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Information Investigation Phase

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1. Information Gathering and Investigation Phase- Part II:
This phase is to insure that all team members understand the objective and the purpose and need of the project. The major goals and objectives of the project will be discussed and identified. The designer team will provide an overview presentation of the project and its various risks and requirements, describe the proposed PPA, and cover the important technical reports. The VE unit will conduct a field visit following the designer presentation to further enhance the VE team's knowledge and understanding of the project.
This phase includes the following activities:
• Provide an overview of the project and the PPA
• Identify project goals, purpose and need
• Determine costs
• Define …show more content…
Development Phase- Part I:
During the Development Phase, the selected ideas will be assessed further against operational performance, cost, environmental impact, constructability, risks and likelihood of acceptance. When appropriate, multiple ideas may be combined into one. Preliminary sketches will be develop during this phase for the top ranked ideas.
Activities included in this phase are:
• List all alternatives, or combination of alternatives which provide potential

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