...Six Disciplines and Secrets to Successful Strategy Execution | Book Review | | Introduction: Gary Harpst was one of the founder and CEO of The Lord’s Business Inc.(TLB), aka Solomon Software, very popular software back in the 80's and early 90's when the PC industry was very young. He grew his business from startup to achieve great success, finally selling the company to Great Plains Software (since purchased by Microsoft) for a hefty sum (Bergin Tim, An Interview with GARY HARPST). Gary’s book, “Six Disciplines Execution Revolution: Solving the One Business Problem That Makes Solving All Other Problems Easier” was published in July 2008. In Six Disciplines Execution Revolution, Harpst details the elements of a complete strategy execution program, explains why it could only have happened now, and clarifies why such a program will become a mainstream requirement for successful small and midsized businesses in the future. Summary: According to Harpst, excellence is the enduring pursuit of balanced strategy and execution. Strategy requires choosing what promises to make to all stakeholders and a roadmap for delivering on those promises. Execution requires getting there, while overcoming unending surprises. Excellence is a journey – not a destination. A business excellence model tells organizations as to how they should operate relative to the two dimensions of strategy and execution. (See figure 1, Exhibit 1) Quadrant I: Strong Strategy/Weak Execution: In this quadrant...
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...Executive Summary of “Transformative Leadership: Achieving Unparalleled Excellence” For , MGT 3110 February 6, 2015 Abstract This paper summarizes the article written by Cam Caldwell, Rolf D. Dixon, Larry A. Floyd, Joe Chaudoin, Johnathan Post, and Gaynor Cheokas regarding the need for a new type of leadership in today’s social work environment, defined as Transformative leadership. The article itself varies in the definition, however in a broad sense Transformative leadership is maintaining good moral standing and sound business ethics among employees and individuals inside and outside the workplace. However, in order to reach this theoretical level of business related moral and ethical leadership known as Transformative leadership, one must be able to interpret and utilize the six other forms of leadership. The six forms of leadership discussed in this article are Charismatic, Level 5, Principle-centered, Servant, Covenantal, and Transformational leadership. There will be a total of ten propositions (P) that correspond to a given model of leadership and will be referred to as (P1, P2. etc.). When these six models of leadership are combined and used in conjunction, it is known as transformative leadership which makes up the content of this article. Keywords: Ethics, Transformative leadership, Covenantal leadership, Moral standing, Proposition, Level 5 leadership, Servant leadership, Principle-centered leadership, Transformational leadership, Charismatic...
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...LEARNING OUTCOMES Upon completion of this course students should be able to: 1. Explain the origin and development of constitutional democracy in Texas. 2. Demonstrate an understanding of our federal system and how it impacts Texas. 3. Describe separation of powers as well as checks and balances in both theory and practice. 4. Demonstrate knowledge of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of our state. 5. Evaluate the role of public opinion, interest groups, and political parties. 6. Analyze and understand the election process. 7. Describe the rights and responsibilities of citizens. 8. Analyze issues and policies in Texas politics and government. TEXT BOOK & COURSE MATERIALS Textbook: Practicing Texas Politics by Brown et al. UTSA custiom book Online Material: Mindtap online learning tool (access with...
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... while an alien pleasure impairs the activity. The pleasure proper to a good activity is good, while the pleasure proper to a bad activity is evil. Just as each animal is thought to have a proper function, it also has a proper pleasure which corresponds to the activity of that function. The pleasures proper to human beings are those which correspond to the activity of a perfect and blessed man. Section 6: Let us review what has already been said about happiness. Happiness is an activity of some sort which is chosen for its own sake and is self-sufficient. Actions according to virtue are chosen for their own sake. Happiness is not found in amusement, for it would be absurd to argue that the goal of a person's life and work is amusement. Rather, amusement is chosen for the purpose of relaxation, which is necessary to enable a person to engage in serious work. Everything is thought to be chosen for the sake of something else except for happiness. A happy life is a life according to virtue. Section 7: Since it has already been established [in Book One] that happiness is an activity according to virtue, it is reasonable to posit that it is an activity according to the highest virtue, which would be an activity corresponding to the best part of man. The activity of the intellect is the best human activity, since it corresponds to the highest part of man, is concerned with the best objects, is the most continuous activity, is self-sufficient, and is loved for its own sake...
