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Information Technology


Submitted By Ahood
Words 997
Pages 4
Security Solution for a Bank Officer’s Laptop


UAE Bank provides laptops to their loans officers. The laptops contain information about all of the bank’s loans products (public information), and some other bank information (confidential information). The bank officer takes loan applications from clients (confidential information) and keeps these on the laptop. The loans officer travels to various locations to meet clients.

Since computer security has become important, almost all of the focus has been on securing large, multi-user machines. Moreover, for that purpose was the importance of some security procedures if the laptop were stolen or lost .
Data loss prevention
It's imperative that you scan the files and content leaving your organization to identify any that contain PII . Deploying a standalone DLP solution to protect against the accidental loss of sensitive data can be time consuming and costly, and adding another scanning agent can slow down your endpoints and the people who use them.
A top-notch content control solution identifies sensitive data such as PII, financial information and any other records you have flagged as private. Once the scan is complete, you have several options whether to proceed or warn the user that they are about to send data or block the transfer Computer is constantly at risk from infection by malware including viruses, worms, Trojans, root kits, dialers and spyware.Anti-maleware is to fight all this . Malware doesn’t just want to disrupt the computer’s network, it wants the keystrokes, logins, passwords, address book, data, credit card information .So to protect your computer from all these risks, there should be a strong antimalware .

Access control is accomplished through user authentication linked to boot protection; authorized access grants access to the encryption key, allowing encryption and decryption of data on the hard drive, which occurs automatically as needed.

And to make sure that the computer has got a strong access control it should has the following security functions:

• Strong user authentication
• Control of user access per partition
• Support for user identification using dynamic passwords
• Secure remote assistance for users who are traveling and have forgotten their passwords
• Central configuration and administration
• Keyboard lock and screen saver for Windows95/98
• Limited number of logon attempts with automatic locking
• Audit logging of events, i.e. successful and failed logon attempts
And to have a safe access for the internet you should do the following: | Completely close your system to all NetBIOS name and resource sharing leakage, and firmly shut the NetBIOS . | | Cost nothing to implement, other than the time taken to read and understand these pages, and do not depend upon any external software. | | Do not in any way disturb your current Windows or network logon procedures and do not disrupt your dial-up networking or other stored passwords. | | Do not rely upon any "hacking tricks" or undocumented procedures. No warranties will be voided and no one can refuse to support your system on the grounds that you've done something "strange" to it. (You won't have.) | | Create a solid foundation for establishing a secure local area network — today or tomorrow. When you have read and understood this page and the one that follows, you will have gained a solid understanding of the theoretical and practical aspects of network component binding. | | Return CONTROL of a significant and important aspect of your personal computing experience — your computer's networking — back to YOU where it always belonged! |
In Information Technology, a backup or the process of backing up refers to making copies of data so that these additional copies may be used to restore the original after a data loss event 67% of internet users have suffered serious data loss
A data repository model can be used to provide structure to the storage. Now there are many different types of data storage devices that are useful for making backups. There are also many different ways in which these devices can be arranged to provide geographic redundancy, data security, and portability.
Before data is sent to its storage location, it is selected, extracted, and manipulated. Backup programs should have optimizations for dealing with open files and live data
It is very important that the computer has tracing system in case of theft or loss , so if this happen you should have the following on your laptop: 1. | Install Locate Laptop™ on your computer. It resides and operates in stealth mode. | 2. | You may login to your web based Personal Tracking and Monitoring Page to view and trace where your laptop has been accessed from. | 3. | In an event of Theft, report to Unistal’s emergency response team or login to your Personal Tracking and Monitoring Page and submit the theft. | 4. | This activates Locate Laptop’s Web Sniff technology and alerts as soon as the offender connects to the internet. The City and IP address are informed to the user. It keeps tracking all the locations whenever the offender connects to the internet. With the help of local law enforcement authorities you can retrieve your laptop. | Conclusion: security solution for a laptop that is used by a bank loans officer should have the following criteria: * Encryption that will keep the data safe if the loan officer's laptop is lost or stolen. * Threat protection to keep his PC safe from viruses, phishing and other threats. * Data loss prevention that will warn him he is about to send a file with Social Security numbers and other PII. * Policy compliance that will block him from using a browser with a known security vulnerability or stop him from saving the file to an unencrypted USB stick. * Blocking of anonymous proxies for Web searches, because they allow personal information to be accessed by administrators of the proxy server.

Answer 2 >>> change it and put this + add more if you can: 1. -------------------------------------------------
2. -------------------------------------------------
Access control 3. -------------------------------------------------
Safe connection to the Internet 4. -------------------------------------------------
Data backup 5. -------------------------------------------------
Data encryption 6. -------------------------------------------------
7. -------------------------------------------------
Tracing of lost/stolen laptop

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