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Individual: Programming Solution Problem


Submitted By bhavik1989
Words 706
Pages 3
Bhavik Patel
Individual: Programming Solution Problem
It was my first time using the Visual Logic Program to create a program. Comparing to another program I have used before, Visual Logic was the easiest program to use. It was very easy to learn, and the tutorial on YouTube was very helpful. For this assignment, I had to create two programs that show any calculation or some math calculation. I’ve created a calculator in HTML and Java, and that was very difficult. I had to work hard to create the calculator but when I used Visual Logic to create a program calculation it was fairly easy. The two programs I create for this assignment are hours and rate and triangle calculation program. To create this program, it was fairly easy because by watching the YouTube videos I learned lot on how to use the program.
On hours and rate calculation program it was fairly easy because the calculation was very simple. In order to create this program first, you need to have an input for hours. It’s crucial that you do all the steps in order because when you write a real program you will need to go in order. You can never skip any steps because when you skip steps the whole program will not work. After you create the input for hours, then you need to create an input for rates. Then you need to create an assignment with the formula that you are going to use to get a solution for hours * rate. For the assignment, you will type in Pay = Hours * Rate this is the formula to get a pay for a person. After that, you will have to create the output. In an output, you will have to type in the prompt with quotes so the program works. If the prompt is typed without the quotes, the program will not work. The prompt you type is "Pay amount due is " & FormatCurrency(Pay). By typing the FormatCurrency that will give you a dollar sign. After you have typed all the things, you will need to test

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