Premium Essay

Instilling New Leadership Behaviours in an Organization


Submitted By trestleworks
Words 1079
Pages 5
Instilling New Leadership Behaviours in the Organization
Once an organization has gone through a traumatic “rightsizing” a leader must instill new behaviours and work with the survivors to rebuild the culture (or work with them to form a new one) and help make the “change” a smooth and positive process. Restructuring and other events are making leaders look to new ways to guide their companies through and emerge, with hard work and in time, a strong confident company.

Leading Change
How does a leader get trust back? How do they lead the change and make it a permanent fix? Dr. John Kotter contends that there are 8-steps for a leader to implement to facilitate leading a change and help the employees and organization succeed through a transition. (Kotter, ND). The stages are: establish a sense of urgency, form a powerful guiding coalition, develop a compelling vision and strategy, communicate the vision widely, empower employees to act on the vision, generate short-term wins, keep the urgency; tackle bigger problems, make the changes stick. As Alan Mulally wisely demonstrated, (as reviewed in the New Behaviours section above) with Ford Motor Company, he was able to get employee buy-in on a new vision, support them and nurture an optimistic culture. This change was successful because of the adherence to these steps and not rushing but guiding the workers through each step carefully and deftly.
Further helping a leader to lead this change is open channel of communication with the followers and getting participation and follower involvement.
Communication is the easiest way to make sense of a situation and reduce the uncertainty that followers are feeling. This is a traumatic and chaotic time and the leader can help elevate that by keeping the lines of communication open. Talking to the followers, face-to-face is best, will make them feel important and worthy of

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