...Everyday Americans take advantage of the wonderful oppurtunities we have in out country. We're one of the few countries in the world that has them and most of us don't realize how lucky we really are. In "In Our Defense" by Ellen Alderman and Caroline Kennedy, they share the stories behind each that we don't take into consideration for creating such a ______ country. Each case shows the good, the bad, and the rough patches in the history of the United States and The Bill of Rights. The first case of the book, "Missouri Knights of the Ku Klux Klan vs. Kansas City", deals with Freedon of Speech. Dennis Mahon ans J. Allan Moran, Missouri Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, asked to be able to air their planned episodes of "Race and Reason" on the radio. The episode already could be watched on T.V for the previous five years. But in Kasas City, there were many people of the town who didn't agree with the situation. Kansas City's community felt that people shouldn't have to deal with the racial comment in their own home, community, etc. The Knights then changed their title to "Klansas City Kable" but the Reverend Cleaver still didn't think it was an example of free speech. He felt it was the beginning of a terrorist organization. But under the First Amendment, they couldn't do anything about it until it showed clear and obvious hints of danger. Reverend Cleaver knew it would be hard to cancel the show since Freedom of Speech is so protected so they decided to cancel the channel altogether...
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...In Our Defense The title of this book is In Our Defense. It is written by Ellen Alderman and Caroline Kennedy. This book was copyrighted in 1991 and the First Avon Books edition was published in 1992. The genre is nonfiction, law. This book is about all of our rights as citizens of the United States of America and cases that prove as to why these rights are so important to us. There are, however, some controversies on the extent of how far these rights go. The first amendment most importantly protects freedom of speech. Dennis Mahon, a member of the KKK, was trying to exercise his freedom of speech, through airing a television program called “Race and Reason.” The Missouri Knights group chose public cable access to broadcast because they were free of any editorial control from the cable company. It was originally denied its request to air because there were regulations that the show had to be produced locally. It had to change its name to the “Klansas city Kable.” The main idea of the show was with the racial issues and exposing government bureaucracy. The studio was located in a neighborhood that consisted of 95% black people. The cable company was concerned that violence would occur and that viewers would cancel their subscriptions. Reverend Cleaver did not think that the show was an exercise as free speech; instead he saw it as a terrorist organization. According to the Supreme Court, the struggle between the fear of violence as a result of speech and the promise of the...
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...Habanero Pepper Spray is a new store that sells varies kinds of self-defense related products in Brownsville, Texas. As the name suggests our focus is to provide pepper spray and other types of self-defense sprays, and position ourselves as the top retail store servicing this particular market in the Rio Grande Valley area. 2.1 Objectives i. To create a shopping environment that caters to the self-defense needs of the female population age over 18. ii. To earn 60% market share and become the top self-defense store in Brownsville, TX and gain name recognition in the Rio Grande Valley area. iii. To earn a 30% profit margin within the first year. iv. To have a customer base of 500 by the end of the first year. v. To earn a net profit of $25,000 by year two and $60,000 by year three. vi. To be an active member in the community supporting anti-crime activities and local law enforcements. 2.2 Mission Capsicum Habanero Pepper Spray’s mission is to offer quality and effective self-defense products to provide peace of mind to all types of customers. 2.3 Keys to Success a) Provide customers with top quality self-defense related products. b) Provide customers with top quality customer service in an atmosphere of the Rio Grande Valley hospitality. c) Promote and advertise in areas such as universities and grocery stores that our target customer base will learn about our store and products. d) Continuously...
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...versus Defense University of Phoenix CJS/220 Patricia Brickhouse Lacey Martz December 11, 2011 In many ways, when it comes to comparing defense counsel to prosecution there are several similarities. The role is very different, but they are both considered to defending individuals. The prosecution role is to protect the people, the victims by putting their cases together with the mind frame of keeping justice fair. This is a must, to maintain what we want and need as a civilized society. While protecting the individuals or parties their innocents they must prove the guilty is guilty. Prosecutors can do this by taking a fair chance of embarrassing the individuals just to find the truth, as long as personal feelings do not interfere. Where with the defense attorney, are the ones that protect our rights when we have been accused of an action? They make sure that the legal rights are fair so that the client is not prosecuted unjustly or even falsely tried. Defense attorneys are not well trained for the all the verities of cases that must be hard. When a case is failed the defense attorney takes the chance to open another door to set another date for another hearing or even send the guilty to the death sentence. Each lawyer, the prosecutor and the defense attorney does the same job within our society and that is to protect our people whether they are innocent or guilty. The individuals give our protectors in the court room an opportunity to fight for our rights...
