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Information Security and Technology


Submitted By vx8550
Words 422
Pages 2
1. What is the difference between a threat agent and a threat?
A threat agent is a specific instance or a component of a threat. A threat is a category of objects, persons, or other entities that presents a danger to an asset. 2. What is the difference between vulnerability and exposure?
Vulnerability is a weakness or fault in a system or protection mechanism that opens it to attack or damage. Exposure is the condition or state of being exposed. 3. What are the three components of the CIA triangle? What are they used for?
The three components of the CIA triangle are confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Confidentiality is used to protect information from disclosure or exposure to unauthorized individuals or systems. Integrity is when information is a whole, complete, and uncorrupted. Availability is used to enable authorized users to access information without interference and to receive it in the required format. 4. Describe the critical characteristics of information. How are they used in the study of computer security?
The critical characteristics of information is the value of information it possesses. If a characteristic change, the value of information also changes. There are seven critical characteristics which are:
Availability - enable authorized users to access information without interference or obstruction and receives it in the required format.
Accuracy - information that is free from errors and it has the value that the end user expects
Authenticity - quality or state of being genuine or original, not a reproduction or fabrication. Information is authentic when it is in the same state in which it was created, placed, stored, or transferred.
Confidentiality - information that is protected from disclosure or exposure to unauthorized individuals or systems. It ensures that only those with the rights and privileges to access

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