...HOW DO IN W OES NFLAT TION AFFE ECT ECO ONOM GROW MIC G WTH? EC CON30 01 ASSO OC.PRO OF.DR Ayla OĞUŞ O Gör rkem To opuz 07 7020111 13 A Abstract t; T This pape examine relation er es nship betw ween infla ation ,defl lator and current GDP o econom growth with usi econometric tec on mic h ing chniques w that provide with p approp priate proc cedures fo estimati and in or ion nference.Fo many c or country, in nflation has an importan effect in econom situatio n nt n mic on.Moreov ver,inflatio is used for to on d see how much countries developed. w d .But in my case i us inflatio for how much y sed on w it effec cted econo omic grow wth.And a also i follo up oth variabl with in ow her les nflation to show how the effect economic g w ey growth. T mode include a poten The el es ntial impa of inf act flation on growth ,current , GDP, inflation effect on consume prices via anuua % valu and in er al ues nflation on deflator(an nnual %). effect o GDP d T mode highlig The el ghts if inf flation inc creses dir rectly ther is a negative re n impact on grow t wth.When inflation above th percent he tage of … …then gro owth is affect in a nega ative way.Below tha rate inf at flation does not hav any ef ve ffect on h y ve tly e growth or it may even hav a slight positive effect. S So,in this paper inc clude both negative and posi h e itive affec of inflation on ct econom grow but mostly neg mic wth m gative aff fect, and also incl lude time series e eviden about how muc inflatio...
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...Econometría Auxiliar 2 Profesor : Auxiliar : Mattia Makovec Gonzalo Viveros A. Semestre : Otoño 2010 Pregunta 1 El archivo “salarios.xls” contiene observaciones mensuales en US$ del salario (Wage) de 935 hombres empleados en Estados Unidos. Además, el archivo incluye las siguientes variables: Educ Exper Tenure Age Married Black South Urban Meduc Feduc Sibs Brthord IQ a) Analice los datos. b) Estime con el método de mínimos cuadrados ordinarios la siguiente ecuación de salario: ln(Wage)i = β0 + β1 Educi + β2 Experi + β3 Exper2 + β4 Tenurei + β5 Agei + εi , (1) i para i = 1, . . . , 935. Se supone que se cumplen todos los supuestos básicos del modelo lineal general, incluyendo la hipótesis de normalidad de los errores. 1 Años de Educación Años de Experiencia Laboral Años de Experiencia con el Actual Empleador Edad Dummy (1: Casado) Dummy (1: Afro-Americano) Dummy (1: Vive en Estado Sur de EEUU) Dummy (1: Vive en Area Metropolitana) Años de Educación de la Madre Años de Educación del Padre Número de hermanos/hermanas Orden de Nacimiento Cociente Intelectual Econometría Auxiliar 2 2 c) Comente los resultados obtenidos y la significatividad individual de los coeficientes estimados. ¿Son los coeficientes estimados significativos al 1 %? ¿Y al 5 %? ¿Y al 10 %? d) Define y realize un test de significatividad global de la regresión, especificando claramente la hipótesis nula, la hipótesis alternativa y la regla de decisión por un nivel de significación α = 0.05. e) Estime con...
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...BITCOIN BILAL SHANSHAL 1 Scope I. What is Bitcoin? II. How to use? III. What are the benefits and drawbacks? 2 What is Bitcoin? 3 Bitcoin is digital Ownership of bitcoins is digital information Typically used on the internet Based on cryptography 4 Bitcoin is a currency Has all properties of a currency Facilitates the trade of one good for another Does not need to have “intrinsic” value The value is determined by supply and demand 5 Bitcoin is decentralized No central issuer or controller Based on a public protocol Cannot be regulated by any institutions A p2p network of nodes running open source software Multiple parties are each “doing their own thing” 6 Bitcoin is the first! Plenty of physical currencies (commodities) Gold, silver, seashells, rocks … Plenty of centralized digital currencies ...
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...The Politics of Competitive Federalism: A Race to the Bottom in Welfare Benefits? Author(s): Craig Volden Source: American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 46, No. 2 (Apr., 2002), pp. 352-363 Published by: Midwest Political Science Association Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3088381 . Accessed: 29/01/2014 22:22 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact support@jstor.org. . Midwest Political Science Association is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to American Journal of Political Science. http://www.jstor.org This content downloaded from on Wed, 29 Jan 2014 22:22:08 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions The Politics of Competitive Bottom in Welfare Federalism: A Race to the Benefits? Craig Volden Claremont Graduate University and University of Michigan Existing evidence of a race to the bottom in welfare benefits may be an artifact of inflation and internally fo? cused state policy adjustments. De? clines in...
