...This paper analyzes the Building Management System for a property. All buildings have some form of mechanical and electrical services in order to provide the facilities necessary for maintaining a comfortable working environment. These services have to be controlled by some means to ensure comfort conditions. Basics controls take the form of manual switching, time clocks or temperature switches. Here if Building Management System is introduced, we are able to get a comfortable working environment in an efficient way. Building Management Systems (BMS) comprises a massive variety of technologies, across commercial, industrial, institutional and domestic buildings, including energy management systems and building controls. (Gary Mills 2004-2009) A Building Management System (BMS) is a computer-based control system installed in buildings that controls and monitors the building’s mechanical and electrical equipment such as ventilation, lighting, power systems, fire systems, and security systems. Manual work consumes time and energy and there are always chances of human errors. Technology and new systems are always changing with time and therefore it is very important for any property to keep up to date with the new technology and system. A BMS plays a vital role in any hotel or any business property. (Native Systems 2011) Building Management Systems (BMS) are computer based systems which control and monitor building services automatically. These services include heating, air conditioning...
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...INTRODUCTION TO THE IBS CONTENT SCORING SYSTEM (IBS SCORE) MANUAL By: Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) INTRODUCTION Prosperity and high economic growth in Malaysia has created a high demand for construction activities. As a consequence, this has attracted a huge number of foreign workers into this country to take up employment on site as unskilled labour doing manual jobs. Despite their contributions, the country is in a quagmire with a host of problems such low quality works, delays, wastages, social problems, diseases, etc. Likewise, the minimum percentage requirement is also needed for CIDB Levy exemptions. Consequently, some form of IBS content assessment is needed for the purpose. The IBS Content Scoring System (IBS Score) is a systematic and structured assessment system that can be used to measure the usage of Industrialised Building Systems (IBS) in a consistent way. wastage, less site materials, a cleaner environment, better quality, a neater and safer construction site, faster project completion, as well as lower total construction costs. The method of determining the IBS Score is designed to be a simple but effective process. Points are awarded based on the IBS Factors of the structural and wall elements used. The presence of high repetitiveness in the design as well as other simplified construction solutions shall also contribute to the total score. The points are summed up to give the IBS Score of the building. The IBS score for a whole project...
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...CHAPTER 2 OVERVIEW ON IBS 2.0 INTRODUCTION This chapter will cover on the basic theories of the Industrialised Building System like the definitions, characteristics, types and the advantages of IBS. All of the information is important in improving on the understanding of this industrialised building system, in general. 2.1 DEFINITIONS Researches have interpreted IBS differently according to their understanding. Thus, resulting in various definitions of IBS. Among the early ones is Junid (1986) who proposed that IBS is a process by which the building components are planned, conceived, fabricated at the factory, and being transported and erected on site. The system has both the software and hardware, including system design, which is a complex process of studying the requirement of the end user, the market analysis as well as the development of the standardized component. Another researcher named Paris (1997) defined IBS as a system that uses an industrialised production technique, either in the production of component or during the assembly of building, or both. In addition, IBS is defined as a construction process that utilises techniques, products, components, or building system that involves prefabrication work, be it off-site or on site, under controlled environment, and being transported, positioned, and on-site installation with minimum site works. This definition is defined by the IBS roadmap (2003). Besides, other researches named Rahman and Omar...
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...unfortunately led to thousands of people to die and Vyshnegradsky to be dismissed because of this national disaster exacerbated by his own policy. Witte needed to increase capital and believed the only way to increase living standards was to industrialise and export goods other than wheat. This industrialisation needed workers. Many of the peasants worked on farms and within their mirs. Even if they wanted to travel and find a job within a factory, it was hard due to the lack of transport. Sergei Witte knew that if Russia was to enhance into a greater power, it would have to industrialise quickly. He believed the modernisation of the economy depended on an effective railway system as it would allow peasants to commute easily and work in factories, helping to industrialise Russia. He hoped by building this Trans-Siberian railway, it would encourage workers to migrate from the agricultural east to the newly industrial west as now if they wanted to come and work in industries,...
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...Received 3 June 2006; accepted 2 November 2006 Public sector organisations responsible for infrastructure development in most non-industrialised countries, which include infrastructure departments/ministries, parastatal organisations and other statutory organisations qualify as project-oriented organisations (POO). There are strong indications to suggest that these organisations’ project management (PM) competencies leave a lot to be desired. At face value they purport to be fully fledged project-oriented organisations and performing as competent PM organisations, while in reality they are predominantly dependent on accidental project managers. This paper reports on a study that was carried out in one of the large infrastructure departments in South Africa. The focus is on one of the premiere programmes managed by the department. The management of the programme is scrutinised in order to establish the department/ministry’s PM competence. An evaluation of the performance of the programme was carried out in relation to the ministry’s mandate in order to assess its PM competence. It is found that the programme in its current form could be described as a ‘white elephant’ and a programme that does not have an appropriate organisation structure, nor appropriate and sufficient staff to carry out its objectives. The programme’s management system is found to be very poor and at the lowest level of maturity (level 1 out of 5). Recommendations are made that the programme in its...
