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Women's Suffrage Movement In Canada

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The women's suffrage movement The women's suffrage movement was a campaign to demand the right to run for public office. It highlighted the previous issues connected to women's equity and justice. Women living in Canada, especially indigenous and Asian women, struggled for basic human rights, including suffrage. Women's suffrage (or franchise) refers to the right for women to vote in political elections. Women & voting In the early 19th century, evidence shows that women had the right to vote. For example, at least 27 women voted in the 1825 election in Kahnawake. However, by the mid-19th century, full citizenship was limited to white men, and most colonies in Canada removed women's suffrage. In 1867, the British North America Act was created, which stated that only white men, aged 21 and older while being a householder …show more content…
By the end of the century, laws similar to this had spanned across Canada.

Why do you need to be a member? Women's right to vote was removed mainly due to the Victorian-style norms that became popular during the 19th century. These norms included the idea that women were meant to be housewives and listen to their husbands. While the husbands would go out to work, and come home to dinner. This picture painted meant that women had no political life and, therefore, no voting or political rights. Moreover, independent women were often referred to and seen as a threat to religious or national communities. The beginning of the end Nearing the end of the 19th century, protests started to arise, which mostly covered discrimination against women, particularly in education and wages. One of these protests was the suffrage campaign, which was led by university graduates and female professionals in medicine. This group of people fought for the extension of suffrage to include women. By 1900, the suffrage campaign had made it legal for women who owned property to vote in municipal elections, which was a huge milestone at the

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