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A seminar report on

Submitted by Pranesh S S 2SD06CS061 8th semester






Certified that the seminar work entitled “GENETIC ALGORITHMS” is a bona fide work presented by Pranesh S S bearing USN NO 2SD06CS061 in a partial fulfilment for the award of degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science Engineering of the Vishveshwaraiah Technological University, Belgaum during the year 2009-10. The seminar report has been approved as it satisfies the academic requirements with respect to seminar work presented for the Bachelor of Engineering Degree.

Staff in charge SANTOSH DESHPANDE SIR Name: Pranesh S S USN: 2SD06CS061





Genetic Algorithms have recently become a popular artificial technique for solving complex optimization problems and a sophisticated tool for machine learning. This paper provides an introduction to genetic algorithms and brief applicability to problems. There is a focus on GAs used as a optimisation technique. GAs technique is based on natural evolution where provides a robust solution for a given problem. This paper explains how GAs approaches to optimization for a problem with implementation methods.

1. Introduction
Nature provides us different things. When we try to think about nature, there are complex mechanisms, operations involved in it. There are many scientific theories proposed on specific part of nature. One among the successful theory is DARWIN’S theory of EVOLUTION. The most important is that it predicted the need for a biological way for passing information between generations. That ultimately led to the discovery of the DNA molecule and within half a century the mapping of the human genome as well as that of other animals. In the other direction the ideas of evolution have given computer scientists ideas for new ways to program - the notion of genetic algorithms. Computer science is about coming up with solutions to problems and that is exactly what nature does over time - adapt animal species via natural selection to allow them to survive better in their changing environments. The idea is that to solve a problem into "digital DNA" and evolve a solution.

2. History
It was in the 1950/60s that several independent researchers were studying the idea that evolution could be used as an optimization tool for engineering problems. The idea behind it all was to evolve solutions to problems by using natural means based on “survival of the fittest”. Evolutionary strategies were introduced in the mid 60s by Rechenberg as a method he used to optimize real-valued parameters for hardware devices. Owens, Fogel and Walsh developed evolutionary programming, a technique used where candidate solutions to problems or tasks were represented as finite-state machines which were evolved by randomly mutating their state-transition diagrams and then selecting the fittest. Together with genetic algorithms, these three areas form the backbone of evolutionary computation. Genetic algorithms were invented by Holland in the 60's and developed later in the 70's. This method was defined as a way to move from one population of chromosomes to another by utilizing natural selection and the operator of crossover, mutation, and inversion. In recent years, there was been widespread interaction among researchers from varied evolution-based studies and as a result, we find some breakdown in the boundaries that define and separate the fields of genetic algorithms, evolution strategies, and evolutionary programming. Often, the term - genetic algorithm - is used to describe something very different from what was originally defined.

3. Definition of “GENETIC ALGORITHMS”
“Genetic Algorithms are nondeterministic stochastic search/optimization methods that utilize the theories of evolution and natural selection to solve a problem within a complex solution space”.
Genetic algorithms are basically computer-based problem solving systems which use computational models of some of the known mechanisms in “evolution” as key elements in their design and implementation. They are a member of a wider population of algorithm Evolutionary Algorithms (EA). The major classes of EAs are: GENETIC ALGORITHMs, EVOLUTIONARY PROGRAMMING, EVOLUTION STRATEGIEs, CLASSIFIER SYSTEM, and GENETIC PROGRAMMING. They all share a common conceptual base of simulating the evolution of individual structures through methods of selection, mutation, and reproduction. The methodologies depend on the performance of the individual structures as defined by an environment. Genetic Algorithms are heuristic, which means it estimates a solution. We won't know if we get the exact solution, but that may be a minor concern. In fact, most real-life problems are like that: we estimate a solution rather than calculating it exactly. GA’s work within a Complex solution space: GAs can be used where optimization is needed. I mean that where there are complex large solutions to the problem but we have to find the best one. Like we can use GAs in finding best moves in chess, mathematical problems, financial problems and in many more areas.

