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Industrial Engineering Personal Statement

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With the advent of cutting-edge technology, there is sophisticated and rapid industrialization which my country has adopted and implemented, resulting tremendous progress and leading to a significant need of Industrial engineers to the country.

Being born in a highly educated family, I learnt at an early age that getting higher education, gaining more knowledge gets paid off leading to better future. My motto was always to Strive for betterment and improvement. With this motive in my mind I studied engineering diligently and did not miss any opportunity to learn how the machines in our everyday lives worked. My unwavering interest and perseverance enabled me to have consistently good scholastic record to date. Although, I started working …show more content…
I am very good at math from my childhood and scored 100% marks in Mathematics till my 10th standard. I opted for Math and Physical Sciences at Intermediate level and took the competitive examination for admission to undergraduate course. My relentless efforts enabled me to get admission in Mechatronics Engineering at Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology, the highest ranking college of Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University in 2011. As part of my academic curriculum, I chose the subjects- Operation Research, Production Planning and Control, Industrial Management laid strong foundation for Industrial Engineering. Added this, I believe I performed well in academics, standing first in class in XXXXXXXXX( I will write this) and third in subject Production Technology. With curiosity to learn more I chose Flexible Manufacturing Systems as one of my electives, and acquired good grades in it. By the end of the Final year, I ranked fourth in a class of 74 students, with a GPA of 3.6 out of 4. The pleasure of learning was enhanced by the fact that I received uninterrupted support and special assistance from my professors for my interest in …show more content…
I worked on the design of an ‘Automatic Storage and Retrieval System’ for storing and retrieving nuclear bundles, to avoid human intervention minimizing the ill-effect of radio-active metals. Another internship at National Thermal Power Corporation helped me gain valuable experience. These initial industrial experiences instilled in me a sense of the importance of Industrial Engineering, and sparkled my interest propelled me to consider this as my career and future.
My Final year project is Rescue Robot, a robot that could carry injured soldiers or civilians to safe place in hazardous places like war zones and minefields automatically to provide immediate medical assistance. A small prototype was fabricated demonstrating the purpose. The reason I chose this project was because I believe one should always endeavor to do something good for society. The project was hugely appreciated by my department, and secured me a score of

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