Premium Essay

Information Systems Security Policy


Submitted By Jenn294133
Words 4971
Pages 20


MICROS Systems, Inc.
Enterprise Information
Security Policy

Revision 8.0

August, 2013

MICROS Systems, Inc.
Enterprise Information Security Policy

Version 8.0

Table of Contents
Overview – Enterprise Information Security Policy/Standards:

Information Security Policy/Standards – Preface……………....5


Purpose …………….……………………………………………...5


Security Policy Architecture ………………….………………….6


Relation to MICROS Systems, Inc. Policies……………………..6












Information Security Policy - Statement………………………..8

MICROS Enterprise Information Security Policy (MEIP):
1. Information Security Organization Policy (MEIP-001)...……....9
2. Access Management Policy (MEIP-002)…………………………10
3. Systems Security Policy (MEIP-003)...…….…………………......11
4. Network Security Policy (MEIP-004)…………………………….12
MICROS Systems, Inc.
Enterprise Information Security Policy

Version 8.0

5. Application Security Policy (MEIP-005)…..………………………13
6. Data Security/Management Policy (MEIP-006)……………….14-15
7. Security Incident Handling Policy (MEIP-007)..………………....16
8. Security Operations Policy (MEIP-008)..…………………….…...17

9. Personal Information Protection Policy (MEIP-009)…………….18
10. Medical Information Privacy Policy (MEIP-010)…………..........19

11. Personnel Security Policy (MEIP-012) ……..……......................20

12. Physical & Environmental Security Policy (MEIP-013)..............21


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