4. Need for Genetic algorithm
There are many tasks for which we know fast (polynomial) algorithms. There are also some problems that are not possible to be solved algorithmically. For some problems was proved that they are not solvable in polynomial time. But there are many important tasks, for which it is very difficult to find a solution, but once we have it, it is easy to check the solution. This fact led to NP-complete problems [1]. NP stands for nondeterministic polynomial and it means that it is possible to "guess" the solution (by some nondeterministic algorithm) and then check it, both in polynomial time. If we had a machine that can guess, we would be able to find a solution in some reasonable time. Studying of NP-complete problems is for simplicity restricted to the problems, where the answer can be yes or no. Because there are tasks with complicated outputs, a class of problems called NP-hard problems has been introduced. This class is not as limited as class of NP-complete problems


For NP-problems is characteristic that some simple algorithm to find a solution is obvious at a first sight - just trying all possible solutions. But this algorithm is very slow (usually O(2^n)) and even for a bit bigger instances of the problems it is not usable at all. Today nobody knows if some faster exact algorithm exists. Proving or disproving this remains as a big task for new researchers. Today many people think, that such an algorithm does not exist and so they are looking for some alternative methods - example of these methods are “GENETIC ALGORITHMS”. Our approach of genetic algorithm (GA) is an optimization strategy inspired by the Darwinian evolution process. Starting with a population of candidate structures, we relax these candidates to the nearest local minimum. Using the criteria of fitness, a fraction of the population is selected to produce a finally an optimum solution.

5. Importance of GA over other techniques
For most problems in real life don't have any formula for solving the problem because it is too complex, or if you do, it just takes too long to calculate the solution exactly. An example could be space optimization - it is very difficult to find the best way to put objects of varying size into a room so they take as little space as possible. The most feasible approach then is to use a heuristic method [2]. Genetic algorithms are different from other heuristic methods in several ways. The most important difference is that a GA works on a population of possible solutions, while other heuristic methods use a single solution in their iterations. Another difference is that GAs are probabilistic (stochastic), not deterministic.

6. Working of GA
Before understanding the working of GA, let’s understand some biological terms related to this. Chromosome: A set of genes. Chromosome contains the solution in form of genes [3]. Gene: A part of chromosome. A gene contains a part of solution. It determines the solution. E.g.16743 is a chromosome and 1,6,7,4 and 3 are its genes. Individual: Same as chromosome. Population: No of individuals present with same length of chromosome. Fitness: Fitness is the value assigned to an individual. It is based on how far or close a individual is from the solution. Greater the fitness value better the solution it contains. Fitness function: Fitness function is a function which assigns fitness value to the individual. It is problem specific. Breeding: Taking two fit individuals and intermingling the chromosome to create new two individuals. Mutation: Changing a random gene in an individual. Selection: Selecting individuals for creating the next generation.


6.1 Basic description
Genetic algorithm applies the rules of evolution to the individuals. Each individual in the GA population represents a possible solution to the problem. It selects the fit individuals according to fitness function then combines these individuals into new individuals. Using this method repeatedly, the population will hopefully evolve good solutions. Specifically, the elements of a GA are: [4] 1.selection (according to some measure of fitness), 2.cross-over (a method of reproduction, "mating" the individuals into new individuals), and 3.mutation (adding a bit of random noise to the off-spring, changing their "genes"). As we can see here, Darwin's principles have been a major inspiration to GAs. It can be performed through following cycle of stages. i) Creation of a "population" of strings ii) Evaluation of each string iii) Selection of best strings and iv) Genetic manipulation to create new population of strings. This flowchart illustrates the basic steps in a GA:


6.2 General Algorithm of GA
The algorithm is almost same in most of the applications only fitness functions are different to different problems. The general algorithm is as follows [3]: START Generate initial population. Assign fitness function to all individuals.[Fitness] DO UNTIL best solution is found Select individuals from current generation [Elitism] Create new offspring with mutation and/or breeding [New Population] Compute new fitness for all individuals Kill all the unfit individuals to give space to new offsprings[Replace] Check if best solution is found LOOP END