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...sense of purpose rather than the pursuit of money. Do you agree? Critically evaluate and explain your position. The study of what motivates people has fascinated researchers and academics over the years. Many renowned researchers have come up with their own model explaining the mechanisms of motivation. Though all these theories are unique in their own right, the division of motivations into two forms; extrinsic motivations and intrinsic motivations is a common sight. Both these factors have their place in getting people out of their beds in the morning and trading the better part of their waking hours for work. However, for people to do their best work, a sense of purpose is often more useful than the pursuit of money. The type of job and position are also key factors in determining whether money or a sense of purpose will be the better motivating factor that encourages people to deliver their best work. George Bernard Shaw once said that “Lack of money is the root of all evil.” Money is defined as whether money is shells or rocks or gold or paper, in any economy it has three primary functions: it is a medium of exchange, a unit of account and a store of value. Of these three functions, its function as a medium of exchange is what distinguishes money from other assets such as stocks, bonds or houses (Mishkin, 1992). The pursuit of money is rooted in human behaviour today and the motivations for it functions in a similar manner to the pursuit of food or sex (Stephen E. G. Lea...
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...Core competencies, however, are characteristics of the organization as a whole. Libraries can utilize core competencies as a tool to develop and provide superior services. A description and review of the concepts of core competencies are included and a framework for their development and use is given. The concept of core competencies was developed in the management field. Prahalad and Hamel (1990) introduced the concept in a Harvard Business Review article. They wrote that a core competency is "an area of specialized expertise that is the result of harmonizing complex streams of technology and work activity." As an example they gave Honda's expertise in engines. Honda was able to exploit this core competency to develop a variety of quality products from lawn mowers and snow blowers to trucks and automobiles. It is important to distinguish between individual competencies or capabilities and core competencies. Individual capabilities stand alone and are generally considered in isolation. Gallon, Stillman, and Coates (1995) made it explicit that core competencies are more than the traits of individuals. They defined core competencies as "aggregates of capabilities, where synergy is created that has sustainable value and broad applicability." That synergy needs to be sustained in the face of potential competition and, as in the case of engines, must not be specific to one product or market. So according to this definition, core competencies are harmonized, intentional constructions...
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...Teenagers’ Pursuit of Perfection: Detours and Roadblocks to Development Lipa City In partial fulfillment of the requirements in English IV English IV Research Paper Teenagers’ Pursuit of Perfection: Detours and Roadblocks to Development Table of Contents Title Page……………………………………………………………………………………………….. i Acknowledgements………………………………………………………………………………… ii Table of Contents……………………………………………………………………………………. iii I. Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………… p. 1 a. Statement of the Problem ..….……………………………………………………....... p. 2 b. Significance of the Study …...………………………………………………………….. p. 2 c. Scope of the Study ……...………………………………………………………………… p. 3 d. Definition of Terms ...……………………………………………………………………. p. 3 II. Review of Related Literature and Studies …………………………………………… p. 6 a. Related Literature ……………………………………………………………………….. p. 6 b. Related Studies …………………………………………………………………………… p. 7 III. Methodology ………………………………………………………………………………………... p. 9 a. Research Instrument …………………………………………………………………... p. 9 b. Research Participants and Locale ……………………………………………….... p. 9 c. Research Method ……………………………………………………………………….... p. 9 IV. Data Presentation and Analysis …………………………………………………………. p. 10 V. Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations …………………………………… p. a. Findings b. Conclusions c. Recommendations VI. Bibliography VII. Appendices CHAPTER 1 Introduction “The...
Words: 8301 - Pages: 34
...« Study and create flashcards for free at Cram.com Sign In | Sign Up StudyMode - Premium and Free Essays, Term Papers & Book Notes Essays Book Notes AP Notes Citation Generator More Thesis About Fraternities Essays and Term Papers Advanced Search Documents 1 - 20 of 987 Thesis Name A Thesis Presented to the Faculty Of Tourism and Hospitality Management Department National College of Science and Technology In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirement for the Degree Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management Mr. Christer John R. Manalo Ms. Jemimah V. Cami Premium 6280 Words 26 Pages Soc Thesis Writing Within Sociology: A Guide for Undergraduates Department of Sociology Oregon State University Table of Contents Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . Premium 37612 Words 151 Pages Thesis UNDERGRADUATE THESIS PROJECT PROPOSAL School of Engineering and Applied Science University of Virginia Study and Analysis of Fire Protection Systems in Fraternity and Sorority Houses at the University of Virginia Submitted by Nicholas Feakins Mechanical Engineering S Premium 3856 Words 16 Pages The Positive Aspects of Fraternities The Positive Aspects Of Fraternities A college fraternity exists on the premise that...
