Premium Essay

Infinfluence of Romances on Students' Academic Achievement


Submitted By shall
Words 1289
Pages 6
Influence of romances on students` academic achievement in KIMEP

Survey Results

Spring 2011

The problem under investigation was the association of love relations and academic achievement among students of KIMEP. The main goal was to find out the influence of romances on students’ academic performance in KIMEP and changes in their GPA depending on age and gender. It was hypothesized that problems in personal relationship result in a poor academic performance of a student. In addition, it was assumed that if there any problems in students’ love relations it will be reflected on their attendance and participation in classes. Moreover positive and negative sides of changes in study progress were examined. In order to achieve relevant data researchers used questionnaire distributed among 30 students of KIMEP.
The present research found the following results. 30 people aged from 16 to 25 were asked by means of questionnaire. Table 1 shows that 57% were males and 43% were females. The majority of respondents were BSSPA students (43%), 30% were BSC, 14% BAE students and 10%, BSSIR/PS and only 3% were students of BAIJ program. Table 1. Program of students BSSPA | 43% | BSSIR/PS | 10% | BAE | 14% | BAIJ | 3% | BSC | 30% |

First of all students were asked do they have any love relations with somebody not necessary from KIMEP. The Figure 1 and Figure 2 show the answers on the question. There were 47% of males were single and 53% have relations. Among female students there were 31% who answered no and 69% who are dating with somebody.

Figure 1 Figure 2

However this data is not enough to make any analysis. The next question researches asked was concerned about the GPA changes in comparison when students have romance or they do not. As you can see on the Figure 3 There were 46% of female

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