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Personal Narrative: Drill Design

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Being a music educator, I established myself in the marching arts and many activities associated with that genre. Some of my greatest manifestations of critical thinking came into existence through my experiences as a drill designer and musical arranger for marching bands and winter drumline. Drill design is the movement that happens while a musical performance is taking place. Musical arranging is the actual notes that are put together to create what an audience member hears.
My best example in critical thinking that I can provide is when I was instructing the Hasting High School Marching Band. We were an up and coming ensemble, going through a bit of growth. While our winds and color guard membership was strong, we were lacking in the …show more content…
There were many variables that had to be considered. In a liquid moving picture, did it make sense to have 3 to 8 people appear in the picture? Was is musical; did it make logical transition in and out of the picture. Did the audio match the visual. By weighing all the necessary ideas finding a solution that fit our situation, I was able to maintain a level of excellence and help produce a quality production that was met with high regard. Professional adjudicators commended us on our creative use of a small section, and the overall student experience was unique and challenging to those involved. This was an innovative idea that had not been done before. It would also serve me in another school where the band was just forming and a similar issue was …show more content…
The critical thinking aspects of both are perplexing to an untrained eye or ear. Without understanding how an instrument works, how it is carried, or how to move with it, the end result would be nothing more that a visual blob mass. Not understanding harmonization and chord structure and phrasing would have the musical interest of white noise. As a designer and arranger, I was required to customize a plan for each section or Musical piece, that made sure the visual movement match with the musical intensity being

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