...Developing Personal Style of Counseling Abstract Counseling is a profession, a unique relationship in which the counselor’s job is to hold a ‘mirror’ for the client to see himself or herself. The counselor understands that sometimes it takes a while for the client to see what he or she needs especially if there are more subtle things needing recognition. The counselor knows how to hold the ‘mirror’ in such a way that the client can see himself or herself from a caring, supportive and sympathetic perspective. Sometimes counselors may appear to be repeating what the client says or paraphrasing the clients rather than giving answers. When counselors are doing this there is a strategy behind it. Counseling is not about expect fixing problematic people, they just motivate people to pick up the broken pieces in their behaviors that need attention. Because counselors have a lot of experience witnessing human beings in various forms of life challenges, they use techniques or share observations that are more revealing than what friends or family members might say. With these revelations, clients make decisions and with the support of the counselor, clients take action towards positive growth in their lives. This paper is an expression of my current thinking regarding a theoretical approach of individual counseling. The counselor’s approach is unique based on his or her personal belief systems and values. I have adopted and integrated counseling approach to understanding the...
Words: 4419 - Pages: 18
...Throughout the course, I have read and researched the different types of therapy approaches on counseling. I know from my bachelors work and now that I do not feel like I connect with just one therapeutic approach. I like many different theoretical models and found myself wanting to develop an integrated therapy approach using bits and pieces from multiple therapies to create my own form of counseling. I feel that an integrated approach would best suit me as a counselor and an individual. Developing the appropriate counseling type is all dependent on the counselor's worldviews as well as those of the clients. Since I do not connect with just one theory of counseling, my worldview is very integrated. As a future mental health counselor, it is important for me to be aware of the different theoretical approaches and what best fits with me. The best way to...
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...Crabb PACO 507 Theology and Spirituality Counseling Susie N. McCoy Liberty University Dr. Max Mills Spring 2014 Comparison of Larry Crabb’s Book Effective Biblical Counseling This comparison paper will briefly evaluate Larry Crabb’s (1977) reflection, responses, and summary given in his book Effective Biblical Counseling: A Model for Helping Caring Christians Become Capable Counselors, Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. This comparison will reflect on Crabb’s (1977) four approaches to integrating the Bible and counseling, and his three levels of counseling models that can be integrated into the functioning of a local church. This study will explore that one must be a caring Christian in order to become a capable counselor and that any approach to counseling that is Biblical base will be successful among a body of believers in a local church setting. Crabb (1977) stated that since effective counseling requires both a caring attitude and an understanding heart of Christian love of human functioning, than the mature believers in the local churches need to be train in counseling insights and skills (p. 14). Summary: Crabb’s Theory/Methodology In his book Crabb (1977) offered three levels of counseling to be used in the local church. The first one that should be implemented is educating the believers of the local church with the strategies and method of biblical counseling. His second level is exhortation in counseling. He defined exhortation as the requirement...
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...Help You in Choosing a Therapy Orientation What are some guidelines for constructing an integrative theory of counseling and psychotherapy? First, you should be able to have a working knowledge of the particular theories from which you will draw and a basic description of why each theory is important and relevant to you as a mental health counselor or therapist. It helps to write out your own integrated approach to counseling. You should demonstrate a balance between your knowledge of the particular theories from which you select and a genuine description of why each theory is important and relevant to you as a clinician or therapist. It is important that you examine in depth your reasons for choosing each theory. The following questions are designed to help you think about the core counseling theory that you are initially adopting YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF PSYCHOTHERAPY THEORIES 1. What are four basic concepts from the theory you are adopting as your core or base theory? 2. What constitutes a problem in your core counseling theory? 3. What are the goals of counseling for the theoretical approach you have chosen? 4. Who establishes the goals in counseling? 5. What is the nature of the relationship between you and the client? 6. What competencies must you have to carry out your role as therapist/counselor? 7. What are the responsibilities of clients during counseling? What is expected of clients? 8. What can the client expect from the therapist—from you? 9. What is your...