Words: 1369 - Pages: 6
...discovered that there were more busy people with even more things to get done. That is how GenieOnCall idea was conceived in his mind but never could implement it as was extremely busy serving the corporate from various countries. In his 14+ years of experience, he provided world class services to some big names in the corporate worlds, names like: - Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) - UK, Ireland, Germany, Australia, USA and Canada, ICC (Bisnode, now part of D&B) UK, Ireland, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Norway, Business Pro UK and Ireland, Axciom USA, Verizon USA, Data National USA, Innovectra USA, Idearc USA, Lexis Nexis USA, BSI USA, Apex UK and many more. His areas of specialization have been Project Management (Analysis/ Transition/ Migration), Review (Projects/ Units/ Vendors/ Organisation), Business Continuity, Creation of Alliances, Business Development, Process Improvements/ Re-engineering, Operations, Costing and Projection V/S Billing, ISO-9001 and ISO-27001 Audit and Compliance, P&L for Projects/ Units/ Vendors, Feedback/ Coaching/ Mentoring, Capacity/ Recovery Planning. After serving the above mentioned customers, he moved back to Agra in year 2010. He then started giving consultancy to some of the European companies and also started working towards converting the concept GenieOnCall into reality with the motive to provide that helping hand to all the people whether at home or work, as everyone needs help. One question that did the trick in terms of working towards launching...
Words: 2270 - Pages: 10
...Film review on the 3 idiots A. Title and year of release 3 idiots (2009) B. Genre Comedy, drama and romance C. Audience classification Rated pg-13 for thematic material, some disturbing images and crude humor D. Production team Directed by raj kumar hirani Writing credits Raj kumar hirani (dialogue) Abhijit joshi (dialogue) (as abhijat joshi) Vidhu vinod chopra (screenplay associate) Casts Aamir khan - 'rancho' shamaldas chanchad Kareena kapoor - pia Boman irani - viru sahastrabudhhe Madhavan - farhan qureshi Sharman joshi - raju rastogi E. Synopsis Farhan qureshi and raju rastogi want to re-unite with their fellow collegian, rancho, after faking a stroke aboard an air india plane, and excusing himself from his wife - trouser less - respectively. Enroute, they encounter another student, chatur ramalingam, now a successful businessman, who reminds them of a bet they had undertaken 10 years ago. The trio, while recollecting hilarious antics, including their run-ins with the dean of delhi's imperial college of engineering, viru sahastrabudhe, race to locate rancho, at his last known address - little knowing the secret that was kept from them all this time. Source: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1187043/plotsummary F. Criticize on the following I. Story and theme It has a great story of different students; raju wants to uplift his family fortunes. Rancho is a wealthy genius who studies for the sheer joy of it. Farhan wants to become a wildlife photographer, but...
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...The Growth Mind-set This is one of the most important topics discussed in Little Bets. Chapter 2 of the book is about contrasting two types of mind-sets; the growth mind set vs. the fixed mind-set. As mentioned throughout the book, experimental innovators are not rigid in pursuit of their first ideas and preserve through many failures and move on quickly. In approaching their challenging goals, they accept the fact that they will face many unpredictable obstacles, risks and even breakdowns which they have to cope with and overcome without considerable emotional impacts. These characteristics of experimental innovators are results of having a growth mind-set. People with this mind-set are always willing to grow hence more open to accept new challenges and risks. They do not seek validation of others after every performance, and do not believe that their failures reflect their capabilities and do not get disappointed by them. As a result, they do not stop trying new things until they gain major accomplishments. On the other hand, people with fixed mind-sets avoid taking new challenges because they are afraid of the possible failures. Any negative comment, failure, or bad performance tends to destroy their self-image; consequently, their main concern becomes seeking validation of others by trying to look smart and successful. They place so much emphasis on minimizing risks and errors that they keep doing things they are already good at instead of trying new things. As a result...
