revealed the real man she...
Words: 786 - Pages: 4
...attention to don’t you hun” slides my hand down to his wasit griping him forward slides down licking his whole body give a playfully biet over his waist line smiles up at him and flyes back to her pole walks over to Julice placing hands on her hips pulling her tight against her, one hand gently trailing up her side outlining her soft curves, moves her hair to the sides and leans in kissing her neck softly while whispering "thanks for the tip sexy" while her other hand slides around her waist and grips her ass tight hops off her pole floats across the stage around Lizzy, nibbleing her sweet tender ears tugs it playfully whraping my leg around her sweet tender wasit pulls her closer “mmmm.rawr...” trailing my nail around “mmmm...” slides my hands down to her breast line give her a playfuly sqeeze walking towards the sexy Malsavis strokeing his long scaley tail whraping it around my wasit and my leg rise around her wasit pulls him closer while my body press down against him pin to him down to the wall licking his sweet muzzle pulling his lower lip. slides my sweet wet tongue inside his hawt warm maw grinz at him kissing him tenderly with passion purrs with pleasure with my firmed soft hands whraping around her neck pressing my lips longer to his lips slowly release the kiss smiles warmly .steps back swings her self around ''poofs gets bk in the pole''blows him a gentle heaven kiss on Malsavis nose moves across the floor to Wildong, sliding hands up his chest tangling fingers thru...
Words: 1235 - Pages: 5
...victim’s body and slowly invades his or her clothing only to create a stain that will never go away. This stain is not only visible on the victim’s clothing, but it is also constantly present on the conscience of the perpetrator and plagues his mind like a fast-spreading disease that cannot be stopped. It has been used as a symbol across countless literary works throughout history, and Shakespeare is no stranger to the concept. From bloody daggers to bloody hands, William Shakespeare’s tragic play Macbeth expresses...
Words: 995 - Pages: 4
...Brain Teaching: Grade 1 Classroom,” a video about a young teacher teaching her classroom with many different techniques. Throughout the video her students stayed on track and was well self disciplined which is what you need from your students to be an effective teacher.(Wong, 160) I am very impressed with how well her class knew what was expected of them when each verbal and hand gesture was given especially since I believe they were only in the classroom for about 2 and a half months and she displayed many different verbal and hand gestures in this short video. She is a teacher that loves her students and loves learning. This teacher wants to be the best influence in her students and preapre her students for the real world. (Fay 197) She is the...
Words: 602 - Pages: 3
...Policies and Procedures: Hand Washing Every healthcare institution has to follow certain policies and procedures in order to ensure best patient outcome. Nurses follow procedures on the floor that institutional policies are put into practice. It is necessary that the policies and procedures drafted must be something that is clear, can be measured and enforced that it helps practitioner to understand the importance and effectiveness of the policy (Ray, 2011) , In this paper, I would like to detail the basic but the most important hospital policy; hand washing. In the united States, one every 136 patients visiting or admitted in hospital become seriously ill due to hospital acquired infections which equals two million cases a year (Joint Commission, 2011). Based on the research evidence, our hospital has hand washing policy implemented strictly that number of hospital acquired infections can be brought down with proper hand hygiene. The policy applies to all nurses, physicians, students, visitors and all healthcare professionals in the hospital settings. Hospital is a place where various patients with low immunity and different infections meet. It is the place where high chances of cross contamination and hospital acquired infections exist, resulting in high cost of care and numerous deaths. Importance of hand washing in reducing nosocomial or hospital acquired infections has been well described and advantages emphasized...
Words: 1364 - Pages: 6
...the crowd of parents and has found her line. Ms. M. claps her hands three times and pauses. Students are familiar with this routine and begin looking in Ms. M.’s direction. She claps her hands three times again and several students clap three times in return. She then walks along the line and claps three times again. This time the entire class turns their bodies to the front of the line and they all clap three times in unison. Students are waiting for Ms. M. to speak and give the class direction. This paper will explain how Ms. M. addresses a situation created using Canter’s Behavior Management Cycle. This particular student often has difficulty transitioning and following directions. Explicit Directions Ms. M. stands in the front of her line and signals for her class to quiet their voices by placing her hand in the air in the peace symbol, this is a signal students are familiar with and have practiced from day one of school. She now has the class’ attention and she is now ready to give her students their first direction of the day. “Yesterday my class had a very difficult time getting in line and ready to walk to our classroom,” she begins to explain. “I know that you are capable of following directions because you have shown me many times before,” Ms. M. informs her class. She continues, “Today everyone is going to listen to my directions and follow them when I give the signal,” Ms. M. tells her class. Once she notices she has her class’ attention...
Words: 1196 - Pages: 5