Words: 707 - Pages: 3
.....I WOULD USE IT AS A GUIDE, A LAUNCHING POINT....SOMETHING YOU COULD PARAPHRASE OR BORROW SOME IDEAS... Personal Theory of Counseling or Psychotherapy Personal Theory of Counseling or Psychotherapy Personal Theory of Counseling of Counseling or Psychotherapy Introduction This application paper will discuss my personal theory of counseling or psychotherapy in a number of different areas. Specifically, I will discuss the seven areas of interest. First, I will discuss and describe my basic view of human nature, Second, I will determine key factors that account for changes in behavior. Third, I will describe the nature of the therapist client relationship and its importance. Fourth, I will describe key functions and role of the therapist. Fifth, I will discuss the goals of therapy. Sixth, I will determine the techniques and theories of my approach. Seventh, I will discuss specific client issues best suited for my approach. (Walden University, 2012). In this paper I plan to describe and explain my own personal model for counseling. My personal model of counseling uses Gestalt Therapy, Person Centered Therapy, Existential Therapy and Adlerian Therapy which I think complement one another well My Basic View of Human Nature My basic view of human nature is a combination of Person -Centered, Gestalt and Existential theories of counseling (Corey, 2013a). I believe that we are all searching for what it means to be human. I also believe that people are both the product...
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...Structural Approach to Family Counseling Beverly Manning COUN 601 – Marriage and Family Counseling I Liberty University July 5, 2013 ABST RACT Families are always growing and changing. They are considered living systems made up of many components. If families can’t adjust to change, the capability of the family and its individual members can be compromised. Structural family therapy (SFT) is a therapeutic approach that identifies that families have a lot of strengths. SFT tries to push families past dysfunctional patterns of interaction. This report details the application of the structural family therapy model, and I will specify my own therapeutic technique and explain how I would include faith into my counseling sessions. Structural Approach to Family Counseling One of the most important goals of a therapist is to understand how a family works. The family therapy movement has had the daunting task of trying to uncover the many facets of the family. Family therapy is full of many different approaches from psychoanalysis to the narrative approach. Each approach has been able to uncover a new aspect of the family. According to Nicholas (1999), the structural family therapy has had a significant impact on family therapy by introducing concepts of family hierarchy and boundaries. This allowed for the introduction to the idea of family as a new and organized strategy to cope...
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...Counseling is not a one size fits all kind of technique. What may work for one individual may not work for another if a change is the expected outcome. So, the primary purpose of this paper is to discuss in detail how the integration of biblical truth in accepted secular counseling technique works to help clients obtain both an inner and outer serenity. Even though, the technique used in professional counseling differs from the technique used in lay Christian counseling. Together they provide the necessary skills to help those that they counsel filter through their problems to find peace. Support for Professional Counseling While, professional counseling is more secular in structure mainly because it uses a psychotherapy method as a way to...
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...Applying an Integrated Approach to a Case Example: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Person Centered Therapy Applying an Intergraded Approach to a Case Example: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Person Centered Therapy Theory plays an important role in the process and outcome of therapy. For this reason, it is a topic that is examined in depth in human service education programs and research. Theory is used to explain client problems and to dictate what is done in the counseling process (Hackney, 1992). Theory can be used to define “the nature of the relationship between the counselor and client, to conceptualize the nature of the presenting problem(s), and to define the resulting counseling goals or desired outcomes” (p.2). In the past, much focus has been paid on delineating and accentuating the differences between the many theories of therapy (Sprenkle, 2003, p. 93). Today, there is a move towards convergence of theories within the helping practices (Hackney, 1992, p. 3; Sprenkle, 2003). Researchers and practitioners are searching for an integrated approach which emphasizes the key components within the helping process and relationship that have been linked to effective therapy (Hackney, 1992, p.2). Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and Person-Centered Therapy (PCT) have been shown to bring about positive changes in therapy. CBT and PCT, like all single-theory approaches, have limitations. Literature suggests that...