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...consumption and investment goods. A well-conceived monetary policy is of crucial importance in discouraging outlay and consequent income creation in wrong directions. Further, an increasing proportion of the income generated in the process of development will go to augment bank deposits, thereby increasing the capacity o f the bank s t o create credit, In the absence of a restrictive monetary policy, a serious credit inflation may consequently ensue and distort the ideal relationship envisaged by Griffin between output and expenditure. Thus, a phenomenon not primarily monetary may ultimately become largely monetary in character. ACCORDIN G t o M r Griffin , infla - tio n result s "i f eithe r desire d con - sumptio n o f necessarie s i s greate r tha n th e suppl y o f thes e goods , o r i f non-esentia l consumptio n ou t o f surplu s plu s tota l investmen t ex - penditur e i s greate r tha n actua l sur - plus , o r i f desire d privat e inves t men t i s greate r tha n th e shar e o f saving s allocate d t o i t b...
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...aggregate expenditures schedule A schedule or curve showing the total amount spent for final goods and services at different levels of real GDP. average propensity to consume Fraction (or percentage) of disposable income that households plan to spend for consumer goods and services; consumption divided by disposable income. average propensity to save (APS) Fraction (or percentage) of disposable income that households save; saving divided by disposable income. anticipated inflation Increases in the price level (inflation) that occur at the expected rate. aggregate A collection of specific economic units treated as if they were one. For example, all prices of individual goods and services are combined into a price level, or all units of output are aggregated into gross domestic product. planned investment The amount that firms plan or intend to invest. investment schedule A curve or schedule that shows the amounts firms plan to invest at various possible values of real gross domestic product. equilibrium GDP (See equilibrium real domestic output.) equilibrium real domestic output The gross domestic product at which the total quantity of final goods and services purchased (aggregate expenditures) is equal to the total quantity of final goods and services produced (the real domestic output); the real do- mestic output at which the aggregate demand curve intersects the aggregate supply curve. leakage (1) A withdrawal of potential spending from the in- come-expenditures...
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...El tipo de cambio Se llama tipo de cambio al precio de una moneda en términos de otra. C$ 25.00 x $1.00 Una moneda puede apreciarse o depreciarse. * Se dice que una moneda se aprecia respecto a otra cuando su tipo de cambio se reduce, es decir, cuando hay que pagar menos unidades de moneda nacional por una unidad de moneda extranjera, en caso contrario se deprecia. * Lógicamente, si una moneda se aprecia respecto de otra, esta se deprecia respecto de aquella. * La apreciación de la moneda nacional provoca pues, una pérdida de competitividad respecto al exterior. * Casusas: * - Poca oferta de moneda para la demanda existente. * - Deflación * Un ejemplo que ilustra mejor eso, si el C$ aumentara su valor, las personas que tengan córdobas guardados * La capacidad competitiva del país A frente al país B: * Precios en el país A / Precios en el país B * tipo de cambio de la moneda B * El país A será más competitivo cuando sus precios crezcan menos que los de B o cuando su moneda se deprecie. * Para aterrizar un poco más la idea, se puede decir lo siguiente: * Estamos en un mundo globalizado. * Los países intentan conquistar los mercados internacionales de exportación. * El énfasis está en la competitividad relativa. * Hay muchas maneras de conseguir eso, sin embargo ciertos países buscan un atajo a la competitividad y modifican sus precios relativos moviendo el tipo de cambio. * Si una...
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...Economic Modelling 30 (2013) 643–662 Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect Economic Modelling journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/ecmod The effects of fiscal spending shocks on the performance of simple monetary policy rules Ali K. Malik ⁎ Karachi School for Business and Leadership (KSBL), Bahadurabad, National Stadium Road, Karachi 74800, Pakistan a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Accepted 26 August 2012 JEL classification: E50 E52 E58 Keywords: Fiscal policy Monetary policy Inflation targeting Impulse response analysis Macroeconomic variables 1. Introduction a b s t r a c t We examine the effects of fiscal shocks on the performance of alternative monetary policy rules in a small dynamic general equilibrium framework. We explicitly consider the interaction between fiscal and monetary policy rules which may be present in the real world. We use a simple specification for the fiscal policy rule and various specifications for the (simple) monetary policy rule. Our analysis suggests that some form of flex- ible inflation targeting regime would perform well in response to fiscal shocks compared to other forms of policy regimes. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. monetary policy has developed largely in isolation. The terminology ‘fiscal theory of the price level’ does however correspond to some ear- Monetary policy rules have come under extensive examination in the literature on monetary...
