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Individuality In Ayn Rand's Anthem

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“We, Equality 7-2521, have discovered a new power of nature. And we have discovered it alone, and we are alone to know it” (52). Within the lackluster equilibrium of his dystopian society, Equality 7-2521 is a surge of electricity pulsing through a copper wire. His vision for the society in which he lives is innovative, yet it is not for others that he conducts his experiments. Ayn Rand conveys that Equality’s primary incentive in the novella Anthem is to unearth his individuality and re-affirm his self-accomplishment, while partaking in an activity that brings him joy. Yet, Although expressive self-exploration traces to his direct motivation, Equality’s discoveries could benefit humanity greatly. Insubordination --disdained in our society, …show more content…
Through the discovery of electricity, he explores what it means to be human: furthering his creativity, being, and knowledge of the universe. His accomplishments, pride, and originality drives Equality’s motivation. By learning from experience, he creates electricity from mere copper: fleshing out his unique purpose. Equality discovers something distinct to his being alone ((something about we here)). He remarks that “We made it. We created it. We brought it forth from the night of ages. We alone. Our hands. Our mind. Ours alone and only,” (59), underscoring his sense of significance in a minute yet telling way, that motivated him to maintain a positive outlook, despite his daily routine. Furthermore, fascination envelopes Equality as he strives to understand the world and his place in it. In limiting individuality, his society tells him that the mysteries he unearths are anything but. Moreover, Equality recalls a point in his education when his quizzical remarks became silenced: “We wished to know...[but] we asked so many questions that the Teachers forbade it,” (23). Egalitarian principles at the grandest level and basest denominator reigned supreme; all to be and remain equal. Railing against these principles spurred Equality’s rebellion; seeded his

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