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...Mobile Number: +919844985959 Email: nmanjunath1986@gmail.com ABSTRACT Organizations, the world over are facing stiff and diverse challenges with regard to enriching customer value at the appropriate time and appropriate cost. Thus the essence of customer value entails the organizations to structure their activities in such a way that leverages their cost and time potential. An increasing number of organizations are resorting, thus to a more simplified organization design that embodies built in mechanisms to cater to the core activities and embrace a methodology that abhors waste and with a fierce dedication to excellence. This has seen the emergence of “Lean” management practices as a cornerstone of organizational effectiveness. Lean organizations thrive to provide perfect value through a value creation process that has zero waste. But in pursuit of cost saving in the guise of “Lean”, most acclaimed lean practicing organizations attempt to over automate and thereby leading to qualitative underutilization of human resources. Successful leadership and Self-reinforcing human...
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...TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter I: System Background A. University Background/Company Background B. Organization Directory C. Objective of the Study D. Theoretical Framework E. Conceptual Framework F. Significance of the Study G. Scope of the Project H. Delimitation of the Study Chapter II: System Plan A. Problem Description 1. Problem Description 2. Anticipated Business Benefits 3. System Capabilities B. Project Schedule 1. Work Breakdown Structure 2. Project Evaluation and Review Techniques C. Project Feasibility 1. Economic Feasibility 2. Technological Feasibility 3. Operational Feasibility 4. Cultural/Political/Organizational Feasibility Chapter III: System Analysis A. Information Gathering Tools and Techniques 1. Questionnaire 2. Interview Guide 3. System Documentation B. Hardware Requirement 1. Event Table 2. Class Diagram 3. Use Case Diagram 4. Use Case Description Chapter IV: System Design A. System Design Model 1. Screen Layout 2. DFD (Data Flow Diagram) 3. ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram) 4. Database Design 5. Table Relationship Diagram 6. Data Dictionary Chapter V: Conclusion and Recommendation A. Conclusion B. Recommendation C. Curriculum Vital CHAPTER I University Background HISTORY OF SHEPHERD GRACE SCHOOL SGS-Shepherd’s Grace School, Inc. is a Catholic School and is open to all religion. It respects personal preferences...
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...Organizational Behavior Grouping 1. Introduction A group can be broadly defined as a collection of two or more individuals, who have come together for a common purpose. Generally, the common purpose is apparent as is the case with trade unions- which are formed with the purpose of upholding the interests of the labor force, or reader’s clubs- formed for the purpose of sharing opinions and perspectives on various books. However, sometimes the common interests might not exactly be a purpose, but more of a necessity, as is the case with groups of friends formed at schools, hostels or between neighbours. The importance of groups cannot be emphasized on enough in our complex intertwined lives. At all levels, be they personal, societal, professional, recreational or any other, we seem to be part of one group or the other. The underlying principle of pursuit of common purpose is at the heart of the concept of grouping, through which one seems to reach higher levels of attainment- which might not have been possible through individual pursuits. 2. Conceptual framework Groups form an essential and constituting unit in an organizational setting. They effectively break-down the organizational targets and goals into smaller group goals. This leads to a more focused and modularized approach towards achieving organizational objectives. This approach is also beneficial for the individual in multifold ways- distribution of workload, creative participation...
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...compliance (M. Mason Cox, personal communication, November 19, 2015). These two work hand in hand to ensure the Medicare and Medicaid, and CMS standards are met by our company (M. Mason Cox, personal communication, November 19, 2015). Everything done at my company must meet CMS standards along with federal and state guidelines, which these two departments help us to do (M. Mason Cox, personal communication, November 19, 2015). When something is submitted it usually goes to our quality department first, then to our compliance department to ensure all Medicare guidelines are addressed and followed. An example would be when our company does continuous care, which is a level of care that our company provides. The quality and compliance department review all notes, care and forms to ensure proper documentation to help nurses improve their documentation skills and make sure we are meeting CMS guidelines. Next, our company selects quality improvement projects based off of CMS standards and new rules that CMS creates and also projects are selected by things that can improve quality of care (M. Mason Cox, personal communication, November 19, 2015). These projects are managed and monitored by the quality and compliance branches of our organization. At the same time as these projects are monitored and managed at the site which starts them first (M. Mason Cox, personal communication, November 19, 2015). For instance if a new CMS standard is put out, the compliance and quality department let us...
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