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...textile industry in relation to business group and labour market and steel industry with relationship to government intervention. In the conclusion we will discuss the current situation, highlight that there is no perfect system. There are many factors that effect economic performance and in order to be successful the changes in the world should be accommodated with the changes in institutions and organisational characteristics. The main characteristics of industrialisation are changes from agricultural to industrial economic structure, substitution of machines for human skills and replacement of home-made by purchased in stores goods. The First Industrial Revolution happened in early 18th century in textile industry in UK, they had technological means, right institutional and organisational characteristics, government encouragement, and a large and varied trade network. Britain became the world's leading industrial power, producing more than half its iron, coal and cotton cloth, with most of their raw materials sourced from the colonies. By early 19th century USA took over UK’s leading role, both of them were able to succeed due to mechanisation and large pools of skilled labour. The pioneers of the Theory of Late Development described later industrialised countries as economies that started...
Words: 3200 - Pages: 13
...additional information on the European Union is available on the Internet. It can be accessed through the Europa server (http://ec.europa.eu). Cataloguing data can be found at the end of this publication. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2007 ISBN 978-92-79-06576-7 © European Communities, 2007 Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. Printed in Belgium Printed on recycled paper that has been awarded the EU eco-label for graphic paper (http://ec.europa.eu/environment/ecolabel) EU action against climate change Working with developing countries to tackle climate change Introduction EU cooperation with developing countries on climate change Supporting adaptation and capacity building Providing clean and secure energy supplies Stimulating clean development through EU emissions trading Promoting sustainable forestry Assisting developing countries through climate research 5 10 14 17 20 22 24 Introduction As the world’s largest donor of development assistance, the European Union is strongly committed to supporting developing countries in the fight against poverty, the achievement of the UN Millennium Development Goals and the promotion of sustainable development. Combating climate change, one of the gravest challenges facing mankind, forms an integral part of this agenda. The EU is actively pursuing this objective, both multilaterally through the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Kyoto...
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...ENERGY POLICY AND CONSERVATION IN NIGERIA: IMPLICATIONS FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT BY O.ADEGBUYI AND O.O. FASORANTI (PhD) ABSTRACT To impact visible advances in rural communities in Nigeria for achieving meaningful economic goals, the effective policy of energy usage as a vessel for the acquisition and utilization of required technologies to develop and recover the present depreciating national economy associated with poor food production must be focussed strategically. The socio-economic growth of any developing nation is generally a function of the level of maintenance of her energy demand supply balance and sustainable food production. Nigeria may attain the potential status of an industrialised nation by the year 2010 if all available manpower and other natural resources are well utilized before then to effectively harness her potentials of cheaper alternative energy technologies for long term economic and rural developmental goals. This paper presents the nation’s requirement of a well- articulated energy policy and urgent implementation strategies emphasizing on appropriate energy conservation concepts to promote optimal utilization of existing energy resources in her rural areas. It is therefore suggested that the development of available alternative energy resources be encouraged for integrated rural growth, sufficient food production and small scale industrialization thereby alleviating poverty in the rural communities of the...
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...Renewable Energy Renewable energy sources have a huge contribution to make in creating a sustainable energy system. They help to mitigate climate change, increase the security of our global energy supply system and give developing countries access to affordable energy in support of the UN Millennium Development Goals. Renewable energy could meet almost half of global energy demand by 2050 according to the International Energy Agency’s ambitious BLUE MAP scenario published in Energy Technology Perspectives 2008. Under this scenario, world greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are halved. By the end of the century, it is conceivable that global energy needs could be supplied mainly from renewable sources, although their contribution would vary from one region to another. Research and development (R&D) has a vital role to play if the potential of renewable energy is to be fully exploited. Policy measures, such as taxes, cap and trade schemes, obligations and feed-in tariffs, which take into account environmental impacts and, in particular, the social cost of carbon dioxide emissions, will contribute to faster deployment. However, investment in R&D will not be delivered by market signals alone; extensive support at the national and international levels is needed to accelerate the development of renewable technologies. R&D targeted at different stages of the innovation chain will yield benefits in the short-term (up to five years), medium-term (5–15 years); and in the...
