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Insignificant Gestures


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Insignificant Gestures
By Jo Cannon
“Insignificant gestures” is a short story written by Jo Cannon in 2007. In this short story the main character, who is also the narrator, is looking back at his hard and violent time as a health officer in Africa. We read about how his daily clinical work, were not like the ones in the western world. He had to work under depressed circumstances, sometimes even in the middle of the night, and had no joy in his position at the local town hospital. The only consolation in his otherwise depressing everyday life was Celia Dimba, his native housekeeper. She did small things in the day, that cheered up his life, and also when she sat next to him every evening and draw with him. One night at the hospital, she suddenly became his patient. According to a village woman, she had been beaten up by her boyfriend. Celia was severely injured and almost unrecognizable to him, but in spite of his medical qualifications, there was nothing he could do at the local hospital to help her. After transferring Celia to a bigger hospital an hour and a half away, he was called to the police station to give a medical statement. It ended up putting the boyfriend behind bars, because of the narrator’s first hunger for revenge and anger, for Celia’s boyfriend. Six weeks later he found out that Celia actually died from meningitis and not a beating from her boyfriend. When he realized that he could have saved her with a single shot of penicillin, he tried unsuccessfully to withdraw his police statement to save the innocent boyfriend too. When he returned from Africa, he retrained as a psychiatrist with the goal never to witness another death. One day, meeting an African nurse, he was suddenly overwhelmed by his distant memories about Africa. He felt it was like opening an overhead locker, he was not aware that so much would fall out of him, that he would be so open. He ends the story with this phrase: “Beginnings start like this, with insignificant gestures”.

This telling is written in a first-person perspective. The narrator is non-omniscient and tells the story in past tense. The story is told almost as one big flashback, and also the “present” time where he is a psychiatrist.

Characterization of the narrator: we do not receive much specific information on the narrator. He is in the story a psychiatrist, and we are being told about his time in Africa as a health officer. You get the feeling that he is a very honest man, and that he would not hurt the slightest thing.
The relationship between the narrator and Celia: the relationship between the two is good, and completely on the professional level, as there is no contact or interaction with each other, other than when they draw together in the evening or when she helps around the house. It seems as though they interact with humour, smiles and body language so they get a small, but good understanding for each other, and therefore creates these feelings and this good, true and real relationship. The narrator reveals these feelings and care for Celia, when she is hurt, first assumed by a beating from her boyfriend, which turns out to be incorrect.
The narrator’s error of judgement: when Celia is injured, what they all first think is by a beating of her boyfriend, the narrator feels anger and hunger for revenge for the first time as he says. He lets his emotions come to show, and therefore he reacts with them. It ends up with the narrator telling the police inspector exactly what he wants, that the boyfriend should be locked away forever because of his attack on Celia, which ends up being a bad call. Because the boyfriend had not done anything, it turns out that Celia died of meningitis.
The significance of time and place: in this story the significance of time and place have not been illustrated as a big importance. At times you have no idea of where you are. Are you in Africa? Are you in his home country? What year is it? There are a lot of questions that comes through your head, as you read. In my head there had been a lot, and therefore there has been a lot of confusion and misunderstanding of the text at first.

By Mads Staal 2.b Vestjysk Gymnasium Tarm

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