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Integrating Critical Thinking

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The best way to integrate critical thinking into the education system is by educating the teachers on the proper ways to teach critically. To teach critically, teachers will learn how break processes of a subject down and encourage students to find and use the processes that help them understand the situation they are faced with. When the process of a subject is broken down, it makes it easier to understand, because each step can be seen individually and further explained. If teachers are trained to know how to teach critical thinking it will be an easy transition, because it will not disrupt the student’s learning. The teachers will just apply the new training into what they already teach. Adding the training to make sure it would apply to all schools will be a process, but it will be worth it to make sure all students get the same education. Students should be taught to the best of their ability and teaching them to memorize is holding …show more content…
It will allow students to be more in tune with what is going on around them. Students will be able to know the processes behind the data that they usually memorize. This will encourage students to think critically outside of school. They will also be able to participate in the democracy while knowing the civics behind it. Integrating critical thinking into the teaching of grade schools will be a cheap, and effective fix. Knowing about civics and having critical thinking skills will help students when they enter the workforce, and they will take the things they have learned and put them to use. If students are taught to think critically throughout their educational career, it will come naturally to them later in life, and they will be able to think beyond the concrete answers to figure things out. In order to evolve and create new things there needs to be people who can think outside of the box and not just rely on the obvious

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