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Personal Narrative: A Career In Criminal Justice

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It was a bright day in February, my heart was pounding and my brain was racing. It was during my eleventh grade in High School when I joined my school’s mock trial team. I had always imagined myself as a defense lawyer who help those people accused of crimes they never committed. Because of mine attachment to law enforcement, I decided to be part of the Criminal Justice program offered to high school students at Career and Technology Center as part of High School class. During my first year in the program, i was very inspired by my teachers. It was very cool to hear my teachers stories; what they did interesting on their jobs. They had many stories to tell from their personal experience every and each one of the student in my class. …show more content…
In the beginning, I wasn't really sure because I was thinking about joining my home school’s Mock Trial team but, after my teacher Mr. Duman who served Frederick county Sheriff's department for more than 20 years suggested me to join their team, I couldn't say no to him. I was constantly thinking about my decision and I wasn't really sure about it but when I heard that one of our ex-teachers who left the Career and Technology center to become a professor at Hood College was going to coach our team. Our Coach name was Teresa Bean; I knew about her because when I shadowed for the Criminal Justice program, she was there and she was the one who did my interview. She was a teacher for Criminal Justice program because she was a prosecutor. After some days of after school meetings, we finally decided who was going to play the role of witness and who was going to play a role of a lawyer. We were supposed to have two teams; one defense team and one plaintiff's team. My teacher was supposed to tell us which team we were supposed to be in. Everyone knew that I always wanted to be the defense attorney and I told my teacher that I would like to be in defense team but, she assigned me to the …show more content…
Our first trial was at Oakdale High School. We were a bit excited but nervous as well because Oakdale High School won the Mock Trial 2015 championship. I still remember when the first time we all went to the court. I would always sit with my coach in her car, where she would give me more tips and she was always the source of my boosted confidence. My heart would always beat very fast whenever we were about to enter the lift which took us to the floor where our competition was about to start. When I entered the courtroom I was very excited to see all the arrangements in the courtrooms. To the right side of the courtroom there were 3 chairs with a table for the plaintiff's team and to the left, it was for the defense team. Before the competition begins we were allowed to go the restroom if we needed to. I went to the restroom and looked at myself and told myself that “ OK Iqra you can do this”. After ten minutes our competition started. The bailiff of the court told everyone to rise up for the judge and announced that Perez vs SCLC is in session and also the judge's name. When the judge reached his chair he told everyone to sit down. We all

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