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...FOR RELEASE: In São Paulo (BRT): 10:00 a.m., June 17, 2011 In Washington (EDT): 9:00 a.m., June 17, 2011 STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL UNTIL RELEASED Mild Slowdown of the Global Expansion, and Increasing Risks Activity is slowing down temporarily, and downside risks have increased again. The global expansion remains unbalanced. Growth in many advanced economies is still weak, considering the depth of the recession. In addition, the mild slowdown observed in the second quarter of 2011 is not reassuring. Growth in most emerging and developing economies continues to be strong. Overall, the global economy expanded at an annualized rate of 4.3 percent in the first quarter, and forecasts for 2011–12 are broadly unchanged, with offsetting changes across various economies. However, greater-than-anticipated weakness in U.S. activity and renewed financial volatility from concerns about the depth of fiscal challenges in the euro area periphery pose greater downside risks. Risks also draw from persistent fiscal and financial sector imbalances in many advanced economies, while signs of overheating are becoming increasingly apparent in many emerging and developing economies. Strong adjustments—credible and balanced fiscal consolidation and financial sector repair and reform in many advanced economies, and prompter macroeconomic policy tightening and demand rebalancing in many emerging and developing economies—are critical for securing growth and job creation over the medium term. The global...
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...Baloncesto Desde el mismo momento en que el canadiense James Naismith invento el baloncesto en el año 1891, las características del nuevo juego - esfuerzo colectivo, velocidad y habilidad - hicieron que se convirtiera rápidamente en el favorito de la gente joven. El baloncesto se practica hoy en día virtualmente en todas las universidades y planteles educativos superiores del mundo entero, siendo uno de los deportes colectivos de mayor aceptación en las apuestas deportivas En este Sitio Web se proporciona un resumen completo de los elementos esenciales del baloncesto: historia, reglamentos, técnicas individuales, tácticas de conjunto, ejercicios de preparación física y desarrollo de destrezas. También encontraras información sobre la NBA, orientado a todos aquellos aficionados que deseen tener una referencia acertada sobre la mejor liga del mundo. ORIGEN DEL BALONCESTO Este deporte fue creado por James A Naismith, en Springfield (Massachusetts), Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, en el mes de diciembre de 1891. James Naismith era profesor en Springfield College, de Massachusetts (una institución YMCA, Asociación de Jóvenes Cristianos). Uno de sus superiores, ¡el doctor Luther Gulick, decano del departamento de Educación Física, le sugirió en la primavera del año 1891, que estudiara la posibilidad de crear un deporte, con características como las siguientes - Que se pueda jugar dentro del gimnasio del colegio y por equipos. -Que se pueda jugar en...
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...s oНОВИНИ ЗАРУБІЖНОЇ НАУКИ 415 Mian Sajid Nazir1, Aqsa Butt2, Muhammad Musarrat Nawaz3 INTEREST RATE DETERMINANTS OF BANKS IN PAKISTAN This study attempts to investigate determinant factors of interest rate differential on deposits and loan accounts of Pakistani banks. For this purpose 4 year data on 30 banks is included in this research paper. The empirical results based on the correlational analysis of the relationship between weighted average rate of interest and 10 independent variables which are credit risk, amount of deposit, administrative cost, profit margins, bank's liquidity, amount of loan, market share, inflation rate, macroeconomic conditions and bank specific factors. These variables will help to highlight customer reaction towards variation in interest rates which help banks to review their policies regarding interest rates, margins and risk premium. The results shows that credit risk, administrative costs, profit margins and deposit amounts are important factors for the interest rate determination and these are positively related with interest rate. Bank's liquidity and deposit amount have negative relationship with interest rate. Meanwhile, inflation and market share have no significant relationship with interest rate fluctuations. Keywords: interest rate; banking sector; Pakistan; risk; deposits. Міан Саїд Назір, Акса Батт, Мухаммад Музаррат Наваз ЧИННИКИ, ЩО ВИЗНАЧАЮТЬ ВІДСОТКОВІ СТАВКИ У БАНКАХ ПАКИСТАНУ У статті зроблено спробу визначити чинники...
