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Inernational Business Notes


Submitted By muntaquir
Words 12172
Pages 49
International Business Exam
Chapter 1 Notes Domestic vs International Business * Business: is the manufacturing of goods or services in order to make a profit * Term “trade” is used interchangeably with business * Transactions: exchange of things of value * Domestic Business: business that transacts mainly in the country it was base din * ie owned by Canadians, in Canada, selling to Canadians (Rare) * International Business: economic system of transactions conducted between businesses in different countries * Domestic Transaction: between 2 Canadian companies * International Transaction: between Canadian + non Canadian company * Domestic Market: the customers of a business who are in the same country as the business * Foreign Market: the customers of a business who are in a different country as the business * 5 Ways for businesses to must be international * MUST own retailers or distributors in another country * MUST own manufacturing plant in another country * MUST export to other countries * MUST import from others * MUST invest in other country businesses * Trading Partner: Canada businesses make relationship with businesses in another country, so they would be Canada’s trading partner. History of Canadian Trade * European Trade * 1700s – trades grew fast after permanent Canadian settlement * Demand for raw materials (beaver pelts, fish, lumber) * Europe manufactured Canada’s raw materials * After 7 years war, England and Canada made trade agreements (help war torn France) * near-port cities used to facilitate trade import/exports * US trade * Late 1700s, US independence and self reliant * Steam engine 1775 James Watt: revolutionized manufacturing and transporting * Cotton Gin by

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