Words: 4676 - Pages: 19
...an evaluation of two supervision models for mental health. The benefits of a supervisor and a supervisee are narrated during the training process and once the training process is completed. The ethical importance of clinical supervision is defined and supported in the draft. Consultation and advocacy are both defined for the field of counseling as well as compared and contrasted for the mental health specialization. One can relate the role of advocacy and consultation as she becomes a professional counselor within mental health. Institutional and social barriers that might impede or hinder the access and equity of success for ones clients is also discussed. In addition, strategies are deliberated that one can utilize in their work to address multicultural issues and advocate for diverse populations. Lastly, one develops a hypothetical example of consultation for a couple. Clinical Supervision According to Milne and Oliver (2000), “clinical supervision is central to initial professional training and to continuing professional development, taking up a significant proportion of mental health professionals’ time” (p. 291). An integrated approach to supervision has been developed by combining the developmental model of Littrell, Lee-Borden, and Lorenz (1979) and Bernard's (1979, 1997) discrimination model. Littrell et al. (1979), developmental model describes how supervisors foster change and increase responsibility in supervisees over the course of four sequential stages. Nelson...
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...Abstract This paper provides an overview of ‘discipleship counseling,’ a philosophy of counseling articulated by Neil T. Anderson in his 2003 book of the same name. In the field of Christian Counseling there is a need for mixing secular psychiatric science and theological teaching. The first point addresses in Dr Neil T. Anderson book is that Christians are hurting for their lack of understanding of who they are in Christ. In the second point in this paper addresses the organizational structure of discipleship counseling that must be met. Finally barriers the counselee must overcome to experience true freedom, which is only found in Christ. Introduction Religion and psychology have often been viewed as incompatible. However, Christian counseling attempts to integrate the two in a meaningful fashion, so that clients are healed from their personal traumas while they become spiritually reborn in their connection to Christ. According to Dr. Neil T. Anderson's (2003) Discipleship counseling, God is the unspoken presence within every counseling relationship. The counselor does not have to consciously and constantly invoke God, and may choose not to do so because of the immediate needs or personality of the patient. But the sense that there is a higher power that is bigger than the self is always present. The therapist must realize that he or she is not God and do the work of the creator; he is merely a facilitator...
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...Family Counseling Approach: Structural Model Jennifer Tankard Liberty University Abstract Structural family therapist takes an approach to therapy that seeks to help the entire family rather than looking at the family member that has a presenting problem. Healthy families have a healthy balance within the family subset when clearly defined roles are present. Structural family therapy was developed by Salvador Minuchin and a team of researchers from New York. The techniques of the theory are centered on creating a healthy relationship among family members. Structural family therapist looks at creating a healthy partnership with each member of the family to help the family find a solution to their problem. Structural family therapy can be integrated with a biblical worldview. Counseling from a Christian perspective will help families understand God’s design for the family, and understand the role of each member as stated in scripture. Christian counselors using an integrative approach to structural therapy will be able to help families see the biblical roles that God has set for the husband/father, wife/mother and the children/siblings to develop a functional family. Keywords: Theory, intervention, psychosomatic, integration, structural therapy, dysfunction, family. Part I Introduction Everyone has a family. Each family is different in how the system functions. A family is defined in many different ways. Some consist of the traditional definition of father, mother...
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...Integrated Christian” counseling, whether people call it that or not, is also commonly found. These are good Christian people who have taken their secular degrees and training and “integrated” them with Scripture and prayer as they apply them to counseling hurting people. Many of them are very well intentioned and believe they are providing “the best of both worlds”, but they are NOT providing real, authentic Biblical counseling. They, in essence, try to “smush together” Scripture and secular psychology to help people. They try, but as we will see momentarily, (by definition) they cannot succeed. The third is authentic Biblical counseling, which relies exclusively upon the Truth and Power of God’s Word for counseling human problems as guided by God’s Holy Spirit in the Counselor’s office. As you can see, these three categories can really be reduced to only two: secular psychotherapy vs. Biblical counseling. Having “worked both sides of the street” for long periods of time, I have come to appreciate the profoundness and clarity of the differences between these two approaches to counseling hurting people. It comes down to two distinct and very important differences that separate them: 1) the source of “wisdom” for the counseling provided; 2) the respective target of counseling. The first difference really boils down to counseling provided according to “man’s best ideas on how things work” vs. “God’s best ideas on how things work”. I don’t know...