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...Interest Rates, Income Distribution, and Monetary Policy Dominance: Post Keynesians and the "Fair Rate" of Interest Author(s): Louis-Philippe Rochon and Mark Setterfield Source: Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Vol. 30, No. 1 (Fall, 2007), pp. 13-42 Published by: M.E. Sharpe, Inc. Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/27746784 . Accessed: 28/08/2013 13:51 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact support@jstor.org. . M.E. Sharpe, Inc. is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. http://www.jstor.org This content downloaded from on Wed, 28 Aug 2013 13:51:45 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions LOUIS-PHILIPPE ROCHON AND MARK SETTERFIELD Interest rates, income distribution, and monetary policy dominance: Post Keynesians and the "fair rate" of interest Abstract: paper In light of the growing interest in "new consensus" models, Post Keynesian alternatives to the Taylor rule. It identifies this two examines distinctive...
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...Impact of the economic recession on the pharmaceutical sector February 2010 I.M. Buysse (UU) Supervised by: R.O. Laing (WHO) A.K. Mantel (UU) WHO COLLABORATING CENTRE FOR PHARMACOEPIDEMIOLOGY & PHARMACEUTICAL POLICY ANALYSIS Impact of the economic recession on the pharmaceutical sector Table of contents Executive summary ................................................................................................................................. 3 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 6 Background ............................................................................................................................................. 8 History of recessions ............................................................................................................................................................. 8 Asian Crisis 1997-2000 .......................................................................................................................................................... 9 Economic crisis 2008-2009.................................................................................................................................................. 12 WHO involvement in assessing the impact of the recession .............................................................................................. 14 Hypotheses ...................
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...1 La ciencia de la macroeconomía La ciencia no es más que el refinamiento de reflexiones cotidianas. Albert Einstein Cuando Albert Eistein hizo la observación citada sobre la naturaleza de la ciencia, probablemente se refería a la física, la química y otras ciencias naturales. Pero la afirmación es igualmente cierta cuando se aplica a las ciencias sociales, como la economía. Como persona que participa en la economía y como ciudadano que vive en una democracia, es inevitable que el lector piense en cuestiones económi- cas cuando realiza sus actividades cotidianas o cuando entra en una cabina electo- ral. Pero si es como la mayoría de la gente, sus reflexiones diarias sobre la econo- mía probablemente habrán sido más superficiales que rigurosas (o al menos hasta que asistió a su primer curso de economía). El objetivo de estudiar economía es perfeccionar esas reflexiones. Este libro aspira a ayudarle en ese esfuerzo, centran- do la atención en la parte del campo de la economía llamada macroeconomía, que estudia las fuerzas que influyen en la economía en su conjunto. 1.1 ¿Qué estudian los macroeconomistas? ¿Por qué las rentas han experimentado un rápido crecimiento en los últimos cien años en algunos países mientras que otros siguen sumidos en la pobreza? ¿Por qué algunos países tienen tasas de inflación elevadas mientras que otros mantienen es- tables los precios? ¿Por qué todos los países experimentan recesiones y depresiones –es decir, periodos...
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...Crise: um problema conjuntural ou da lógica da acumulação mundial? RUBENS R. SAWAYA Introdução E de focar o olhar no fato e não perceber o todo em que está inserido. Claro, buscar entender o todo complexo tem enormes riscos ao trabalhar com um conjunto de relações, o que dificulta sua amarração e coerência. Talvez valha a pena o risco à medida que se procura entender a própria complexidade para ir além das fáceis análises que apenas relacionam a crise atual a um colapso irracional concentrado em um único mercado (o de hipotecas norte-americano) e não no sistema como um todo, ou a um problema de pânico e erro de regulação que foi capaz de colocar o mundo abaixo, como se uma borboleta batendo as asas pudesse causar um furacão em alguma parte do mundo.1 Há uma tendência em focar o problema para achar culpados imediatos e nunca olhar os elementos estruturais e históricos que tornaram aquilo possível. Nada melhor do que imaginar que o problema nasceu de algo muito simples, assim rapidamente se pode resolvê-lo. A hipótese aqui desenvolvida é a de que a crise atual é o resultado de como a economia mundial se estruturou nos últimos 50 anos, o que não envolve apenas o problema da liberalização financeira decorrente do desmantelamento do acordo de Bretton Woods nos anos 1970, mas a própria estruturação das bases para a mundialização do capital no pós-guerra pelo acordo.2 A crise atual é em grande parte fruto da liberalização financeira pós-anos 1970,3 mas supor esse como único fator...
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