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Industrialization Influence On America

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The United States is one the largest countries in the world, and arguably the most powerful.In the time between the Reconstruction and the Great Depression, there were a multitude of events that largely contributed to America's development into a world power. They had a monumental effect on the way America ascended to the top of the political, social, and economical world ladder.

Industrialization had a massive overall impact on the United States' growth as a nation. It carved the pathway to world domination. Industry is the core of any nation. Industry involves evryone. From the factory workers to the consumers, no one is left untouched. The United States is no exception. One of the most important.

For a nation whose economy depended on railroads and urban development, steel was essential to the growth and affluence of its economy. 1 The Bessemer converter, which converts iron into steel, made it possible to produce steel in mass quantities. 2 This process was instrumental to the United States' economic prosperity. The world reveres the word of the United States due to our incredible economic power. WE have the economic ability to sbstanciate our claims......This time in the United States was a period of …show more content…
Business Republicnism prioritizes ensuring that the government is suporting business.6
Business Republicans believed in the American system, which is, essentially, supportive of high tariffs, internal improvements, and a variety of other principles all in favor of business.7 High taxes, such as the McKinley Tariff, which became law in October 1890, raised taxes on imported goods, which limited competition from abroad, promoting local businesses and supporting the American economy.8 There were a multitude of internal improvements, such as the Hoover Dam, that greatly aided America.9 Business Republicanism and its theories aided American business growth

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