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...Objection! How High-Priced Defense Attorneys, Celebrity Defendants, and a 24/7 Media have Hijacked Our Criminal Justice System Nancy Grace with Diane Clehane Does our Justice System Seek the Truth, Or Does It Protect The Defendant? Publication Date: June 8, 2005 336 Pages Publisher: Hyperion In Objection!, the author confirms that our justice system is not infallible. This book specifically details celebrity defendants found innocent by our justice system when it is very likely they were actually guilty. These celebrity suspects are handled with kid gloves, booked at their convenience, and arrive chauffeured in limousines. Nancy Grace sets out to prove the impact 24/7 media coverage of these scandals and highlight the faults in today’s justice system. Do defense attorneys seek to find the truth and provide an equitable defense for the wrongly accused, or is it about winning and finding their clients innocent at any cost? The author cites her own experience when her fiancé was gunned down and killed in a random drive by shooting. This event motivated her to pursue a legal career and fight for the side of good against evil. She was a prosecutor in Atlanta’s Fulton County Court and later became a regular on Court TV. Nancy Grace feels that celebrity defendants receive special treatment at trials and sentencing. The book focuses on cases involving the rich, famous and infamous including Michael Jackson, Kobe Bryant, Scott Peterson, Jayson Williams, Martha...
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...Units 5 Actual Proposal 6 Proposed Portfolio Process 6 Proposed Selection Criteria 6 References 8 Company Raytheon is a major, US defense contractor specializing in defense, homeland security, and other governmental markets around the world. They hold the leading position in innovation of specialized defense technology. They provide state-of-the-art electronics, mission systems integration and other capabilities in the areas of sensing, effects, command, control, communications, and intelligence systems (C3I) as well as a wide range of mission support services. Raytheon serves both domestic and international customers. As a defense contractor in the defense industry, Raytheon depends on the US government for a substantial portion of its business which accounted for approximately 88% of net sales in 2009 and 2010. Vision and Strategy To be the most admired defense and aerospace systems company through our world class people and technology. Their four strategies are: * Focus on key strategic pursuits, technology, and mission assurance to sustain and grow our position in our four core defense markets: sensing, effects, C3I, and mission support. * Leverage our domain knowledge in all markets, including homeland security and cyber-security. * Expand international business by building on our relationships and deep market expertise. * Continue to be a customer focused company based on performance, relationships, and solutions. Organizational...
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...Soldiers One of the few responsibilities of our government, checked by the Constitution of America is “to provide for the common defence.” Upon put out there , every American military officer says there oath to “support and defend”. According to the main mission of the military is to protect and defend our country. This means picking out who are the enemies and, if that fails, fighting in wars. Any fixes of the military’s role. The United States’ military capability supported our nation’s rise to global bestness over the past time , but this was often because of the increased influence and peace rather than the other use of force. Along the way, there developed an American strategic tradition that moved military strengths , economy...
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...Congress and the White House allocate 522 billion dollars a year for the Defense Budget (defense link). This is almost half of the world’s military budget. The United States outspends China by eight times as much. If you ran the Department of Defense, what sort of things would you like to see changed? Our group decided that the scarcity of our troops and the war in Iraq, combined with how each military branch spends their budgets are two main problems that this nation is facing. The United States military is one of the most influential forces in the world. Not only is the us military responsible for the protection of its homeland, but American forces are often called upon to provide peacekeeping and stability in crumbling nations or to provide humanitarian relief to countries that are in need. As a result, we have soldiers stationed all across the world, leaving our own country vulnerable. The United States spent almost 200 billion dollars on the Iraq war in the last year. The Untied States military budget in 2008 was close to 650 billion dollars and still more money was needed. The United States has been dubbed the “World Police” by other nations. We are the one nation that others come to when they are in need of help. We try to help in any way possible but when we do; our homeland is left open to terrorist attacks. The United States was rocked to the core on September 11, 2001, when two hijacked airplanes crashed the World Trade Center towers in New York City,...
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...Insanity Defense Donita Estes, Patrick Fostso, Jennia McCray, Yasmine McGee, Inga Payne CJA/354 October 22, 2012 Samara Belgarde, J.D. Insanity Defense The criminal justice system in America is one of the fair systems in the world where anyone will be innocent until proven of guilt. The whole concept of the court system emphasizes how our laws work regardless where we come from and how we look like or healthy or not anyone is entitles of due process. The idea that our justice and court system are fair to anyone on trial due to an arrest by probable cause and sentencing by a verdict guilty and not guilty of the jury. In the case or State v. Stu Dents, where the defendant was accused of killing his former girlfriend. We are going to elaborate how the charge of insanity can be plead in the defense case and in the other hand give some understanding how this plead play a role in the defendant case during the trial and after the trial in some states and particular California. Does your team feel this defendant is competent to stand trial? Why or why not? We believe that the defendant may not be competent to stand trial, due to the fact that he had has emotionally and mental issues. The defendant has no knowledge of the crime or its consequences, if put on the stand he may revert back to that emotional state of mind and will not be able to give and accurate statement and will not be able to understand charges and sentencing. What is required in your state for an insanity...
