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Indentured Servants Dbq Essay

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Document 1 is from the point of view of Gottlieb Mittelberger. He discusses the experiences of what it’s like to travel overseas to America. He traveled with many people who would become indentured servants. He found that the conditions in which they traveled were concerning and wrote to future indentured servants to inform and warn them of what they were really going into. Document 2 is from the point of view of Equiano. He describes his life as a former slave and the conditions he went through going into America. Both documents 1 and 2 relate to colonial labor systems developed in the 1600s and 1700s; the first talks about indentured servants, and the second talks about slavery. Gottlieb Mittelberger was traveling overseas with many other people who would soon become indentured …show more content…
Equiano writes about his experience as a slave going to North America. He discusses the tight or confined spaces, sickness, the heat, and the lack of fresh air. These documents are different because document one is bringing up the conditions that future indentured servants would go through; he was not an indentured servant himself; he was writing on account of what he saw was going on and wanted to bring awareness. Equiano is writing on account of first-hand experience, what he felt as a slave, how he was treated, and the conditions that he himself went through. Document 3 discusses the thoughts and actions that went on during the Pueblo revolt of 1680. Revealing the complex relationship between the Spanish and Native Americans. The Pueblo revolt was a result of Spanish conversion efforts and demands for labor. These resulted in tensions between the Spanish and Natives. A spark of conflict was evident in multiple interactions between both groups. Whether it was over land, resources, labor, or religion, this was seen in document 3, where disputes over labor and religion sparked the Pueblo

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