7. Implementation
Now let’s concentrate on how all the steps are done: Each cycle in Genetic Algorithms produces a new generation of possible solutions for a given problem. In the first phase, an initial population, describing representatives of the potential solution, is created to initiate the process. 1. The elements of the population are encoded into bit-strings, called chromosomes. Although encoding of chromosomes is done by many ways, binary encoding is most used. In binary encoding every chromosome is a string of bits, 0 or 1. Chromosome A 101100101100101011100101 Chromosome B 111111100000110000011111 2. The performance of the strings, often called fitness, is then evaluated with the help of some functions, representing the constraints of the problem. A fitness function is a particular type of objective function that prescribes the optimality of a solution (that is, a chromosome) in a genetic algorithm so that that particular chromosome may be ranked against all the other chromosomes. Depending on the fitness of the chromosomes, they are selected for a subsequent genetic manipulation process. 3. Selection process is mainly responsible for assuring survival of the best-fit individuals. Here individual genomes are chosen from a population for later breeding (recombination or crossover).


A generic selection procedure may be implemented as follows:

The fitness function is evaluated for each individual, providing fitness values, which are then normalized. Normalization means dividing the fitness value of each individual by the sum of all fitness values, so that the sum of all resulting fitness values equals 1.This can be done and represented through “Roulette wheel selection method”. Roulette wheel selection method: Imagine a roulette wheel where all chromosomes are placed in the population, every chromosome has its place big accordingly to its fitness function, it’s looks like on the following picture [2].

• •

• •

The population is sorted by descending fitness values. Accumulated normalized fitness values are computed (the accumulated fitness value of an individual is the sum of its own fitness value plus the fitness values of all the previous individuals). The accumulated fitness of the last individual should of course be 1 (otherwise something went wrong in the normalization step!). A random number R between 0 and 1 is chosen. The selected individual is the first one whose accumulated normalized value is greater than R .This step is repeated until chromosome is found. The selected chromosomes (individuals) are called parents.


After selection of the population strings is over, the genetic manipulation process consisting of two steps is carried out. In the first step, the crossover operation that recombines the bits (genes) of each two selected strings (chromosomes) is executed. The second step in the genetic manipulation process is termed mutation, where the bits at one or more randomly selected positions of the chromosomes are altered. CROSS-OVER The cross-over is the method for combining those selected individuals into new individuals. Remember that the individuals are simply strings of values. The crossover splits up the "parent" individuals and recombines them. Here's an example of how two "parents" cross over to make two "children". The simplest way how to do this is to choose randomly some crossover point and everything before this point copy from a first parent and then everything after a crossover point copy from the second parent.


Chromosome 1 11011 | 00100110110 Chromosome 2 . It is illustrated in figure below 11011 | 11000011110

11011 | 11000011110 11011 | 00100110110

child1 child2

MUTATION Mutation is used to maintain genetic diversity from one generation of a population of chromosomes to the next. It is analogous to biological mutation. The classic example of a mutation operator involves a probability that an arbitrary bit in a genetic sequence will be changed from its original state. A common method of implementing the mutation operator involves generating a random variable for each bit in a sequence. This random variable tells whether or not a particular bit will be modified. The purpose of mutation in GAs is preserving and introducing diversity. Mutation should allow the algorithm to avoid local minima by preventing the population of chromosomes from becoming too similar to each other, thus slowing or even stopping evolution. This reasoning also explains the fact that most GA systems avoid only taking the fitness of the population in generating the next but rather a random (or semi-random) selection with a weighting toward those that are fitter. Mutation is illustrated in below figure.

Alteration of 5th bit.

8. Example: a simulation by hand
[5]The Genetic Algorithms cycle is illustrated in this example for maximizing a function f(x) = x2 in the interval 0 < x

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