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...Strategic Defense Initiative The presidents of the United States have always had a defense plan which is to protect our country from anything that comes our way. It was a very low priority to develop defenses against ballistic missiles until the 1950’s. (History Resources) This may have been brought up because it was the actual era in which missiles were starting to be made and can actually affect the United States as a hole. The president started to come up with ideas to try and protect the country from things such as missiles. It brings the bigger idea in which how it changed the world, the affects it brings, and how it grew from just being the thought of having a defense initiative as to growing with military defenses and technology in the world as it has grown. It can really affect the nation as a hole because it can either swipe out parts of the world slowly, protect the United States from being attacked, or it can cause the actual action of a country wanting to attack due to our defense initiatives which will be trying to prove its not strong and that the United States is not fully thinking of what they are doing. It brings many enemies or just the fact that the United States can be a target to have a missile attack upon since it has a defense against missile in the air or land-based installations to shoot down missiles in the air. (The New York by: The Learning Network). Having defense initiatives can change the world as a hole because it may have affects where countries...
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...The body’s Army of Defenses Mary Brown Rasmussen College NU231/NUR2349 Professional Nursing 1 Instructor Mash 05/14/201 With every second of the day the Human body is waging a war against enemy forces that have been sent to defeat them. The hostile enemy army of bacteria, fungi and viruses swarm on our skin trying to siege the human body. However, our body’s recognition of these enemies rely on two intrinsic defense systems, they are the innate and the adaptive systems. These two systems work independent of each other and also rely on each other cooperatively in the defense of disease. This system of defense is what is called our immunity. If the immune system is operating effectively it will protect the body from foreign invaders vigorously and sometimes without regard to the good and bad cells. One system that is nonspecific to foreign substances is the innate system. The innate, sometimes called the natural immunity is the first line of defense for the body (Marieb, 2013). Skin barriers and mucosal bodies such as acidity of the skin, lysozyme found in salvia, mucus found in the respiratory track and defensins found in mucous membranes are all part of the innate immune system (Marieb, 2013). Internal innate systems include phagocytes and macrophages by killing and ingesting their prey with enzymes (Marieb, 2013). The innate system also includes the inflammatory response which prevents agents from spreading to adjacent tissues and promotes tissue...
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...In our legal system, the lawyers are using all kinds of defenses to repsent their clients. And there are many types of them. Sometimes they are used to help with a client the defense lawyer knows is guilty, and is trying to get a lesser sentence. We all see the television shows where the defense attorney and his client meet with the DA and work out a deal, and we say wow what an easy job that is. If we look at it more in the real light it is not so easy. First the defense must find any potential violations to his defendants legal rights. He must also, “ determine the best stratery for arguring on the defendants behalf”. (Meyer and Grant 2003) When the defense looks at the charges agenst their client they then need to look at many factors such as, is there any evidence that can prove the mental state of the defenant. If there is then they might be able to go with a defense of either temperary insaniey or even insaniey. There needs to be an guily act that was voluntary which is actus reus. If there was no voluntay act then it could fit in this defense of insaniey. The next defense could be selfdefense. Was this a crime where the person need to protect themselves, from harm. The defense lawyer needs to look at all the circumstances in the case. The next one is along the same lines as selfdefense, but it is was the defendant provocated by either being abused for a long period of time in there life. Was the defendant being abused at that point and lost control. Also...
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...do something to try to lower the debt. Defense spending and social security account for almost half of our debt, as our government overspends greatly on these two things. If we were to cut spending on both of these matters it could result in a significant change. Problem Defense Spending As of 2014, the government spends approximately 50% of their total yearly budget on military spending and the United States “spends more on defense than the next eight countries combined.” (Peterson) The government has turned a blind eye to the budget surplus, this being when “income exceeds expenditures,” (Clayton) or the total set amount of money the government has set aside in expenses. The U.S should decrease the amount of money that is being spent on National Defense. We are using...
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...OVERVIEW UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE FISCAL YEAR 2014 BUDGET REQUEST APRIL 2013 OFFICE OF THE UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE (COMPTROLLER) / CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Preface The Overview Book has been published as part of the President’s Annual Defense Budget for the past few years. This continues for FY 2014, but with modifications as proposed by congressional staff. From FY 1969 to FY 2005 OSD published the “Annual Defense Report” (ADR) to meet 10 USC Section 113 requirements. Starting with the President’s FY 2006 Budget, this report was no longer produced. Subsequently, the Overview began to fill this role. This year to ensure compliance with Section 113, new chapters are added to include reports from each Military Department on their respective funding, military mission accomplishments, core functions, and force structure. Key initiatives incorporated in the FY 2014 Defense budget. Our budget is formulated based on aligning program priorities and resources based on the President’s strategic guidance. This year’s budget involves key themes to: achieve a deeper program alignment of our future force structure with resource availability; maintain a mission ready force; continue to emphasize efficiencies by being even better stewards of taxpayer dollars; and continue to take care of our people and their families. Implementing Defense Strategic Guidance. The FY 2014 budget request continues the force structure reductions made in the FY 2013 budget request. Following...
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...as a defense lawyer who help those people accused of crimes they never committed. Because of mine attachment to law enforcement, I decided to be part of the Criminal Justice program offered to high school students at Career and Technology Center as part of High School class. During my first year in the program, i was very inspired by my teachers. It was very cool to hear my teachers stories; what they did interesting on their jobs. They had many stories to tell from their personal experience every and each one of the student in my class....
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