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...fruition of a multilateral financial diplomacy with the help of the multilateral mechanism and platform, without being cramped by Western pressure and dollar power. 2. In terms of economic function, this bank will provide long-term development aid to developing countries like Bangladesh. The monetary reserve will provide an economic stability fund to help BRICS countries respond to financial emergencies. BRICS Development Bank will help us to borrow cash for development projects, and to better cope with the risks created by international monetary system. 3. This paper will AIM 4. The aim of this paper is to.... BRICS AT A GLANCE 5. BRICS is the acronym for an association of five major emerging national economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. The grouping was originally known as "BRIC" before the inclusion of South Africa in 2010. The BRICS members are all developing or newly industrialised countries, but they are distinguished by their large, fast-growing economies and significant influence on regional and global affairs; all five are G-20...
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...improve their environment. Development communication refers to communication that promotes development. A variety of communication methods and media are designed and implemented in order to promote education, literacy, improved health care, better agricultural or industrial production practices – all of which contribute to development of Third World countries. QUESTION 1 - The modernisation approach assumes that development is a progress from tradition to modernity. • Define the concepts “tradition” and “modernity” “Tradition” describes simple, primitive societies that are close knit and likely to live in self-contained groups or villages, which are regulated by means of a kinship system. The...
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...stagnated. This led to planners neglecting the labour-intensive sector and instead poured resources into capital-intensive factories. During the years of 1949-1979, China pursued a vision of socialism, labelled as the “Big Push Industrialisation” which gave overwhelming priority to maximising investment in the heavy industry. As part of this, China adopted a “command economy” system which led to the creation of State Owned Enterprises (SOE), of which the government owned and controlled all large factories, transportation and communication enterprises. The introduction of agricultural collectives meant that land and farm production were held by government commands. Planners assigned production targets to firms and allocated resources and goods among different producers. The government controlled the price system, allocating high prices to products of industry (owned by government) and low prices to products of agriculture (owned by peasants). As a result, prices no longer reflected market demand and supply. This distorted price system meant that SOEs were extremely profitable despite being inefficient. This system however, provided the fiscal capacity needed to mobilise resources for the Big Push. Over the long term, China’s investment rates were high and rising....
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...This article was downloaded by:[UNISA University of South Africa] On: 3 October 2007 Access Details: [subscription number 780765665] Publisher: Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Construction Management and Economics Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713664979 Project management competence in public sector infrastructure organisations Pantaleo Mutajwaa Daniel Rwelamila a a Graduate School of Business Leadership, University of South Africa, UNISA 0003, South Africa Online Publication Date: 01 January 2007 To cite this Article: Rwelamila, Pantaleo Mutajwaa Daniel (2007) 'Project management competence in public sector infrastructure organisations', Construction Management and Economics, 25:1, 55 - 66 To link to this article: DOI: 10.1080/01446190601099210 URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01446190601099210 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Full terms and conditions of use: http://www.informaworld.com/terms-and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article maybe used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, re-distribution, re-selling, loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or...
Words: 8487 - Pages: 34
...CONSTRUCTION WASTE AND DEMOLITION WASTE What is Construction Waste??(INTRODUCTION):- Construction and demolition waste is generated whenever any construction/demolition activity takes place, such as, building roads, bridges, fly over, subway, remodelling etc. It consists mostly of inert and non-biodegradable material such as concrete, plaster, metal, wood, plastics etc. A part of this waste comes to the municipal stream. These wastes are heavy, having high density, often bulky and occupy considerable storage space either on the road or communal waste bin/container. It is not uncommon to see huge piles of such waste, which is heavy as well, stacked on roads especially in large projects, resulting in traffic congestion and disruption. Waste from small generators like individual house construction or demolition, find its way into the nearby municipal bin/vat/waste storage depots, making the municipal waste heavy and degrading its quality for further treatment like composting or energy recovery. Often it finds its way into surface drains, choking them. It constitutes about 10-20 % of the municipal solid waste (excluding large construction projects). It is estimated that the construction industry in India generates about 10-12 million tons of waste annually. Projections for building material requirement of the housing sector indicate a shortage of aggregates to the extent of about 55,000 million cu.m. An additional 750 million cu.m. aggregates would be required for achieving...
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...The Fourth Demography Forum 6 and 7 May 2013 (Brussels) Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion The Fourth Demography Forum Table of Contents Introduction ...................................................................................................... 3 Opportunities for young adults ............................................................................ 4 Improving the work-life balance .......................................................................... 5 Enabling people to be active longer ...................................................................... 6 Successful inclusion of second-generation migrants ............................................... 7 Regions in rapid demographic and economic decline and inequalities within regions ... 8 Investing in Europe's demographic future - how the SIP will support the drive towards extending Europe's demographic dividend ............................................................ 9 Conclusions .....................................................................................................10 May 2013 2 Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion The Fourth Demography Forum Some 320 participants attended the Forum opened by Commissioner Andor. This report was drafted by the Forum organisers on the basis of the delivered speeches. Any possible errors or omissions are to be imputed to the Forum organisers Introduction In his welcoming speech, Commissioner Andor underlined our duty to...
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