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...Crabb and Secular Counseling: A Comparison/Contrast Paper Gerald Williamson Liberty University Crabb and Secular Counseling: A Comparison/Contrast Paper Dr. Larry Crabb is an award winning biblical counselor who happens to author a book entitled Effective Biblical Counseling. In this book, Dr. Crabb presents important points and guidelines that other counselors like him can do in order to provide advice and aide to persons who need them the most. The books contains model of counseling, which is also integrated to the church. Placing the importance of God in his model, Dr. Crabb is a firm believer that God has granted the church to be its instrument in providing support to people who are experiencing pain and tribulations. In this paper, we particularly compare and contrast Dr. Crabb’s ideas with that of scientific studies assigned for the class. More specifically, we point intersecting points there are in the areas of Christian Counseling and developing a counseling program that could be aligned with the church and religious experience. This paper also includes discussion on the similarities and differences there are on the basic concepts and strategies of Dr. Crabb and other authors from the secular counseling community. In conclusion, we note how Dr. Crabb’s Effective Biblical Counseling contains important points that are similar to the scientific studies relative to the importance of religious elements in mental health therapy as well as training counselors in order...
Words: 1819 - Pages: 8
...Interoperability Teresa Wadsworth BSHS375 10/01/15 Michele Dougherty Interoperability In this paper I will be identifying a type of human services organization, describing three models of interoperability and how it can be integrated with the organization, and then a backup plan should technology fail. The Human services organization that I have chosen is Community Intervention Associates. They are a local for profit Behavioral Health organization. They provide services to the low income and homeless populations with mental illnesses. Some examples of the services that they offer are Individual & Family Services such as counseling and groups. Psychiatric Health for those in need of medications to help with a diagnosed mental illness that cannot be treated with just counseling or groups alone. A 24hr Crisis Center that is staffed by certified Behavioral Health techs and is utilized adults that are in need of immediate support and encouragement or to get in to a higher level of care. Integrated Health Services is a service that is also provided. Agencies are acknowledging interoperability as a winning strategy for handling low budgets and high demand for quality health care and human services. Interoperability is generally more popular among agencies that mandate it than those who get stuck with the actual implementation. It demands planning, implementation, effort and problem-solving. This is not only to put data sharing technology in place, but also to...
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...Nutrition I have always had a strong desire to help others. Nutrition has always fascinated me. I constantly look for updated information on our health and nutrition, but I haven’t had the opportunity to consult with anyone in my field, until I met Renita Dastrup. The interview gave me a great outlook on nutrition. As a result of the interview I found out that I want to study the physiological approach to nutrition rather than the Chemistry aspect. After a few days of playing phone tag, I contacted Dastrup. She gladly accepted the opportunity to let me interview her. I was able to meet with her, it was late afternoon. A slight breeze blew and the heavy clouds moved slowly resulting in brief moments of piercing sunlight. We agreed to meet outside the clubhouse of my apartment building. She is a blonde-haired blue eyed lady, she has and athletic build. As she looked in my direction, her eyes lit up, and the corners of her mouth displayed her smile, it beamed like a perfect pearl necklace. The dimples in her cheeks appeared as her whole face showed amusement upon meeting me. Dastrup a mother of two, worked as a Real Estate and Mortgage Broker for over eighteen years. She enjoyed her job, but she wasn’t where she wanted to be. Her choice to go back to school at the age of thirty eight was very difficult. When she decided to go back to school, she quit her job so she could pursue her passion. She has always been interested in nutrition, but she never thought she would have...
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